OT: The End of TV Teddy?

if a player showed up a ref like like that, they would likely be T'd up (as seen in yesterday's game, it only takes a glance with no words)

TV has frequently made himself the show rather than the game. maybe he is finally realizing one thing correctly now, retirement.
"Valentine told The Athletic he turned his back to de-escalate the situation, a technique he said he has learned in conflict resolution classes."

Ted must have taken a different class than I did....
Thanks for the tip, TV Ted! I will try this ingenious back-turning technique the next time I have an argument with my wife. I will let you know how it works out!
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"Valentine told The Athletic he turned his back to de-escalate the situation, a technique he said he has learned in conflict resolution classes."

Ted must have taken a different class than I did....

The question to me is why is he in a situation of conflict. The fact that he took that class tells me that he was in many situations of conflict. And the percentages say that it takes two people to have a situation of conflict. I would say he earned most of it just by being the way he is. Taking a class or two isn't going to change that.
The question to me is why is he in a situation of conflict. The fact that he took that class tells me that he was in many situations of conflict. And the percentages say that it takes two people to have a situation of conflict. I would say he earned most of it just by being the way he is. Taking a class or two isn't going to change that.
Sorry, but when the kid put the ball on the floor, he should have been thrown the T-Bone. Ref showed remarkable restraint, and the kid showed him up. Who is in charge here?
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Sorry, but when the kid put the ball on the floor, he should have been thrown the T-Bone. Ref showed remarkable restraint, and the kid showed him up. Who is in charge here?
Sorry, but when the kid put the ball on the floor, he should have been thrown the T-Bone. Ref showed remarkable restraint, and the kid showed him up. Who is in charge here?
I thought about that, too. In a normal situation, a technical would have been deserved. I assume TV Ted may have realized that his actions, rather than resolving the "conflict", caused it. In this case,T-ing the kid up would have compounded the problem and brought even more negative attention for him.
He is kind of a wired dude. Who knows what goes through his mind. I wish he would go. Never much liked the way he has called games.
TV Ted Valentine (NCAAB) and Country Joe West (MLB). If you are a ref/ump and you have a commonly known nickname, you're probably inserting yourself into the game more than you should.
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The only time I ever liked Ted was when he worked games in Bloomington...remember the game Knight went out of his way to walk past him at the half ? If looks could have killed that night...
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I thought about that, too. In a normal situation, a technical would have been deserved. I assume TV Ted may have realized that his actions, rather than resolving the "conflict", caused it. In this case,T-ing the kid up would have compounded the problem and brought even more negative attention for him.
As a license official myself not at his level though but I can tell you as a referee you obviously have to have thick skin to deal with all you gotta deal with but if you watch no matter the level of basketball whether middle school, HS, college or the pros players coaches complain about everything a lot of the time and from a referee stand point it’s get to be a bit much. In that instance no Ref saw what happen when berry got grabbed so he went to explain that to Ref who did not see what happen and game was close he had given Berry a Tech than NC would have went nuts. He could have put his hand up to warn him yes but I’m that moment he probably had had enough because I can assure you he was already during the game being heckled or ask questions all game and he had enough turned is back to avoid confrontation whether some agree or not he did what he thought was the best situation to diffuse a situation in a game that was close and probably didn’t want to give him a tech. We as officials don’t have to give warnings at all to give out technical fouls we try to avoid that and talk to players and coaches. Just my 2 cents
As a license official myself not at his level though but I can tell you as a referee you obviously have to have thick skin to deal with all you gotta deal with but if you watch no matter the level of basketball whether middle school, HS, college or the pros players coaches complain about everything a lot of the time and from a referee stand point it’s get to be a bit much. In that instance no Ref saw what happen when berry got grabbed so he went to explain that to Ref who did not see what happen and game was close he had given Berry a Tech than NC would have went nuts. He could have put his hand up to warn him yes but I’m that moment he probably had had enough because I can assure you he was already during the game being heckled or ask questions all game and he had enough turned is back to avoid confrontation whether some agree or not he did what he thought was the best situation to diffuse a situation in a game that was close and probably didn’t want to give him a tech. We as officials don’t have to give warnings at all to give out technical fouls we try to avoid that and talk to players and coaches. Just my 2 cents
I have to agree with you wholeheartedly, Treed. I only understand Officiating through a sibling who does it, and through him I realize 99 and 44/100th% of refs/umps are thorough professionals who want nothing to do with the outcome of a game. They are humans who make errors, but who else gets their work performance evaluated with screams and insults as they are performing???? Even politicians and actors wait until afterward to read of their abuse! Imagine trying to concentrate on your job (OFFICIATING, for pete's sake!) and being verbally accosted---let's face it---by a Knight, Digger, an Izzo, or even, let's face it, a Keady on a moment-to-moment basis! I DO feel it is appropriate if a ref has thrown one T-Bone, to walk away from the coach, in an attempt to diffuse the situation and NOT warrant a 2nd Tech/ejection.
As a fan, I am far from perfect, but I have learned to not dog the refs, as they are doing their job to their honest best.