OT: Purdue University Global


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2006
...Just saw a recruiting ad for it on ESPN this morning....Just caught me off guard. But was impressed.
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Purdue recently bought out some small online college. They are using the software they developed to become an online university much like Maryland and Phoenix University. I'm not sure if it cheapens the image of Purdue. But it definitely expands their coverage.
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Purdue recently bought out some small online college. They are using the software they developed to become an online university much like Maryland and Phoenix University. I'm not sure if it cheapens the image of Purdue. But it definitely expands their coverage.
...Just saw a recruiting ad for it on ESPN this morning....Just caught me off guard. But was impressed.

Purdue bought an online university - Kaplan. It's the equivalent of University of Phoenix.

They are outsourcing Purdue's name, but does not utilize the same academic standards as Purdue University. So they're getting a degree that says "Purdue", with the standards of any other online university. They are two separate entities though. They are not applying to Purdue, or graduating from Purdue.

I don't know how you can in any way say it does anything but cheapens your degree.

P.S. They'll still call themselves Purdue grads. The Purdue Alumni Association now includes all Kaplan University alums that were enrolled prior to it becoming "Purdue Global". And Purdue Global alums will also be a part of it - even though they are not applying to Purdue, or actually graduating from Purdue.
Purdue bought an online university - Kaplan. It's the equivalent of University of Phoenix.

They are outsourcing Purdue's name, but does not utilize the same academic standards as Purdue University. So they're getting a degree that says "Purdue", with the standards of any other online university. They are two separate entities though.

I don't know how you can in any way say it does anything but cheapens your degree.

P.S. The Purdue Alumni Association now includes all Kaplan University alums that were enrolled prior to it becoming "Purdue Global". And Purdue Global alums will also be a part of it - even though they are not applying to Purdue, or actually graduating from Purdue. It's two separate entities.
Will there be a distinction on transcripts and/or the diplomas? Will those who attended classes at the West Lafayette campus be distinguishable from online obtained degrees? Not sure how I feel about the possible public perception of a cheapened degree from the main campus, but at least it would be nice for hiring managers to be able to tell.
Will there be a distinction on transcripts and/or the diplomas? Will those who attended classes at the West Lafayette campus be distinguishable from online obtained degrees? Not sure how I feel about the possible public perception of a cheapened degree from the main campus, but at least it would be nice for hiring managers to be able to tell.

Purdue Global is completely separate from Purdue - West Lafayette. A degree says "Purdue University Global".

However, the marketing is obviously using Purdue's name to give the impression it's a Purdue degree - there's a massive marketing budget and Kaplan is still running Purdue Global - so it's Kaplan University using Purdue's name. It's Kaplan University staff/teachers. The admission standards are not changing, the classes are not held to the same academic standards, etc. - Purdue faculty have 0 say in the academic standards. Purdue Global's website flat out says the name was chosen to indicate the "rigor" of the school - but its standards are no different than it was Kaplan.

So again, people can go get a "Purdue" degree and say they are Purdue alums, but it's not the same thing.

Many schools offer online degree programs - the difference is they have the same academic standards. A Xavier EMBA has Xavier University academic standards, admissions, etc. - and their degree says Xavier University.

So yes, the degree says something different - but they are clearly marketing "Purdue Global" as basically the online version of Purdue University. It's simply not the case. Kaplan University had a 23% graduation rate - the same as Ivy Tech.

From Purdue Global's website: Kaplan University and Purdue Global graduates are invited to join Purdue's Alumni Association, which provides you with more opportunities to expand your professional networks.

It cheapens the brand Purdue has.
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Purdue bought an online university - Kaplan. It's the equivalent of University of Phoenix.

They are outsourcing Purdue's name, but does not utilize the same academic standards as Purdue University. So they're getting a degree that says "Purdue", with the standards of any other online university. They are two separate entities though. They are not applying to Purdue, or graduating from Purdue.

I don't know how you can in any way say it does anything but cheapens your degree.

P.S. They'll still call themselves Purdue grads. The Purdue Alumni Association now includes all Kaplan University alums that were enrolled prior to it becoming "Purdue Global". And Purdue Global alums will also be a part of it - even though they are not applying to Purdue, or actually graduating from Purdue.

It is the future.
Purdue will always be, but brick and mortar generally not nearly as much.
Smart move on the whole.
Purdue Global is completely separate from Purdue - West Lafayette. A degree says "Purdue University Global".

However, the marketing is obviously using Purdue's name to give the impression it's a Purdue degree - there's a massive marketing budget and Kaplan is still running Purdue Global - so it's Kaplan University using Purdue's name. It's Kaplan University staff/teachers. The admission standards are not changing, the classes are not held to the same academic standards, etc. - Purdue faculty have 0 say in the academic standards. Purdue Global's website flat out says the name was chosen to indicate the "rigor" of the school - but its standards are no different than it was Kaplan.

So again, people can go get a "Purdue" degree and say they are Purdue alums, but it's not the same thing.

Many schools offer online degree programs - the difference is they have the same academic standards. A Xavier EMBA has Xavier University academic standards, admissions, etc. - and their degree says Xavier University.

So yes, the degree says something different - but they are clearly marketing "Purdue Global" as basically the online version of Purdue University. It's simply not the case. Kaplan University had a 23% graduation rate - the same as Ivy Tech.

From Purdue Global's website: Kaplan University and Purdue Global graduates are invited to join Purdue's Alumni Association, which provides you with more opportunities to expand your professional networks.

It cheapens the brand Purdue has.
The Alum assoc is no different than the JPC. If you give them $$$ they'll welcome you with open arms until your $$$ runs out.
It is the future.
Purdue will always be, but brick and mortar generally not nearly as much.
Smart move on the whole.

Read my second post - it's still masquerading a for-profit university with low academic standards under Purdue's name.

There's plenty of universities that have online degree program - I mentioned a specific example. But the difference is those online degree programs are ACTUAL degrees from those universities.

Purdue Global implies it's an online degree from what people perceive as Purdue University's main campus. The original poster seemed to have that impression - it's an online degree program that Purdue offers.

That is NOT what this is. You are not applying to Purdue, you are not having Purdue hired professors, you are not taking Purdue accredited classes. It's Kaplan University slapping the Purdue name on it to make it seem better than it is.

If Purdue wanted to expand and offer online offerings EMBAs, etc. - great, I'm all for it. But at least they'd be the same academic quality.

Going and buying an online school with a 23% graduation rate and not implementing your own academic standards is not the way to do that in my opinion.
The Alum assoc is no different than the JPC. If you give them $$$ they'll welcome you with open arms until your $$$ runs out.

Yes, I know this. But you understand what I'm talking's not remotely a Purdue degree these people are earning. It's a Kaplan degree using Purdue's name.

I think it's funny to see people talk about how we can't get recruits because we have such lofty academic standards and how hard Purdue is, then they go and defend Purdue operating the equivalent of University of Phoenix and slapping Purdue's name on the degree. It's a joke.
The Alum assoc is no different than the JPC. If you give them $$$ they'll welcome you with open arms until your $$$ runs out.
Exactly. And I don’t buy the whole idea that my degree is somehow cheapened by it. If it truly was, our academic rankings - which factor reputation-would’ve suffered as a result. And the exact opposite has been true.
Read my second post - it's still masquerading a for-profit university with low academic standards under Purdue's name.

There's plenty of universities that have online degree program - I mentioned a specific example. But the difference is those online degree programs are ACTUAL degrees from those universities.

Purdue Global implies it's an online degree from what people perceive as Purdue University's main campus. The original poster seemed to have that impression - it's an online degree program that Purdue offers.

That is NOT what this is. You are not applying to Purdue, you are not having Purdue hired professors, you are not taking Purdue accredited classes. It's Kaplan University slapping the Purdue name on it to make it seem better than it is.

If Purdue wanted to expand and offer online offerings EMBAs, etc. - great, I'm all for it. But at least they'd be the same academic quality.

Going and buying an online school with a 23% graduation rate and not implementing your own academic standards is not the way to do that in my opinion.

Two things:
This will be an evolutionary process
Having a profit generating enterprise can/will further strengthen Purdue University.

They added the Global to make a distinction between the two entities.
I’m not saying that it’s perfect but it very well may wind up being very clever.
Purdue bought an online university - Kaplan. It's the equivalent of University of Phoenix.

They are outsourcing Purdue's name, but does not utilize the same academic standards as Purdue University. So they're getting a degree that says "Purdue", with the standards of any other online university. They are two separate entities though. They are not applying to Purdue, or graduating from Purdue.

I don't know how you can in any way say it does anything but cheapens your degree.

P.S. They'll still call themselves Purdue grads. The Purdue Alumni Association now includes all Kaplan University alums that were enrolled prior to it becoming "Purdue Global". And Purdue Global alums will also be a part of it - even though they are not applying to Purdue, or actually graduating from Purdue.

Totally aware of what it is....Just caught me off guard seeing the ad...Actually have seen it 3 times today already on the ESPN networks...
Two things:
This will be an evolutionary process
Having a profit generating enterprise can/will further strengthen Purdue University.

They added the Global to make a distinction between the two entities.
I’m not saying that it’s perfect but it very well may wind up being very clever.
It’s nothing if not audacious. Daniels is pretty much batting a 1.000 so far. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one. If I truly thought my diploma was going to suffer, I’d be up in arms. But it hasn’t.
Exactly. And I don’t buy the whole idea that my degree is somehow cheapened by it. If it truly was, our academic rankings - which factor reputation-would’ve suffered as a result. And the exact opposite has been true.

Academic rankings based on facts are not the same as perception. US News rankings are not opinion based.

Purdue Global is Kaplan University with a 23% graduation rate -- Kaplan University admissions (not Purdue), Kaplan University staff/teachers (not Purdue), Kaplan University academic standards (not Purdue's), etc. - talk about an impressive addition to the Purdue brand. How does it possibly strengthen or maintain the same reputation when you add a 30k student online university with a 23% graduation rate? I'd love to hear your reasonings.
Totally aware of what it is....Just caught me off guard seeing the ad...Actually have seen it 3 times today already on the ESPN networks...

Yeah, places like Kaplan (cough Purdue Global), University of Phoenix, Ivy Tech, etc. advertise like crazy for a reason.
Academic rankings based on facts are not the same as perception. US News rankings are not opinion based.

Purdue Global is Kaplan University with a 23% graduation rate -- Kaplan University admissions (not Purdue), Kaplan University staff/teachers (not Purdue), Kaplan University academic standards (not Purdue's), etc. - talk about an impressive addition to the Purdue brand. How does it possibly strengthen or maintain the same reputation when you add a 30k student online university with a 23% graduation rate? I'd love to hear your reasonings.
US News Rankings are a complete joke and ignored by folks who know the value of them. AWRU is widely considered the gold standard for world wide academia and reputation is a component of the full score. And we continue to improve in that tally.

We haven’t added anything. You’ve said yourself it’s totally separate.

Frankly Purdue Pharma has probably been a bigger hit on our “brand” than anything.
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Academic rankings based on facts are not the same as perception. US News rankings are not opinion based.

Purdue Global is Kaplan University with a 23% graduation rate -- Kaplan University admissions (not Purdue), Kaplan University staff/teachers (not Purdue), Kaplan University academic standards (not Purdue's), etc. - talk about an impressive addition to the Purdue brand. How does it possibly strengthen or maintain the same reputation when you add a 30k student online university with a 23% graduation rate? I'd love to hear your reasonings.

From what I read prior to actually Purdue acquiring it there were plans to integrate OnCampus Instructors into the catalogue of classes as soon as practicable. I’m with Bulldog on this one...I don’t think either Daniels or the Board of Trustees would do anything they thought would lower Purdue’s academic standing either nationally or in the international community. I’m sure there will be a “learning curve”...All puns intended but have no reason to fault it yet. As a naval officer, we had many many sailors taking courses while overseas for decades....And with the internet the numbers really increased...especially shipboard. It’s really not that different from Corporations having online meetings to save travel $$$. Not that hard to interact with groups these days. A brave new world....
Yeah, places like Kaplan (cough Purdue Global), University of Phoenix, Ivy Tech, etc. advertise like crazy for a reason.

There are very legitimate online curriculum these days. Understand you are talking about the bottom dwellers but I thought the reason of buying Kaplan was to not reinvent the wheel on setting up the networks.....not their curriculum as is...forever.
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It’s nothing if not audacious. Daniels is pretty much batting a 1.000 so far. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one. If I truly thought my diploma was going to suffer, I’d be up in arms. But it hasn’t.

Well, glad to know you fall for the marketing gimmicks.

The frozen tuition, for example, it's a marketing gimmick.e Just like how Purdue Global is a marketing gimmick - it's Kaplan University using the Purdue name to make it seem like it's high quality education.

On tuition, the bottom line is that Purdue has not raised tuition, but is using revenue to cover the inflation to keep up the gimmick, while financial aid has lagged significantly behind our peers. Purdue is also admitting more students (including out of state) to increase revenues - over the past couple years, Purdue's admission rate has actually gotten worse.

So Purdue may not be increasing tuition, but at the same time our peers are offering much more lucrative financial aid packages. In the end, students will often go where they are offered the best overall financial offer. Purdue's yield of admitted students has actually gotten worse - in 2008, Purdue yielded 33% of the students it admitted. In 2018, the yield was 27%. More people are applying to Purdue, but fewer of the students that are admitted are coming to Purdue. Why? Because it's more than tuition that matters - it's the bottom line of how much it costs to attend.

If a tremendous student applies to Purdue and Michigan, and Michigan offers them nearly a full ride, but Purdue can only offer them 1/2 ride - plus a promise of frozen tuition for a year - that doesn't make up for that difference. The tuition is simply one piece of the puzzle.

Michigan offers over $1 billion in financial aid a year. Purdue offers $500 million - half the amount, same size school. Purdue's only been adding about $10-15 million a year to financial aid - nothing that will remotely close the gap as Michigan will only increase it too.

So while Purdue's using revenue to keep tuition stagnant, the financial aid is basically flat too. There's been plenty of people on this forum that have expressed that their children received significantly better financial packages from other schools.

Marketing is important - but it can't be something that just makes you look good for a while. Eventually, Purdue will have to raise tuition, it's basic economics of inflation. Or, it will simply use its revenue to keep tuition stagnant instead of significantly increasing financial aid. In the short term, the tuition freeze is great. In the long term, using your revenues to pay for annual budget shortfalls vs. financial aid will catch up to you.
Purdue's off site campuses have their own degrees also.
Ex Purdue North West diploma would say just that.
I imagine Purdue Global would also.
Some of the credits transfer to the main campus but certain classes have to be taken at the main campus to get your degree from Purdue University.
I know I took some summer classes at PNC (History, Econ and Psych)
They transferred towards my credits required for graduation.
There are very legitimate online curriculum these days. Understand you are talking about the bottom dwellers but I thought the reason of buying Kaplan was to not reinvent the wheel on setting up the networks.....not their curriculum as is...forever.

I really think Kaplan University with a 23% graduation rate will be instantly transformed into a Big Ten AAU level online degree program? Come on...

I invite you to look to see what's actually happening. It's still Kaplan University using the Purdue name - same teachers, staff, academic guidelines, etc. Part of the Higher Learning Commission accreditation process involves requiring there be a distinct difference between Purdue and Purdue Global brands - because the quality is not remotely the same!

Again, other universities offer online programs, but they are operated as part of their campus with the same quality. Such as.....

Purdue recently launched Purdue Online - online degree programs that actually have Purdue academic standards. It's not the same thing as Purdue Global! So if the quality of Purdue Global is so great, why does Purdue need a separate online degree program? Because the standards are not remotely the same.
Purdue's off site campuses have their own degrees also.
Ex Purdue North West diploma would say just that.
I imagine Purdue Global would also.
Some of the credits transfer to the main campus but certain classes have to be taken at the main campus to get your degree from Purdue University.
I know I took some summer classes at PNC (History, Econ and Psych)
They transferred towards my credits required for graduation.

You can take classes anywhere and transfer them if the academic offerings are the same.

From Purdue Global: "A degree from Purdue University Global is distinct from other schools within the Purdue University system."

It's not even the same level/standards as the non-WL campuses!
US News Rankings are a complete joke and ignored by folks who know the value of them. AWRU is widely considered the gold standard for world wide academia and reputation is a component of the full score. And we continue to improve in that tally.

We haven’t added anything. You’ve said yourself it’s totally separate.

Frankly Purdue Pharma has probably been a bigger hit on our “brand” than anything.

I was simply using US News as an example that rankings are not like College Basketball Top 25 rankings that are based on opinion. I don't care if you like this company's or that's company's rankings. That wasn't the point.

It's separate - but it's being marketed with the Purdue name. You think Jane Smith in Arizona sees that commercial and says oh, I'm sure this is not anything like the actual Purdue degree and is operated separately? Of course not. It's Kaplan using Purdue's name to try to drive paying customers instead of a crappy online university, even though it's still Kaplan..

I don't particularly care for that.
Well, glad to know you fall for the marketing gimmicks.

The frozen tuition, for example, it's a marketing gimmick.e Just like how Purdue Global is a marketing gimmick - it's Kaplan University using the Purdue name to make it seem like it's high quality education.

On tuition, the bottom line is that Purdue has not raised tuition, but is using revenue to cover the inflation to keep up the gimmick, while financial aid has lagged significantly behind our peers. Purdue is also admitting more students (including out of state) to increase revenues - over the past couple years, Purdue's admission rate has actually gotten worse.

So Purdue may not be increasing tuition, but at the same time our peers are offering much more lucrative financial aid packages. In the end, students will often go where they are offered the best overall financial offer. Purdue's yield of admitted students has actually gotten worse - in 2008, Purdue yielded 33% of the students it admitted. In 2018, the yield was 27%. More people are applying to Purdue, but fewer of the students that are admitted are coming to Purdue. Why? Because it's more than tuition that matters - it's the bottom line of how much it costs to attend.

If a tremendous student applies to Purdue and Michigan, and Michigan offers them nearly a full ride, but Purdue can only offer them 1/2 ride - plus a promise of frozen tuition for a year - that doesn't make up for that difference. The tuition is simply one piece of the puzzle.

Michigan offers over $1 billion in financial aid a year. Purdue offers $500 million - half the amount, same size school. Purdue's only been adding about $10-15 million a year to financial aid - nothing that will remotely close the gap as Michigan will only increase it too.

So while Purdue's using revenue to keep tuition stagnant, the financial aid is basically flat too. There's been plenty of people on this forum that have expressed that their children received significantly better financial packages from other schools.

Marketing is important - but it can't be something that just makes you look good for a while. Eventually, Purdue will have to raise tuition, it's basic economics of inflation. Or, it will simply use its revenue to keep tuition stagnant instead of significantly increasing financial aid. In the short term, the tuition freeze is great. In the long term, using your revenues to pay for annual budget shortfalls vs. financial aid will catch up to you.

As the father of one current student (with a second, an engineering student, enrolled for the fall semester), I can certainly attest the frozen tuition is absolutely not(!) a gimmick.

I've never monitored what our "peers" have done (however "peers" is defined), but based on my research (and experience) Purdue has rarely offered "lucrative financial aid packages". In fact, I've talked to other parents who have sent their kids to other B1G schools (as well as Purdue), and they've experienced the same frustration of limited financial aid.

Now... my first was offered a full ride to a MAC school vs limited scholarship/aid at Purdue, but the MAC is not something I think we want to emulate.
I really think Kaplan University with a 23% graduation rate will be instantly transformed into a Big Ten AAU level online degree program? Come on...

I invite you to look to see what's actually happening. It's still Kaplan University using the Purdue name - same teachers, staff, academic guidelines, etc. Part of the Higher Learning Commission accreditation process involves requiring there be a distinct difference between Purdue and Purdue Global brands - because the quality is not remotely the same!

Again, other universities offer online programs, but they are operated as part of their campus with the same quality. Such as.....

Purdue recently launched Purdue Online - online degree programs that actually have Purdue academic standards. It's not the same thing as Purdue Global! So if the quality of Purdue Global is so great, why does Purdue need a separate online degree program? Because the standards are not remotely the same. are the only one on this thread using the word “instantly”. Secondly. If there is a requirement for separate branding then goodness.....Why are your panties in such a bunch? My only point was I do not believe Daniels and BOT will do anything they think will hurt Purdue’s brand. I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that this was researched and the investment made with a plan in mind.
I had thought the original plan was to buy the software used by Kaplan and then use it to expand Purdue's current online program. That is how it was explained when it was first purchased.
I had thought the original plan was to buy the software used by Kaplan and then use it to expand Purdue's current online program. That is how it was explained when it was first purchased.

I would be curious to see where that was articulated.

The acquisition was initially billed as a way for a land-grant university to expand access to higher education.... for working adults to access non-traditional campus learning, as well as new online technology.

That's it.

Purdue is not an elitist brand. Does it have an elite image? Yes. Can that be maintained? Yes. Can we also expand the reach of ongoing, non-traditional learning? yes. Does that "cheapen" your degree? Oh .... h#ll no.
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Purdue's off site campuses have their own degrees also.
Ex Purdue North West diploma would say just that.
I imagine Purdue Global would also.
Some of the credits transfer to the main campus but certain classes have to be taken at the main campus to get your degree from Purdue University.
I know I took some summer classes at PNC (History, Econ and Psych)
They transferred towards my credits required for graduation.
Actually the diplomas of the regional campus are identical to ours. You have to look at where it was granted in the fine print. Is our brand damaged because someone from Purdue North Central walks around telling people they’re a Purdue grad? This past year Purdue attempted to change the IPFW degree to show more distinctly it was from FW and not the main campus and the students protested, staging a sit down in the chancelor’s office. Mitch relented.
It is the future.
Purdue will always be, but brick and mortar generally not nearly as much.
Smart move on the whole.
I agree. Mitch Daniels has a vision and you can be sure it doesn't end with another University of Phoenix. If you look at all of the new dorms, parking garages, and classrooms going up across the country, you have to wonder when the rest of the world will realize that all of these students don't need to be sitting in classrooms to learn their material. Labs are still necessary for gaining practical knowledge and hands-on experience. But traditional classrooms? Think about the millions of student loans paying for university housing, meals, and overhead to obtain liberal arts degrees.

I have a friend who invested heavily in K-Mart stock because he figured on-line shopping was a fad that would run its course. In his mind, most people would still want to hold the goods in their hands before making a purchase.
I was simply using US News as an example that rankings are not like College Basketball Top 25 rankings that are based on opinion. I don't care if you like this company's or that's company's rankings. That wasn't the point.

It's separate - but it's being marketed with the Purdue name. You think Jane Smith in Arizona sees that commercial and says oh, I'm sure this is not anything like the actual Purdue degree and is operated separately? Of course not. It's Kaplan using Purdue's name to try to drive paying customers instead of a crappy online university, even though it's still Kaplan..

I don't particularly care for that.
I get and respect you don’t care for it. I just see zero quantitative evidence it’s affecting the value of my degree.
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As the father of one current student (with a second, an engineering student, enrolled for the fall semester), I can certainly attest the frozen tuition is absolutely not(!) a gimmick.
I can't agree enough with this. Cordova was raising tuition as much as 10x the inflation rate when my oldest was attending Purdue. You never knew what it was going to be the next year, but you knew it was going up significantly. Now that my youngest is there, it is a real relief to know what tuition is going to be next year.

BTW, Purdue's reputation as an academic institution suffered under Cordova's tenure. She was a bad experiment.
In full disclosure - lbodel is a liberal who is very critical of Mitch because he’s a conservative. Mitch is loved by 99% of grads and students and Purdue has been wildly successful under his leadership. This drives leftists like lbodel crazy.
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In full disclosure - lbodel is a liberal who is very critical of Mitch because he’s a conservative. Mitch is loved by 99% of grads and students and Purdue has been wildly successful under his leadership. This drives leftists like lbodel crazy.
I think lbodel is a great poster. He’s always fact based and never dives into personal stuff. I couldn’t care less who he votes for.
I've heard of this university before and I think it's really one of the best. But I also heard that learning in it is not the easiest and therefore many have difficulty learning and doing homework. But thanks to services such as, everything becomes much easier, because professional writers from this service can help with homework and they will do it quickly and efficiently, which is very cool. That's why I like this university. And what do you think about him?
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