One Really Violent Day

It is fear. You’re nothing more than a scared old man who is willing to sit outside of a woman’s bathroom and intimidate people and demand to see their genitals. You just end up looking like a deranged creeper.
Ok Groomer.
I'm too busy so be checking out peoples genitals. But I also probably don't go too many places where trannies hang out either.
I also probably don't go too many places where trannies hang out either.
You'd be surprised.
  • Grocery stores
  • Movie theaters
  • Home Depot
  • The mall
  • Restaurants
  • Hospitals
  • Churches
  • Book stores
  • Walmart
  • Gas stations
  • Coffee shops
  • Flea markets
Transsexuals hang out at ALL of these places regularly!
You'd be surprised.
  • Grocery stores
  • Movie theaters
  • Home Depot
  • The mall
  • Restaurants
  • Hospitals
  • Churches
  • Book stores
  • Walmart
  • Gas stations
  • Coffee shops
  • Flea markets
Transsexuals hang out at ALL of these places regularly!
How do you know?
Yeah? No.

Violent summary justice on the scene, at times because someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time?

How about arrests based on probable cause and convictions based on proof beyond a reasonable doubt instead? That would be a better way to prevent the breakdown of civil society.
Are you suggesting arrests for shoplifting?
You'd be surprised.
  • Grocery stores
  • Movie theaters
  • Home Depot
  • The mall
  • Restaurants
  • Hospitals
  • Churches
  • Book stores
  • Walmart
  • Gas stations
  • Coffee shops
  • Flea markets
Transsexuals hang out at ALL of these places regularly!
That was a really lengthy list about where trannies hang out.

How do you know trannies hang out at ALL these places regularly?

I taught my kids to be able to analyze situations, think for themselves, and learn from mistakes. Not to think that daddy is going to protect them from the bad man dressed funny in the bathroom.
At what age do you think they were mature enough to analyze the situation of a naked man in a women's bathroom or locker room?

5, 10, what? Tell us, Mr. Superdad.

I am still waiting to learn why you spewed forth such a detailed list of where trannies hang out 'regularly'. How do you know?
I tried to Google the quote. When and where did he say this? Can you post the link, please?
What he was trying to convey is that under him, he'd enhance the police by getting more money and getting more on the street where his administration would allow them to do their job in protecting their communities. More word smithing by your friends in the Kammi camp.
“They have to be taught. Now, if you had one really violent day… It’s so bad. One rough hour, and I mean real rough. The word will get out and it will end immediately. End immediately. You know? It will end immediately.”

What he was trying to convey is that under him, he'd enhance the police by getting more money and getting more on the street where his administration would allow them to do their job in protecting their communities. More word smithing by your friends in the Kammi camp.

How does it feel for you to have to take Trump’s exact words and have to describe it as something completely unrelated. Because what he said was so abhorrent that you’re embarrassed to agree with it.
Yo Kat. I knew this post will wake up the Boneman. I knew that he would be all over this “purge”. I think the Boneman got hit too many times upside the head by ruler slinging Catholic nuns.
Yo Kat. I knew this post will wake up the Boneman. I knew that he would be all over this “purge”. I think the Boneman got hit too many times upside the head by ruler slinging Catholic nuns.
You learn very quickly in Catholic school that the one person you don’t mess with is a nun.
Predictably, you are ducking the question.
Ducking the question? How do I KNOW that trans people are in places like restaurants, malls and grocery stores? Don't you think it is a given that trans people do all of those things? Do I need to post a video of a trans person in a restaurant or else you won’t believe it has ever happened?

Good lord reading your posts is like arguing against a brick wall of contrary nonsense.
Do better.
Ducking the question? How do I KNOW that trans people are in places like restaurants, malls and grocery stores? Don't you think it is a given that trans people do all of those things? Do I need to post a video of a trans person in a restaurant or else you won’t believe it has ever happened?

Good lord reading your posts is like arguing against a brick wall of contrary nonsense.
Do better.
Look at the words in your original foolish comment on this topic.
Look at the words in your original foolish comment on this topic.
So posting passive aggressively. Figures. If you disagree with something I posted, quote my post and state why you disagree.

Instead, you post this childish "you know what you did" stuff regularly. It's no wonder why your posts are deemed childish and next-level annoying on a regular basis.

Do better.
So posting passive aggressively. Figures. If you disagree with something I posted, quote my post and state why you disagree.

Instead, you post this childish "you know what you did" stuff regularly. It's no wonder why your posts are deemed childish and next-level annoying on a regular basis.

Do better.
Are deemed so by you, the childish-meme guy? Good one.

You know what I mean but you are backpedaling. You said they 'hang out' regularly at a whole list of places, including gas stations, libraries, etc.

Are you now saying you didn't mean 'hang out' but are simply customers?

And how do you recognize them as trans? Are you trans phobic and constantly on the lookout for them, maybe to protect your kids from them? How do you identify them?
You said they 'hang out' regularly at a whole list of places, including gas stations, libraries, etc.

Are you now saying you didn't mean 'hang out' but are simply customers?

And how do you recognize them as trans? Are you trans phobic and constantly on the lookout for them, maybe to protect your kids from them? How do you identify them?
Much better!

Currently about 1.6 million Americans over the age of 13 say they're trans. I don't recognize them or give a care whether someone is or isn't trans, but they exist. And that 1.6 million people buy groceries, go to schools and churches, eat in restaurants, etc.

So yes-- as customers and attendees, trans people regularly hang out at all of those places. If you thought I meant lurking in darkened corners of the Kroger? You are easily confused. But you knew what I meant. Why you argued with this and pushed back on the obvious? I have no idea.
Much better!

Yes-- as customers and attendees, trans people regularly hang out at all of those places. Currently about 1.6 million Americans over the age of 13 say they're trans. I don't recognize them or give a care whether someone is or isn't trans, but they exist.

And that 1.6 million people buy groceries, go to schools and churches, eat in restaurants, etc.

But you knew that's what I was saying. Why you argued with this and pushed back on the obvious? I have no idea.
Do you have any idea why you posted such a long list of places they "hang out regularly", as if you are obsessed with the idea?
How does it feel for you to have to take Trump’s exact words and have to describe it as something completely unrelated. Because what he said was so abhorrent that you’re embarrassed to agree with it.
You are so out of touch with reality. Wonder what Bedpan and Kammi are doing while Israel is getting blasted right now by Iran.
Much better!

Currently about 1.6 million Americans over the age of 13 say they're trans. I don't recognize them or give a care whether someone is or isn't trans, but they exist. And that 1.6 million people buy groceries, go to schools and churches, eat in restaurants, etc.

So yes-- as customers and attendees, trans people regularly hang out at all of those places. If you thought I meant lurking in darkened corners of the Kroger? You are easily confused. But you knew what I meant. Why you argued with this and pushed back on the obvious? I have no idea.
KAT, one question for you deserving of an honest answer. Do you approve of putting tampons in young boys restrooms?
KAT, one question for you deserving of an honest answer. Do you approve of putting tampons in young boys restrooms?
Kat probably doesn't, he seems more sensible then most. But I can guarantee 95 approves. But then again, 95 also believes men can get pregnant, so there's that......
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KAT, one question for you deserving of an honest answer. Do you approve of putting tampons in young boys restrooms?
You asked a straightforward 'yes' or 'no' question, so I'll give you a simple, honest, yes or no answer: No.

One 'yes' or 'no 'question for you deserving of an honest answer:
Do you you approve of grown men calling their senior national leaders "Kammie-toe" and "Bedpan?"
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You are so out of touch with reality. Wonder what Bedpan and Kammi are doing while Israel is getting blasted right now by Iran.
Isn’t it strange that Biden always takes the position against Israel to stop or don’t when these other countries bomb them? He never tells these terrorists to leave Israel alone or they’ll be consequences.
Isn’t it strange that Biden always takes the position against Israel to stop or don’t when these other countries bomb them? He never tells these terrorists to leave Israel alone or they’ll be consequences.
It's amazing, on the level of shocking, that this administration doesn't hold Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran accountable.
They only speak to Israel and require Israel to cease fire.

When has Biden ever once said: "Well, if Hamas would release the hostages and quit firing rockets into Israel, then Israel would stop it's military offensive."
But he NEVER has said that or required that of Hamas or Iran.
It's just another example of this administrations weak response to international crisis.

I want Ben to finish the job and completely rid the earth of every Hamas, Hezbollah and Iranian terrorist. I cheer every time I see another building in Lebanon and Gaza reduced to rubble by an IDF strike.
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