One Really Violent Day

It is fear. You’re nothing more than a scared old man who is willing to sit outside of a woman’s bathroom and intimidate people and demand to see their genitals. You just end up looking like a deranged creeper.
Ok Groomer.
I'm too busy so be checking out peoples genitals. But I also probably don't go too many places where trannies hang out either.
I also probably don't go too many places where trannies hang out either.
You'd be surprised.
  • Grocery stores
  • Movie theaters
  • Home Depot
  • The mall
  • Restaurants
  • Hospitals
  • Churches
  • Book stores
  • Walmart
  • Gas stations
  • Coffee shops
  • Flea markets
Transsexuals hang out at ALL of these places regularly!
You'd be surprised.
  • Grocery stores
  • Movie theaters
  • Home Depot
  • The mall
  • Restaurants
  • Hospitals
  • Churches
  • Book stores
  • Walmart
  • Gas stations
  • Coffee shops
  • Flea markets
Transsexuals hang out at ALL of these places regularly!
How do you know?
Yeah? No.

Violent summary justice on the scene, at times because someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time?

How about arrests based on probable cause and convictions based on proof beyond a reasonable doubt instead? That would be a better way to prevent the breakdown of civil society.
Are you suggesting arrests for shoplifting?
You'd be surprised.
  • Grocery stores
  • Movie theaters
  • Home Depot
  • The mall
  • Restaurants
  • Hospitals
  • Churches
  • Book stores
  • Walmart
  • Gas stations
  • Coffee shops
  • Flea markets
Transsexuals hang out at ALL of these places regularly!
That was a really lengthy list about where trannies hang out.

How do you know trannies hang out at ALL these places regularly?

I taught my kids to be able to analyze situations, think for themselves, and learn from mistakes. Not to think that daddy is going to protect them from the bad man dressed funny in the bathroom.
At what age do you think they were mature enough to analyze the situation of a naked man in a women's bathroom or locker room?

5, 10, what? Tell us, Mr. Superdad.

I am still waiting to learn why you spewed forth such a detailed list of where trannies hang out 'regularly'. How do you know?
I tried to Google the quote. When and where did he say this? Can you post the link, please?
What he was trying to convey is that under him, he'd enhance the police by getting more money and getting more on the street where his administration would allow them to do their job in protecting their communities. More word smithing by your friends in the Kammi camp.