One DEM same as the NEXT

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
With talk of replacing Biden.....
Is there a DEM out there that won't also continue......
⚠️Bad energy ideas that screw us all
⚠️Leave the border pretty much open
⚠️Green energy inflation scam
⚠️Bad policy & regs that keep prices high
⚠️Backing failing Union controlled schools
⚠️Extending Govt $ to illegals thus indirectly harming SS & Medicare
⚠️The Fed high interest costs
⚠️Adding more costly rediculous regulations
⚠️ High tax plans

So I ask, does it matter which DEM tries to screw us all?

One DEM same as the NEXT. Bad DEM policy is the problem for America....Biden just happens to be the DEM fool screwing us now.
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With talk of replacing Biden.....
Is there a DEM out there that won't also continue......
⚠️Bad energy ideas that screw us all
⚠️Leave the border pretty much open
⚠️Green energy inflation scam
⚠️Bad policy & regs that keep prices high
⚠️Backing failing Union controlled schools
⚠️Extending Govt $ to illegals thus indirectly harming SS & Medicare
⚠️The Fed high interest costs
⚠️Adding more costly rediculous regulations
⚠️ High tax plans

So I ask, does it matter which DEM tries to screw us all?

One DEM same as the NEXT. Bad DEM policy is the problem for America....Biden just happens to be the DEM fool screwing us now.
Here I thought Biden was sound mentally for the job.

Just roll the dice with SloJoe. It worked four years ago.
Here I thought Biden was sound mentally for the job.

Just roll the dice with SloJoe. It worked four years ago.

Lib media assured us Biden was the "Best version of himself" right now. Just a couple months ago....morning Joe on MSNBC/CNN.....

You can always count on MSNBC/CNN to LIE to its listeners. And here is just another example.
With talk of replacing Biden.....
Is there a DEM out there that won't also continue......
⚠️Bad energy ideas that screw us all
⚠️Leave the border pretty much open
⚠️Green energy inflation scam
⚠️Bad policy & regs that keep prices high
⚠️Backing failing Union controlled schools
⚠️Extending Govt $ to illegals thus indirectly harming SS & Medicare
⚠️The Fed high interest costs
⚠️Adding more costly rediculous regulations
⚠️ High tax plans

So I ask, does it matter which DEM tries to screw us all?

One DEM same as the NEXT. Bad DEM policy is the problem for America....Biden just happens to be the DEM fool screwing us now.
I personally think Biden has inflicted on the nation a special blend of incompetence, senility and corruption that could not possibly be matched by any other dem.
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I personally think Biden has inflicted on the nation a special blend of incompetence, senility and corruption that could not possibly be matched by any other dem.

While that is true......the failed policies stay the same.

America is screwed anytime a DEM is elected. After all, it's NOT Biden's age or mental instability or incompetence that caused inflation, raised prices, made these energy regs & rules or opened the border.
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While that is true......the failed policies stay the same.

America is screwed anytime a DEM is elected. After all, it's NOT Biden's age or mental instability or incompetence that caused inflation, raised prices, made these energy regs & rules or opened the border.
Are you sure about that? The last 3 dem presidents had to clean up the mess the prior GOP administration has done. Clinton cleaned up Bush the Elder’s mess. Then left office with a surplus. Obama cleaned up Bush the Younger’s mess after he crashed the economy. Obama saved Wall Street, auto industry, inemployemnt rate down to 4.5% from over 9%. Biden cleaned up Chump’s mess. Got us out of COVID. Unemployment down to the lowest in decades. Positive job growth each year. The bottom line is that you need to take off your GOP goggles off and look at reality.
Are you sure about that? The last 3 dem presidents had to clean up the mess the prior GOP administration has done. Clinton cleaned up Bush the Elder’s mess. Then left office with a surplus. Obama cleaned up Bush the Younger’s mess after he crashed the economy. Obama saved Wall Street, auto industry, inemployemnt rate down to 4.5% from over 9%. Biden cleaned up Chump’s mess. Got us out of COVID. Unemployment down to the lowest in decades. Positive job growth each year. The bottom line is that you need to take off your GOP goggles off and look at reality.

I am sure you lied on here several times.....never admitting, always making excuses......thus making it hard to converse with you.

So have a great day.
The funny thing in Biden showing his true colors to the proves once again the Liberal media lied again to its audience once again by lying for 3 years about how fit and on top of everything Biden is.

It's Russia, Russia, Russia all over again. How many big lies is it now???

How many times will these dupes on the left be lied to by their media. Not talking about 1 day mistakes, 1 week miss-reporting. These are purposeful, planned deceitful long term lies lasting 2, 3, 4 years. They continually are trying to pull the wool over their watchers eyes because their audience aren't bright, and are easily swayed by misinformation.

Yet somehow they tune in again to CNN/MSNBC waiting to be led like sheep with the next big lie again.
The Clinton surplus was laid by Reagan and a conservative Congress.

Yep, his post was full of lies.

How many times has his "Obama saved Wall Street" LIE been debunked on here? Yet he keeps posting it. Hard to have a conversation with someone who keeps lying and posting lies. He's kinda like talking to Biden......perhaps he has the same problems??
Yep, his post was full of lies.

How many times has his "Obama saved Wall Street" LIE been debunked on here? Yet he keeps posting it. Hard to have a conversation with someone who keeps lying and posting lies. He's kinda like talking to Biden......perhaps he has the same problems??
Just because you say Obama didn’t save Wall Street and got us out of the Bush calamity doesn’t mean that it’s true. So how did we get out of the 2000s depression? Heal itself?
The funny thing in Biden showing his true colors to the proves once again the Liberal media lied again to its audience once again by lying for 3 years about how fit and on top of everything Biden is.

It's Russia, Russia, Russia all over again. How many big lies is it now???

How many times will these dupes on the left be lied to by their media. Not talking about 1 day mistakes, 1 week miss-reporting. These are purposeful, planned deceitful long term lies lasting 2, 3, 4 years. They continually are trying to pull the wool over their watchers eyes because their audience aren't bright, and are easily swayed by misinformation.

Yet somehow they tune in again to CNN/MSNBC waiting to be led like sheep with the next big lie again.
While MSM has continued to carry the water for Dems, it has become increasingly obvious to me that Joe had slipped considerably in the past 18 months. Having worked for several years with older veterans and noting the different effects of aging between individuals, it was obvious that his mental and physical abilities had declined precipitously. I was not shocked by his performance in the debate.
While MSM has continued to carry the water for Dems, it has become increasingly obvious to me that Joe had slipped considerably in the past 18 months. Having worked for several years with older veterans and noting the different effects of aging between individuals, it was obvious that his mental and physical abilities had declined precipitously. I was not shocked by his performance in the debate.

Obvious to any objective eye the past 2-3 years. Really slipped this last year........during the same time MSN/CNN were flat out lying to their audience about how great he was doing.

But as far as the debate, I thought they would have him on a drug regimen that would give him at least an hour of coherent debate. Must be too far gone.
While MSM has continued to carry the water for Dems, it has become increasingly obvious to me that Joe had slipped considerably in the past 18 months. Having worked for several years with older veterans and noting the different effects of aging between individuals, it was obvious that his mental and physical abilities had declined precipitously. I was not shocked by his performance in the debate.
Although he had signs 4 years ago.
Maybe he wasn’t given the drugs - on purpose…I wouldn’t put it past the DNC to sacrifice one of their own for the greater good…
True, but as you see the leaders on that side of the aisle…who would be a greater good