Oil production highest ever.....So why is gas price higher?

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
1. The last few years US oil production highest ever. Huge records in barrels per day.

2. Demand for oil in USA now is actually lower than Trump pre-Covid high demand.

Given the why are gas price now $0.75 - 1.50/gallon higher than Trump pre-Covid years?

Answers.. order of causation...
1. Biden/Harris regulations & new oversight rules enacted are the main reason your energy is higher. From the article below....
"The Biden Administration’s whole-of-government avalanche of regulations has imposed over $1 trillion in additional regulatory costs on American businesses and consumers"
2. World instability caused by Biden/Harris admin enriching Iran via oil sales not allowed previously. Terror proxies cause market & transportation problems.
3. Ukraine war financed by USA in the past added instability to market was a problem, but market has adjusted to that blip. Biden dipped heavily into SOR to help the transition.

The higher energy prices will continue until a new administration removes these onerus regulations.
But make no mistake Biden/Harris is why you pay more at the pump.
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1. The last few years US oil production highest ever. Huge records in barrels per day.

2. Demand for oil in USA now is actually lower than Trump pre-Covid high demand.

Given the why are gas price now $0.75 - 1.50/gallon higher than Trump pre-Covid years?

Answers.. order of causation...
1. Biden/Harris regulations & new oversight rules enacted are the main reason your energy is higher. From the article below....
"The Biden Administration’s whole-of-government avalanche of regulations has imposed over $1 trillion in additional regulatory costs on American businesses and consumers"
2. World instability caused by Biden/Harris admin enriching Iran via oil sales not allowed previously. Terror proxies cause market & transportation problems.
3. Ukraine war financed by USA in the past added instability to market was a problem, but market has adjusted to that blip. Biden dipped heavily into SOR to help the transition.

The higher energy prices will continue until a new administration removes these onerus regulations.
But make no mistake Biden/Harris is why you pay more at the pump.

Speaking of Ukraine, I believe we've crossed the $300 billion threshold for American tax payers money sent to Ukraine. That's 100% on Biden. I can think of a lot of better uses for my money.
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Speaking of Ukraine, I believe we've crossed the $300 billion threshold for American tax payers money sent to Ukraine. That's 100% on Biden. I can think of a lot of better uses for my money.

If the American public only knew the resultant kickbacks these skilled corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle get for their political campaigns, from the billions we give around the world, well I believe that practice would likely swiftly end.

But back to topic.
Energy costs (fuel, electric, diesel NG, etc). are up 32.9% since Biden/Harris took over.

32.9% 🆙 ..... Who's voting for more of that?

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If the American public only knew the resultant kickbacks these skilled corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle get for their political campaigns, from the billions we give around the world, well I believe that practice would likely swiftly end.

But back to topic.
Energy costs (fuel, electric, diesel NG, etc). are up 32.9% since Biden/Harris took over.

32.9% 🆙 ..... Who's voting for more of that?

I bet Democrats will.
If the American public only knew the resultant kickbacks these skilled corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle get for their political campaigns, from the billions we give around the world, well I believe that practice would likely swiftly end.

But back to topic.
Energy costs (fuel, electric, diesel NG, etc). are up 32.9% since Biden/Harris took over.

32.9% 🆙 ..... Who's voting for more of that?

It’s only at the current levels because Biden opened the Strategic Oil Reserve spigot early this year because it was an election year. Come mid-November, back to the usual liberal policies of weaning America off fossil fuels while China burns more coal.

Liberals cannot control oil prices this way for very long…

Im waiting for Kamala chameleon to start saying drill baby drill like she flip flopped on fracking (while secretly texting her liberal left that it’s only a ploy to get elected)
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It’s only at the current levels because Biden opened the Strategic Oil Reserve spigot early this year because it was an election year. Come mid-November, back to the usual liberal policies of weaning America off fossil fuels while China burns more coal.

Liberals cannot control oil prices this way for very long…

Im waiting for Kamala chameleon to start saying drill baby drill like she flip flopped on fracking (while secretly texting her liberal left that it’s only a ploy to get elected)

If a majority of independent swing state voters believe the fantasy of Kamalot being put forward, VS. what they have seen & experienced these past 3.75 years....they get what they deserve.

Me of the two bad choices.....I am voting the guy that helps my family budget. And as a retiree, I am a big fan of NO tax on SS he is proposing. Hope American independent voters, vote their wallets. We will see?
If a majority of independent swing state voters believe the fantasy of Kamalot being put forward, VS. what they have seen & experienced these past 3.75 years....they get what they deserve.

Me of the two bad choices.....I am voting the guy that helps my family budget. And as a retiree, I am a big fan of NO tax on SS he is proposing. Hope American independent voters, vote their wallets. We will see?
I don’t have a lot of hope with mail in ballots, non citizens voting, and just outright stupidity of the voting base.
If a majority of independent swing state voters believe the fantasy of Kamalot being put forward, VS. what they have seen & experienced these past 3.75 years....they get what they deserve.

Me of the two bad choices.....I am voting the guy that helps my family budget. And as a retiree, I am a big fan of NO tax on SS he is proposing. Hope American independent voters, vote their wallets. We will see?
No tax on SS is no different than free college debt. It buys votes and I’m damn glad Trump and the RNC started to figured out the Democrats ploy behind the “free lunches” the Democrats give away at every election

Someone needs to calculate the amount of budget that was diverted from America’s needy and given to the illegal immigrants. There are families struggling to make ends meet and then there are illegal immigrants sitting in free hotel rooms getting free food, free cell phones, etc. Meanwhile state and city budgets are running dry.

Somone needs to hold the “I’m not the Border Czar” individual accountable for allowing funds to be taken away from needy Americans
No tax on SS is no different than free college debt.

I strongly disagree.

Letting a citizen KEEP the money they have EARNED is far different than giving others money away to citizens.

Remember, SS is paying back the earned interest & principal that citizens have paid into the Govt. So it is THEIR $.

Note that every citizen who receives money from SS would have been far better off - in returns by putting all FICA taxes in an account than giving it to the federal government.

Giving away tax monies to others whether student loans or whatever is NOT their money and most of these receivers of handouts pay little or no taxes.
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I strongly disagree.

Letting a citizen KEEP the money they have EARNED is far different than giving others money away to citizens.

Remember, SS is paying back the earned interest & principal that citizens have paid into the Govt. So it is THEIR $.

Note that every citizen who receives money from SS would have been far better off - in returns by putting all FICA taxes in an account than giving it to the federal government.

Giving away tax monies to others whether student loans or whatever is NOT their money and most of these receivers of handouts pay little or no taxes.
I’m all for not having a tax on SS. It’s money anyone who has worked for has earned.

Regarding the FICA taxes in an account, do you mean letting people invest on their own? If so, I don’t disagree in theory, but we know that the majority of folks aren’t great with money, and/or don’t have the knowledge to invest their money. I think it should definitely be an option, though.
I’m all for not having a tax on SS. It’s money anyone who has worked for has earned.

Regarding the FICA taxes in an account, do you mean letting people invest on their own? If so, I don’t disagree in theory, but we know that the majority of folks aren’t great with money, and/or don’t have the knowledge to invest their money. I think it should definitely be an option, though.

Agree on all 3 counts regarding SS.

However as far as the GND which for some unknown reason didn't link in the quote .... Maybe you deleted it?? Which is fine.
Anyway, if you look @ the content of major spending bills this admin has passed, particularly the bill they called the "inflation reduction act", any reasonable person would agree major elements of the GND has been passed by this admin. To say otherwise is trending towards dishonesty.

Moreover, new GND regulations have increased prices at the pump by increasing the cost these energy companies have in production. IF you believe this NOT to be the case, please explain how production goes up, and demand goes down......yet gas prices defy the basic law of economics.....and go UP - these past 3.75 years.
1. The last few years US oil production highest ever. Huge records in barrels per day.

2. Demand for oil in USA now is actually lower than Trump pre-Covid high demand.

Given the why are gas price now $0.75 - 1.50/gallon higher than Trump pre-Covid years?

Answers.. order of causation...
1. Biden/Harris regulations & new oversight rules enacted are the main reason your energy is higher. From the article below....
"The Biden Administration’s whole-of-government avalanche of regulations has imposed over $1 trillion in additional regulatory costs on American businesses and consumers"
2. World instability caused by Biden/Harris admin enriching Iran via oil sales not allowed previously. Terror proxies cause market & transportation problems.
3. Ukraine war financed by USA in the past added instability to market was a problem, but market has adjusted to that blip. Biden dipped heavily into SOR to help the transition.

The higher energy prices will continue until a new administration removes these onerus regulations.
But make no mistake Biden/Harris is why you pay more at the pump.
Agree on all 3 counts regarding SS.

However as far as the GND which for some unknown reason didn't link in the quote .... Maybe you deleted it?? Which is fine.
Anyway, if you look @ the content of major spending bills this admin has passed, particularly the bill they called the "inflation reduction act", any reasonable person would agree major elements of the GND has been passed by this admin. To say otherwise is trending towards dishonesty.

Moreover, new GND regulations have increased prices at the pump by increasing the cost these energy companies have in production. IF you believe this NOT to be the case, please explain how production goes up, and demand goes down......yet gas prices defy the basic law of economics.....and go UP - these past 3.75 years.
I messed up the reply because I replied on my phone and fat-fingered somewhere on the screen. Didn’t mean to exclude anything.

I’m not fully in tune with which elements of the Green New deal have been passed. I know bits and pieces have been passed over the last few years. I also see that 03 posted a link that lists 25 things that the Biden Administration has supposedly done to increase the price of fuel/energy. The issue I have is where he got the link, which is a highly conservative website that is entirely slanted and skewed, so it’s not objective.

What I do know is that the cost of fuel is determined mostly by the global cost of crude oil, state and local taxes (which of course vary by location), refinery costs and distribution. There may be elements of deals that have passed that have impacted the price of fuel, but in Indiana, for instance, the gas tax is quite high and if I recall, went up even more a couple years ago. You can’t discuss the price of fuel without factoring all of those elements in as well.
I messed up the reply because I replied on my phone and fat-fingered somewhere on the screen. Didn’t mean to exclude anything.

I’m not fully in tune with which elements of the Green New deal have been passed. I know bits and pieces have been passed over the last few years. I also see that 03 posted a link that lists 25 things that the Biden Administration has supposedly done to increase the price of fuel/energy. The issue I have is where he got the link, which is a highly conservative website that is entirely slanted and skewed, so it’s not objective.

What I do know is that the cost of fuel is determined mostly by the global cost of crude oil, state and local taxes (which of course vary by location), refinery costs and distribution. There may be elements of deals that have passed that have impacted the price of fuel, but in Indiana, for instance, the gas tax is quite high and if I recall, went up even more a couple years ago. You can’t discuss the price of fuel without factoring all of those elements in as well.
03 hardly ever post any thing from non-right leaning sites. Some of it conspiracy or Flavor Aid crap.
I messed up the reply because I replied on my phone and fat-fingered somewhere on the screen. Didn’t mean to exclude anything.

I’m not fully in tune with which elements of the Green New deal have been passed. I know bits and pieces have been passed over the last few years. I also see that 03 posted a link that lists 25 things that the Biden Administration has supposedly done to increase the price of fuel/energy. The issue I have is where he got the link, which is a highly conservative website that is entirely slanted and skewed, so it’s not objective.

What I do know is that the cost of fuel is determined mostly by the global cost of crude oil, state and local taxes (which of course vary by location), refinery costs and distribution. There may be elements of deals that have passed that have impacted the price of fuel, but in Indiana, for instance, the gas tax is quite high and if I recall, went up even more a couple years ago. You can’t discuss the price of fuel without factoring all of those elements in as well.
If Trump wins the presidency, do you think that will have any impact on gas prices?
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Maybe? 🤷🏻‍♂️
So, what you're saying is that Trump could enact some policies that would impact gas/energy prices?

Would you also say that Trump did that when he was POTUS?
Did Biden's policies have the opposite effect and cause energy/gas prices to increase?
So, what you're saying is that Trump could enact some policies that would impact gas/energy prices?

Would you also say that Trump did that when he was POTUS?
Did Biden's policies have the opposite effect and cause energy/gas prices to increase?
He could, I suppose. Then again, he said yesterday or the day before that he was going to cut energy prices in half. And while that of course sounds amazing on the surface, he offered no details. And I don’t know how you cut energy prices in half without essentially cratering a major portion of the economy. So I’m not holding my breath.

I have no idea whether what Trump did or what Biden has done or what any other president before them has done that has driven energy costs one way or the other in a big way. It’s not that simple. Energy is global. Never more so than now. If it were so simple, this thread would have started and ended with 2-3 posts max, yet here we are.
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He could, I suppose. Then again, he said yesterday or the day before that he was going to cut energy prices in half. And while that of course sounds amazing on the surface, he offered no details. And I don’t know how you cut energy prices in half without essentially cratering a major portion of the economy. So I’m not holding my breath.

I have no idea
Well, we already knew that.
But that's the problem with lefty lib dems; You don't think, you just listen to the narrative and believe it to be true. You're a low information voter, which is dangerous.
For example, you believed in masks and vaccines because Fauci told you to, despite any lack of evidence.
whether what Trump did or what Biden has done or what any other president before them has done that has driven energy costs one way or the other in a big way. It’s not that simple. Energy is global. Never more so than now. If it were so simple, this thread would have started and ended with 2-3 posts max, yet here we are.
Well, we already knew that.
But that's the problem with lefty lib dems; You don't think, you just listen to the narrative and believe it to be true. You're a low information voter, which is dangerous.
For example, you believed in masks and vaccines because Fauci told you to, despite any lack of evidence.
You just can’t help yourself, can you? When someone doesn’t just fall in line with you, it’s name-calling, belittling, etc. It’s just so incredibly lame.
You just can’t help yourself, can you? When someone doesn’t just fall in line with you, it’s name-calling, belittling, etc. It’s just so incredibly lame.

Would you rather have me lie to you?
But yeh, when someone's vote could lead to an election in which the wrong person wins, which in turn impacts me and my family, then yes, I take offense to that.
I strongly disagree.

Letting a citizen KEEP the money they have EARNED is far different than giving others money away to citizens.

Remember, SS is paying back the earned interest & principal that citizens have paid into the Govt. So it is THEIR $.

Note that every citizen who receives money from SS would have been far better off - in returns by putting all FICA taxes in an account than giving it to the federal government.

Giving away tax monies to others whether student loans or whatever is NOT their money and most of these receivers of handouts pay little or no taxes.
In the general I understand and agree.

My point was solely related to new proposals by candidates and how they would be viewed by constituents. Aka no tax on SS benefits seniors (thus causing them to be more likely to vote R) versus college debt being a free lunch handout to college age kids (thus luring them to vote D)
Would you rather have me lie to you?
But yeh, when someone's vote could lead to an election in which the wrong person wins, which in turn impacts me and my family, then yes, I take offense to that.
I can respect that you feel that way. The issue is that you don’t offer the same kind of respect when someone doesn’t agree with you.
Maybe? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Unless there is a war.....
My bet is on Trump to bring energy prices down. Not just gas, but electric. His pre-Covid 3 years gives me evidence of that.

I have zero confidence that KH/W will bring any prices down of any significant evidenced by the last 3.75 years.

I was going to link that - but saw it was a 2021 article.

Apparently given the high gas prices - the article is proven correct, regardless of source. There just is a lot of evidence now where we can see the damage Biden has done to the middle & poor class on energy & prices in general.
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My idea of fun is different than yours I guess.
Maybe you'd be better off on a forum where you have to list your actual name, email, age, where you live, etc.
That way, no one will say anything offensive, triggering or disagreeable.
What fun would that be?
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Unless there is a war.....
My bet is on Trump to bring energy prices down. Not just gas, but electric. His pre-Covid 3 years gives me evidence of that.

I have zero confidence that KH/W will bring any prices down of any significant evidenced by the last 3.75 years.
You might be right and you might be wrong. There’s also the capitalism/monopoly effect as well. There’s a whole lot that goes into it and things can vary vastly depending on where you live as well.
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Maybe you'd be better off on a forum where you have to list your actual name, email, age, where you live, etc.
That way, no one will say anything offensive, triggering or disagreeable.
What fun would that be?
I think I’ve set the bar pretty low here, bone, and you still can’t step over it.

Maybe you’d be better off trying to start something with someone else. You’re honestly boring.
Yep the Green Dems are all for it.

Some independent voters will too as some people just can't connect the dots to who is causing them financial pain.
I was thinking the other day about critical thinking. People may say teachers need to teach critical thinking. Is that possible? If so, it is a huge failure. Can the Socratic method teach critical thinking or just lay out the environment that “could” encourage the potential for it to happen? Can Direct Instruction teach critical thinking or just give things to consider as an approach? Is critical thinking even possible without the requisite knowledge in a relevant domain…that is an easy one…NO! We are where we are because it is too painful to seek out relevant knowledge in many cases. It is quite common…like “group work” for the group to go with the answer of one or a few…since it is easier and the dems know that and use that to their advantage more effectively than the repubs.
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You might be right and you might be wrong. There’s also the capitalism/monopoly effect as well. There’s a whole lot that goes into it and things can vary vastly depending on where you live as well.

Looking @ last 4 Presidents Gas was cheaper under both R Presidents, and higher under the 2 Dems. No doubt just a coincidence during that 20 year

Looking @ last 4 Presidents Gas was way cheaper under both R Presidents, and higher under the 2 Dems. No doubt just a
Gee. I wonder what was going on under the Rs vs the Dems during those times too. If you aren’t going to put any context around the numbers, then I’m going to say it was the exact opposite of a coincidence.
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Gee. I wonder what was going on under the Rs vs the Dems during those times too. If you aren’t going to put any context around the numbers, then I’m going to say it was the exact opposite of a coincidence.

I like to look @ history & the data. Don't think it should be ignored, but I understand some people prefer emotion and feelings, over data.

Quite remarkable for Bush to have low prices given his war he started in Iraq, an oil producer.

Both D Presidents preferred their GND increased regulations. Thus it's no surprise to me, they both had higher gas prices.
I like to look @ history & the data. Don't think it should be ignored, but I understand some people prefer emotion and feelings, over data.

Quite remarkable for Bush to have low prices given his war he started in Iraq, an oil producer.

Both D Presidents preferred their GND increased regulations. Thus it's no surprise to me, they both had higher gas prices.
When Obama took office from Bush, the economy was in a huge recession.

When Biden took over, we were in the throes of Covid. Those aren’t emotions and feelings. Those things had major impacts on almost every aspect of life.
I like to look @ history & the data. Don't think it should be ignored, but I understand some people prefer emotion and feelings, over data.

Quite remarkable for Bush to have low prices given his war he started in Iraq, an oil producer.

Both D Presidents preferred their GND increased regulations. Thus it's no surprise to me, they both had higher gas prices.
On a personal level, I just wish I could buy my grapes at a pre-Biden price.
When Obama took office from Bush, the economy was in a huge recession.

When Biden took over, we were in the throes of Covid. Those aren’t emotions and feelings. Those things had major impacts on almost every aspect of life.

While those event are true. People still drove....a lot.

The only time that wasn't true was 2019 during lockdowns which were mostly over 6 months into Biden's tenure as the graph of oil demand in the enclosed article shows.