NOTICE: New free board policy

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Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Attention, free board users -

After many months of considering how to handle this situation, we must inform everyone of a new policy we're implementing on our web site.

From this day forward, we must ask those running blogs to no longer link their content on our free boards.

This new policy has not come without much deliberation and thought and our reasons are many. In hindsight, it's a change we should have made months ago. Everyone's cooperation is much appreciated.

With the proliferation of so many blogs now, the spamming of our message boards has gotten out of hand and, with all due respect, we can't be in the business of providing free advertising to those who are siphoning traffic of our site. There's just too much of it going on now.

Additionally, with a million reporters out there now, we must not allow our site to be associated with the reporting of information that we have not produced. Inevitably we're associated with any reporting that appears on our site, whether we have anything to do with it or not.

Starting today, any link to a blog posted by that blog will be deleted. If problems persist, blacklists will be made. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

We are not trying to come off like Darth Vader here, but we simply have to do what's best for our site and our brand.

Thank you again in advance for your cooperation.
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