New info on Mar-a-Lago raid


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2004
Valparaiso, IN
It reads as if they were hoping for a shootout.

"Law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary"

"they were instructed to wear 'unmarked polo or collared shirts' and to keep 'law enforcement equipment concealed' "
I didn't see the mention of wearing plain clothes and hiding law enforcement materials in that as well. THAT'S the differentiator.

Also, Biden was given a heads up on the search. Trump was not.
The comment from Fox was specifically about the deadly force content that most were so worked up about, but why would the other parts you cited be something significant to be concerned about?

If the FBI is conducting a raid in a location where the public may also be, why would it be a concern if they hid their weapons (if that’s what the meant by law enforcement equipment?)

I’m not trying to pick a fight here .. just asking why that is so problematic in your eyes? Is that so unusual?
I didn't see the mention of wearing plain clothes and hiding law enforcement materials in that as well. THAT'S the differentiator.

Also, Biden was given a heads up on the search. Trump was not.
Because trump was hiding documents, lying to the FBI and obstructing Justice. Amazing that you still don’t realize or acknowledge that.

The other new info you neglected to mention was DOJ found 4 documents marked classified in trumps bedroom.
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The comment from Fox was specifically about the deadly force content that most were so worked up about, but why would the other parts you cited be something significant to be concerned about?

If the FBI is conducting a raid in a location where the public may also be, why would it be a concern if they hid their weapons (if that’s what the meant by law enforcement equipment?)

I’m not trying to pick a fight here .. just asking why that is so problematic in your eyes? Is that so unusual?
Seriously? You're going to raid a compound known to have armed guards unannounced and do so with nothing signifying that you are law enforcement? What could go wrong....
Because trump was hiding documents, lying to the FBI and obstructing Justice. Amazing that you still don’t realize or acknowledge that.
No he wasn't and this has been disproven. It's been shown that pallets of documents were shipped to Mar-a-Lago a year before the raid. It's also been shown that the process was undercut when someone got "tired of being patient".

There was no way for Trump to go through pallets of documents in that short period of time.
The other new info you neglected to mention was DOJ found 4 documents marked classified in trumps bedroom.
We know this for sure? They doctored many things originally reported. How do we know that to be true?
No he wasn't and this has been disproven. It's been shown that pallets of documents were shipped to Mar-a-Lago a year before the raid. It's also been shown that the process was undercut when someone got "tired of being patient".

There was no way for Trump to go through pallets of documents in that short period of time.

We know this for sure? They doctored many things originally reported. How do we know that to be true?
You’re a liar or you’re smoking something. Wtf does the pallet being shipped a year before prove? That he had a year to search the pallets for classified documents and couldn’t find the time between golf outings? There were boxes and boxes sent when he moved out of the WH. What about the classified documents that were in those? Christina Bobb signed a document saying all documents has been turned over BEFORE the search warrant was found. They found another 100 documents.

You see an article about a pallet and LEAP to conclusions.

Who said there were more documents found after the FBI search? One of TRUMP’S lawyers.

“A revelation in Howell’s decision unsealed Tuesday was that one of Trump’s lawyers told federal authorities in December 2022 – four months after the FBI search – that four more classified records totaling six pages were found in a closet at Mar-a-Lago. When the documents were turned over to the FBI in January 2023, the box included two more documents – an empty folder and a mostly empty folder, both marked “Classified Evening Summary” – that were found in Trump’s bedroom, according to ruling.”

What things were doctored? The only thing you can point to is the FBI didn’t put the contents of the boxes back in the same order. That was the jist of your other documents post. Wow. Vast conspiracy.
Because trump was hiding documents, lying to the FBI and obstructing Justice. Amazing that you still don’t realize or acknowledge that.

The other new info you neglected to mention was DOJ found 4 documents marked classified in trumps bedroom.
You need help. Your TDS is getting worse every day. Soon, when it's appearant that RFK Jr. is going to cost Biden votes, and with Haley saying her folks should vote for Trump, with blacks heading DJT's way, with Hispanics doing the same, it might be terminal for you.
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You need help. Your TDS is getting worse every day. Soon, when it's appearant that RFK Jr. is going to cost Biden votes, and with Haley saying her folks should vote for Trump, with blacks heading DJT's way, with Hispanics doing the same, it might be terminal for you.
Yeah, you’re one of those that predicted trump would win last time.

Haley didn’t say that dumbass lol. Reading more into EVERYTHING is the MAGA way. MTG said Biden wanted to assassinate trump. You down with that too?

“Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me, and not assume that they’re just going to be with him. And I genuinely hope he does that,” Haley said.

Don’t want to talk about the documents? Just run your mouth about something else?
You’re a liar or you’re smoking something. Wtf does the pallet being shipped a year before prove? That he had a year to search the pallets for classified documents and couldn’t find the time between golf outings? There were boxes and boxes sent when he moved out of the WH. What about the classified documents that were in those? Christina Bobb signed a document saying all documents has been turned over BEFORE the search warrant was found. They found another 100 documents.

You see an article about a pallet and LEAP to conclusions.
He had TONS of documents already to go through and they added two and a half more pallets of documents. It's obvious by your response here that you don't have a GD clue how much that is.
Who said there were more documents found after the FBI search? One of TRUMP’S lawyers.

“A revelation in Howell’s decision unsealed Tuesday was that one of Trump’s lawyers told federal authorities in December 2022 – four months after the FBI search – that four more classified records totaling six pages were found in a closet at Mar-a-Lago. When the documents were turned over to the FBI in January 2023, the box included two more documents – an empty folder and a mostly empty folder, both marked “Classified Evening Summary” – that were found in Trump’s bedroom, according to ruling.”

LMAO!!! It's almost as if there was so much to go through that things were overlooked by the people that raided the compound. Odd...

Trump's lawyer turning things over just adds to the argument that the Trump team was trying to comply. If they weren't why would they have turned that over after the fact?
What things were doctored? The only thing you can point to is the FBI didn’t put the contents of the boxes back in the same order. That was the jist of your other documents post. Wow. Vast conspiracy.
The classified document cover letters sprawled all over the floor for a photo shoot for one. It was said in court by the prosecution themselves that it was not something found that way and that it was done by the FBI.