NCAA Coaches' Evaluation of Purdue

Mathboy, you really need to stop criticizing or insulting other posters. If you need to make comments, make comments on the team and players, not the posters. Let's it go. All these comments are not based on 1 play, 1 game or 1 year. I care about results, because data doesn't lie. Are we at final four yet? OK, no.
Icewind, I reread my post and found nothing that I would have considered offensive. All I said was that your interpretation of the coaches scouting report was inaccurate. You said the scouting report said "We aren't very good".. That was inaccurate. If you want to bunch your panties over that, fine, but it was not intended as an insult.

You seem to have a binary sense of this game. Either we are in the FF, or we are a bad team, right?. My second suggestion applies to this twist in your enjoyment of the game. If you were to watch more teams than Purdue, it might help you gain a more realistic perspective, and in turn make you a happier person. Beside, from what I can tell, nobody is in the FF for 2016 yet, so perhaps your "data" and "results" are just a bit premature.
