You can start with the Zuckerberg interview, where he talked about the FBI agents, who visited him and told him that there was some Russian misinformation that they anticipated was coming out soon, so try to keep it off your site. I believe Twitter got a similar visit, but I don't recall, who they talked with there.
There were two FBI agents, who had physical possession of Hunter's laptop several months before the election, but they failed to do anything with that smoking gun, not that there is any political bias in our Bureaucracy. Fortunately, the repair shop owner had the foresight to make several copies of the HD and he gave one to the NYPost. The stuff on that laptop has been verified to be true and could/should put Hunter, Joe & his brother Jim in jail. I guess corruption is OK, if you have a D after your name.
Imagine what they would have done, if that laptop belonged to one of Trump's kids?
Enjoy your popcorn.
PS, if you want to educate yourself, read "The Laptop From Hell". It will give you a lot of insight into corruption & depravity.