The high school diploma has become relatively worthless in the real world because it is no longer a discriminating mark. The same will happen with a public college degree when it becomes "free", which should alarm just about anyone. Eventually, folks with free college degrees will be ubiquitous, and you'll have to have a post-graduate degree to make a difference. And post-graduate school is very expensive. So when do we do post-grad school at public institutions is free?I don't think the idea of free college education is "absurd." It may be something that never passes but it isn't generally speaking "absurd."
We have free high school education. Why? Because back in the day that was the minimum education you needed to have a shot at a decent life.
Now, does free college education mean free Harvard? No. But if there were programs that say guaranteed at least an associates degree at a community college, that would be something that would be both affordable and helpful (it would effectively cut college costs in half). The specifics matter obviously, but I'm not sure 12th grade is universal "14th grade" is absurd is all that true.
Again, I hate slippery slopes, but this is one I believe in...
Now, I admit I'm not as familiar with her plan as I should be. If it's "Free Associate's Degree availability for qualified students" that might be worthwhile. If it's "Free Bachelor's degrees for everyone"... In other words, is there going to be a requirement for minimum GPA? Or, since it'll be a Federal funding grab, will colleges be thusly encouraged to admit literally anyone in order to get their free government money?