Moslems hit Munich again!

That Obama is so sneaky, I imagine in your fragile minds he has been causing all the bad things in society forever.

Remember when he was much younger in the 80's and something he did wrong caused or aided the Beirut Marine barracks attack? That was BHO's fault right? Because nobody ever blamed Reagan.

Then when he was a state senator in IL and he cozied up to his muslim friends/relatives and caused 9/11; remember? I mean it had to be Obama's fault - not GW Bush. And certainly not a random act of violent terrorism.

WTF would some of you nuts do with your lives if you couldn't blame EVERY undesirable thing on either Obama or Hillary? Critical thinking? nah! Rational thought? Nope.
Bad things happen on every presidents' watch. No one has argued to the contrary.

However, only Obama is classless enough to try to make political hay out of a tragedy before the bodies are even cold. What he did in Dallas was unforgivable and disgusting.
Bad things happen on every presidents' watch. No one has argued to the contrary.

However, only Obama is classless enough to try to make political hay out of a tragedy before the bodies are even cold. What he did in Dallas was unforgivable and disgusting.
It would be convenient, maybe even rational, to make attempts to cherry pick specific incidents to support a thoughtful disagreement against a given policy of Obama. However, the reality is that a special segment of our populace has worked tirelessly to thwart every single move Obama has tried to make since Jan 20, 2009. For those people, everything he does is deemed "criminal", "un american", and, in your words "disgusting". This group even spent time and money trying to argue the birther position, and now has elected a leading "birther" as the GOP presidential nominee.

I am sure that it's just a coincidence that this all happens to the first African American President. It's all the crazy stuff HE does, not blind hatred and vitriol.

Now, with Obama about to leave office, that hatred needs an outlet. Enter (re-enter) Hillary. It's the politics of focused rage and opposition. No solutions get offered up, because the leaders of the "movement" are not for much of anything specific - just damn sure against him, and now her.

So pick an example if it suits your post today (Dallas), but we both know that it doesn't matter. Whatever Obama and HRC do is going to suck in your eyes.
Bad things happen on every presidents' watch. No one has argued to the contrary.

However, only Obama is classless enough to try to make political hay out of a tragedy before the bodies are even cold. What he did in Dallas was unforgivable and disgusting.

It's interesting you're chiding Obama for being sensitive about a subject. This was the 11th time he had to address a mass shooting situation. He's tired of it and nothing is being done about it. And quite frankly, police are mostly supportive of gun control measures as well so it's disrespect to them. To call saying it's too easy for a kid to get a gun "unforgivable and disgusting" - yet you support one of the most offensive people that has ever run for the office of the President.

And echoing the other response to your post - you would never be happy with Obama. Also from Dallas, this person nails this. Could you imagine if Obama gave the same speech Trump did the other night? He would have been torn into SHREDS by Republicans for being anti-American.

"The GOP said that the president didn't respect the things that are right about the United States and that his words projected weakness to the rest of the world.

So after more than an hour of painting a picture of a nation just hours away from collapse, how can anyone suggest that Trump didn't project weakness to the world?"
It would be convenient, maybe even rational, to make attempts to cherry pick specific incidents to support a thoughtful disagreement against a given policy of Obama. However, the reality is that a special segment of our populace has worked tirelessly to thwart every single move Obama has tried to make since Jan 20, 2009. For those people, everything he does is deemed "criminal", "un american", and, in your words "disgusting". This group even spent time and money trying to argue the birther position, and now has elected a leading "birther" as the GOP presidential nominee.

I am sure that it's just a coincidence that this all happens to the first African American President. It's all the crazy stuff HE does, not blind hatred and vitriol.

Now, with Obama about to leave office, that hatred needs an outlet. Enter (re-enter) Hillary. It's the politics of focused rage and opposition. No solutions get offered up, because the leaders of the "movement" are not for much of anything specific - just damn sure against him, and now her.

So pick an example if it suits your post today (Dallas), but we both know that it doesn't matter. Whatever Obama and HRC do is going to suck in your eyes.
Classic liberal hypocrisy- stereotyping an entire group of people based on 1 political view. All the while doing nothing to refute my point: that only Obama would have an ego so big, and a heart so cold, as to hammer grieving widows and fatherless children with his ideological drivel about school funding, mental health funding, drug rehab funding, etc etc. (Especially rich considering he and his band of bozos blew thru a trillion dollar "stimulus".)

Nope, it's always got to be all about him and his agenda, 24-7. That's real leadership.
Classic liberal hypocrisy- stereotyping an entire group of people based on 1 political view. All the while doing nothing to refute my point: that only Obama would have an ego so big, and a heart so cold, as to hammer grieving widows and fatherless children with his ideological drivel about school funding, mental health funding, drug rehab funding, etc etc. (Especially rich considering he and his band of bozos blew thru a trillion dollar "stimulus".)

Nope, it's always got to be all about him and his agenda, 24-7. That's real leadership.
Ridiculous for you to try to co opt the words stereotyping and hypocrisy, when many of the "criminal" and "egotistical" policies/opinions of Obama were center-right ideas that only became evil in the eyes of tea bags when they were adopted by Obama. You can try to make it about his ego to shade your blind hatred, but we all know the most likely motivation. I'll bet you never even thought about calling a president "disrespectful" before. Not because there weren't disagreements, but calling the President out for disobedience and disrespect, it just feels easier with Obama... Mysterious, right?
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Ridiculous for you to try to co opt the word stereotyping and hypocrisy, when many of the "criminal" and "egotistical" policies/opinions of Obama were center-right ideas that only became evil in the eyes of tea bags when they were adopted by Obama you can try to make it about his ego to shade your blind hatred, but we all know the most likely motivation. I'll bet you never even thought about calling a president "disrespectful" before. Not because there weren't disagreements, but calling the President out for disobedience and disrespect, it just feels easier with Obama... Mysterious, right?

It is time to just accept that the Trumpists have completely surrendered any ounce of reason they once had to Orwellian double speak and an us vs. them mentality. There is no rationalizing, no logical minds may differ, and no search for a middle ground. You are either with them 100% or you are the enemy. This is not my Grandfather's Republican Party anymore and it has not been for a while.
Ridiculous for you to try to co opt the words stereotyping and hypocrisy, when many of the "criminal" and "egotistical" policies/opinions of Obama were center-right ideas that only became evil in the eyes of tea bags when they were adopted by Obama. You can try to make it about his ego to shade your blind hatred, but we all know the most likely motivation. I'll bet you never even thought about calling a president "disrespectful" before. Not because there weren't disagreements, but calling the President out for disobedience and disrespect, it just feels easier with Obama... Mysterious, right?
When logic fails, go with vague, sweeping generalizations. You obviously cannot defend Obama's callous and stomach-turning grandstanding in Dallas, or his absurd diatribe after Orlando, so you resort to the same old tired, race-baiting tactics. Coming from the party of Jefferson Davis, Jim Crow, George Wallace and segregation, no less.

And yeah, I have referred to a president as disgusting and disrespectful before, wasn't all that long ago. And he was a white guy!!!
It is time to just accept that the Trumpists have completely surrendered any ounce of reason they once had to Orwellian double speak and an us vs. them mentality. There is no rationalizing, no logical minds may differ, and no search for a middle ground. You are either with them 100% or you are the enemy. This is not my Grandfather's Republican Party anymore and it has not been for a while.
LOL - yeah Obama's next step onto the "middle ground" will be his first.

And who said anything about Trump? Man you guys are all one trick ponies.
LOL - yeah Obama's next step onto the "middle ground" will be his first.

And who said anything about Trump? Man you guys are all one trick ponies.
lol yes because adopting a republican GOVs healthcare plan isn't "middle ground." At least we have one trick, you've got nothing.
LOL - yeah Obama's next step onto the "middle ground" will be his first.

And who said anything about Trump? Man you guys are all one trick ponies.

I suppose that depends on someone's subjective definition of the middle ground. The problem. from my perspective, with the right as it currently exists is that their definition of "the middle ground" is you either completely agree with them or you do not.

By my definition amnesty, a path to citizenship and enforcement of current immigration laws is a middle ground (Bush and Obama). Blanket bans on Muslims, massive deportation or open borders are not. Assault weapons bans, more expansive background checks, etc. is a middle ground. A total ban on guns or no gun laws is not. Democrats, including Obama, are not advocating those positions on the extreme left. That is a middle ground as far as I am concerned.
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By golly the police investigation did turn up something. Now we have "witnesses" (plural) hearing the shooter shouting "Allahu Akbar".

"But just a week after another teenager attacker launched an ISIS-inspired axe attack on a German train, witnesses in McDonald's described hearing yesterday's attacker shouting 'Allahu Akbar', or 'God is Great', a cry used by Islamist terrorists during previous attacks. And ISIS supporters took to social media in the hours after yesterday's atrocity to celebrate the killings."

Read more:
The only things you've been able to find to support your preferred narrative are two days old or from far right bloggers. Even this link contains updated information from today that says he was a mass shooter playing a game on Facebook where he lured kids to MCDonalds on the promise of free food, not that he was a German-born terrorist of Iranian descent. Give it up. You're just continuing to embarrass yourself, even if you're too ignorant and sheltered to recognize that fact.
The only things you've been able to find to support your preferred narrative are two days old or from far right bloggers. Even this link contains updated information from today that says he was a mass shooter playing a game on Facebook where he lured kids to MCDonalds on the promise of free food, not that he was a German-born terrorist of Iranian descent. Give it up. You're just continuing to embarrass yourself, even if you're too ignorant and sheltered to recognize that fact.
Gr8, unless the shooter was a neo-Nazi skinhead waving the flag of the Third Reich and shouting "Do you want fries with that?" as he shot kids in the guts and head at McDonalds, you will never accept that a moslem Iranian loser getting no good puuntang and shouting "Allahu Akbar" was committing jihad.
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If you read George Orwell's "1984", and I did, it's doublethink, one word, not "...double speak...". The impetus for doublethink is Big Brother aka Big Government.

I was driving while typing and didn't look it up specifically, but that is semantics and irrelevant to the larger point. They are closely related concepts and equally applicable to Trump, but you are correct. I meant doublethink.

Donald Trump: the government has gotten too big and corrupt so we need to cede a never before seen level of power to the government and to me specifically so I can personally fix our largely manufactured post-911 terrorist problem in the United States, immigration, and curb the supposed liberal media's bias. That is not doublethink? I mean what about Trump's positions that he has actually expanded upon do not include a massive expansion of government?

I have also read it......
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Gr8, unless the shooter was a neo-Nazi skinhead waving the flag of the Third Reich and shouting "Do you want fries with that?" as he shot kids in the guts and head at McDonalds, you will never accept that a moslem Iranian loser getting no good puuntang and shouting "Allahu Akbar" was committing jihad.
Alright, calm down, it's pill time, you can readdress and sort this post out later.
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Alright, calm down, it's pill time, you can readdress and sort this post out later.
I was driving while typing and didn't look it up specifically but that is semantics and irrelevant to the larger points but hey are closely related concepts and equally applicable and my panties were in a wad and kinda poopy and stinky and my Depends was doing double duty. Oh Jeepers, I just did a triple duty in my Depends.

Edith, stifle and open the windows. Stifle Edith stifle!
I was driving while typing and didn't look it up specifically but that is semantics and irrelevant to the larger points but hey are closely related concepts and equally applicable and my panties were in a wad and kinda poopy and stinky and my Depends was doing double duty. Oh Jeepers, I just did a triple duty in my Depends.

Edith, stifle and open the windows. Stifle Edith stifle!
did you just have a stroke? Do we need to call someone?
Gr8, unless the shooter was a neo-Nazi skinhead waving the flag of the Third Reich and shouting "Do you want fries with that?" as he shot kids in the guts and head at McDonalds, you will never accept that a moslem Iranian loser getting no good puuntang and shouting "Allahu Akbar" was committing jihad.
That's just it. I don't believe he was yelling "Allahu Akbar" as multiple witnesses and video evidence, along with police reports on motivation have no indication of jihadist links. You've latched on to what one lady thought she heard yet are not paying any attention to the other mountains of evidence to the contrary. I'm going with what the preponderance of the evidence suggests, nothing more. Sorry that doesn't fit your preferred narrative.
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That's just it. I don't believe he was yelling "Allahu Akbar" as multiple witnesses and video evidence, along with police reports on motivation have no indication of jihadist links. You've latched on to what one lady thought she heard yet are not paying any attention to the other mountains of evidence to the contrary. I'm going with what the preponderance of the evidence suggests, nothing more. Sorry that doesn't fit your preferred narrative.
Moving on to the next jihad attacks, we have a bomber and a machete attack in Baveria, both Syrian moslems.
lol yes because adopting a republican GOVs healthcare plan isn't "middle ground." At least we have one trick, you've got nothing.
Wow - epic comeback fail, even by your standards. 99% of Republicans outside of MA were against Romneycare. Obama, Pelosi and Reid rammed thru ObamaCare with no GOP votes. In fact, the GOP was locked out of all the committee hearings.

And then you have Obama telling McCain when refusing to compromise on anything, "Elections have consequences."

Yep, Mr. Middle Ground.
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In less than two weeks we've had four attacks by molsems upon infidels in Germany. Your head is screwed on backwards if you believe this isn't motivated by Islam.
I suppose that depends on someone's subjective definition of the middle ground. The problem. from my perspective, with the right as it currently exists is that their definition of "the middle ground" is you either completely agree with them or you do not.

By my definition amnesty, a path to citizenship and enforcement of current immigration laws is a middle ground (Bush and Obama). Blanket bans on Muslims, massive deportation or open borders are not. Assault weapons bans, more expansive background checks, etc. is a middle ground. A total ban on guns or no gun laws is not. Democrats, including Obama, are not advocating those positions on the extreme left. That is a middle ground as far as I am concerned.
I can do pathway to citizenship- AFTER we secure the border. We have a President who refuses to enforce existing immigration laws, (which is pretty much his job description) - that's why the GOP won't move until the border wall is done.

Trump has no intention of deporting 10 million illegals. It's an absurd campaign pledge, sort of like "free college", "no new taxes", or "you can keep your doctor". Trump understands as well as anyone that doing so would cause an instant recession, as illegals are a big part of the economy. By and large they have embraced American consumerism, if not American culture. He will deport illegals who are not good for the country. Illegals who are working and obeying our laws will be left alone.
But he has to attract goofball votes just like Hillary has to with her "free tuition" and "income equality" BS.

I'm open to looking at common sense gun safety legislation.

What's your definition of "assault rifle"?

And who gets to decide who and who doesn't pass a background check?
I can do pathway to citizenship- AFTER we secure the border. We have a President who refuses to enforce existing immigration laws, (which is pretty much his job description) - that's why the GOP won't move until the border wall is done.

Trump has no intention of deporting 10 million illegals. It's an absurd campaign pledge, sort of like "free college", "no new taxes", or "you can keep your doctor". Trump understands as well as anyone that doing so would cause an instant recession, as illegals are a big part of the economy. By and large they have embraced American consumerism, if not American culture. He will deport illegals who are not good for the country. Illegals who are working and obeying our laws will be left alone.
But he has to attract goofball votes just like Hillary has to with her "free tuition" and "income equality" BS.

I'm open to looking at common sense gun safety legislation.

What's your definition of "assault rifle"?

And who gets to decide who and who doesn't pass a background check?

Lets at least know the facts here. Unauthorized immigration numbers from Mexico have declined during Obama's administration (5.6 million in 2014 compared to 6.4 million in 2009) and have been lower than under President Bush. Simultaneously, deportation numbers have generally increased when compared to his predecessors with the exception of FY 2015. I mean look at the data.... I would argue that the Obama administration has been the most effective ever at curbing illegal immigration.

I do not disagree with you at all on the absurdity of his deportation pledge or free college education for that matter. As far as income equality, I think measures can be taken to achieve more income inequality. For instance, expansion of the earned income tax credit while you slowly taper up the minimum wage. You are kind of taking "income equality" to its literal extreme, which I do not believe is the position of mainstream Democrats.

Last, my definition of "assault rifle." Admittedly I am not a gun guy and am not super familiar with the terminology, but I would think something along the lines of a long weapon, that's clip exceeds x amount of rounds (insert your number here -- but something around a standard handgun), and the ability to repeatedly discharge said rounds by simply pulling the trigger i.e. not bolt action. A more expansive background procedure is slightly more difficult. I would like to see some form of mental health screening, especially with the purchase of handguns. If I go to buy a handgun I should have to waive HIPPA. This would be unpopular and goes beyond your initial question, but if someone purchases a gun I think they should also have to obtain liability insurance with penalties for not doing so and a proof of insurance requirement at purchase.
Lets at least know the facts here. Unauthorized immigration numbers from Mexico have declined during Obama's administration (5.6 million in 2014 compared to 6.4 million in 2009) and have been lower than under President Bush. Simultaneously, deportation numbers have generally increased when compared to his predecessors with the exception of FY 2015. I mean look at the data.... I would argue that the Obama administration has been the most effective ever at curbing illegal immigration.

I do not disagree with you at all on the absurdity of his deportation pledge or free college education for that matter. As far as income equality, I think measures can be taken to achieve more income inequality. For instance, expansion of the earned income tax credit while you slowly taper up the minimum wage. You are kind of taking "income equality" to its literal extreme, which I do not believe is the position of mainstream Democrats.

Last, my definition of "assault rifle." Admittedly I am not a gun guy and am not super familiar with the terminology, but I would think something along the lines of a long weapon, that's clip exceeds x amount of rounds (insert your number here -- but something around a standard handgun), and the ability to repeatedly discharge said rounds by simply pulling the trigger i.e. not bolt action. A more expansive background procedure is slightly more difficult. I would like to see some form of mental health screening, especially with the purchase of handguns. If I go to buy a handgun I should have to waive HIPPA. This would be unpopular and goes beyond your initial question, but if someone purchases a gun I think they should also have to obtain liability insurance with penalties for not doing so and a proof of insurance requirement at purchase.
I don't think the idea of free college education is "absurd." It may be something that never passes but it isn't generally speaking "absurd."
We have free high school education. Why? Because back in the day that was the minimum education you needed to have a shot at a decent life.
Now, does free college education mean free Harvard? No. But if there were programs that say guaranteed at least an associates degree at a community college, that would be something that would be both affordable and helpful (it would effectively cut college costs in half). The specifics matter obviously, but I'm not sure 12th grade is universal "14th grade" is absurd is all that true.
I don't think the idea of free college education is "absurd." It may be something that never passes but it isn't generally speaking "absurd."
We have free high school education. Why? Because back in the day that was the minimum education you needed to have a shot at a decent life.
Now, does free college education mean free Harvard? No. But if there were programs that say guaranteed at least an associates degree at a community college, that would be something that would be both affordable and helpful (it would effectively cut college costs in half). The specifics matter obviously, but I'm not sure 12th grade is universal "14th grade" is absurd is all that true.

I meant absurd in the likelihood that it will ever be passed, especially by a Clinton administration that does not seem all that enthusiastic about its prospects. To me, even mentioning it seems like an overt attempt to court Sanders voters and nothing more.
I meant absurd in the likelihood that it will ever be passed, especially by a Clinton administration that does not seem all that enthusiastic about its prospects. To me, even mentioning it seems like an overt attempt to court Sanders voters and nothing more.
well her plan isn't free college though, it's much less than that.
well her plan isn't free college though, it's much less than that.

Do you think she would be willing to expend the political capital necessary to try to push what seems like a peripheral campaign issue of hers through what will probably be a divided Congress? I just do not think so. Reasonable minds can disagree, but I think, assuming she is elected, her focus will be elsewhere. Perhaps I am wrong.
Do you think she would be willing to expend the political capital necessary to try to push what seems like a peripheral campaign issue of hers through what will probably be a divided Congress? I just do not think so. Reasonable minds can disagree, but I think, assuming she is elected, her focus will be elsewhere. Perhaps I am wrong.
I think her plan is a lot less, so it would take a lot less push, but the reality is given the House (assuming she wins and wins the Senate) I'm going to assume literally nothing makes it through Congress regardless of what she proposes.
I think her plan is a lot less, so it would take a lot less push, but the reality is given the House (assuming she wins and wins the Senate) I'm going to assume literally nothing makes it through Congress regardless of what she proposes.
Yes - if she continues the "my way or the highway" tack taken by Obama, then not much will go thru.

On the other hand, if she does what her husband did and compromises with the House, she can get stuff thru.
Yes - if she continues the "my way or the highway" tack taken by Obama, then not much will go thru.

On the other hand, if she does what her husband did and compromises with the House, she can get stuff thru.
I don't think the idea of free college education is "absurd." It may be something that never passes but it isn't generally speaking "absurd."
We have free high school education. Why? Because back in the day that was the minimum education you needed to have a shot at a decent life.
Now, does free college education mean free Harvard? No. But if there were programs that say guaranteed at least an associates degree at a community college, that would be something that would be both affordable and helpful (it would effectively cut college costs in half). The specifics matter obviously, but I'm not sure 12th grade is universal "14th grade" is absurd is all that true.
Does everyone get free college under this plan?
which part of guaranteed you struggling with?

OK - I better start thinking about what I'm getting my next degree in...I am leaning toward botany or landscape architecture at this point, either will come in handy at mi casa.
In less than two weeks we've had four attacks by molsems upon infidels in Germany. Your head is screwed on backwards if you believe this isn't motivated by Islam.
But I mean the Munich shooter wasn't even a practicing Muslim, and may have actually converted from Islam anyway, but yeah, I'm sure Islam was his primary motivation despite the mounds of evidence to the contrary cuz you say so.