Might get invited to the big dance in March but

Baffling to me that we don't force opponents to do what they are bad at. We are giving poor shooting teams unlimited access to the rim. Seems this issue would be raised by a reporter in the in post-game.
slow laterally, can't stop the dribble drive. Same reason we don't get much off the bounce other than Smith.
As a Boiler fan, alum, ect, you're not required to only point out the positive. These players and coaches aren't above criticism. They're essentially paid pros now. If they don't want to read it of hear it, then go down to D2 or play somewhere that people don't care.
Be careful with the Blimp ......Boneman he's riding the rails a little tight. Goosefraba Blimpster Goosefraba......
When I went to Purdue, our entire team also played pick up games at the co-rec 24/7. They were pretty good against the regular student body. This is why I don’t understand when people say our players are tired!
Well I remember plenty plenty of those games where we were tired but usually I was hung over 🤣🤣🤣 there's another tired and that's when holding the game , in other words it's all on your shoulders , have to learn to play relaxed. I won more when I had fun.