Here's the thing....most guys are in the middle of their seasons and won't take calls personally. Their agents might....but any conversation at this point is highly speculative. Unless the guy is without a job, he's not going to leave the team he is currently with and come here mid year to start recruiting unless he's a low level assistant. I can't re-call a situation where that has ever happened.
I think we will let Hazell go before November hits the calendar....but the end of October is THE ABSOLUTE EARLIEST we would see him jettisoned.
Firing a guy after 2, 3 or even 4 games in a year sends a bad message. That, if you have bad start....our admin doesn't have the patience to let you turn it around. Now, we all know Hazell likely isn't the guy to do that....but to step outside the coach firing etiquette norms really only helps the butthurt sunday morning QBs on here to feel better. It makes our next potential HC feel that at the first sign of trouble fans and admin will bail. That's not really going to help attract a rebuilder to this massive job they would have in front of them.
This year is pretty much a lost year and was always going to be that with the AD transition. People complained about Hazell getting a 4th year and i'd generally agree....but we absolutely did not need or want Burke hiring another football coach. I am cool with this being a "lost year" if Bobinski can clean house, make a good hire and send us in a better direction.