Masks In Mackey

Aug 19, 2021
Shoutout to the unvaxxed dumbasses for forcing this. Atmosphere will take a major hit this year. Who wants to be yelling all game while smelling one’s own breath? It’ll be muffled this season and we can thank the morons.

So tell me again, what was the point in getting vaccinated?
Shoutout to the unvaxxed dumbasses for forcing this. Atmosphere will take a major hit this year. Who wants to be yelling all game while smelling one’s own breath? It’ll be muffled this season and we can thank the morons.

So tell me again, what was the point in getting vaccinated?

Unvaxxed are not making the rules, dumbass. They know and have accepted the risk. Vaxxed still get the disease, spread it and allow it to mutate (along with animals).

So thankyou dumbass virtue signalers and promask whiners who refuse to accept reality that COVID is here and not going away.

And guess I don't have to worry about trying attend a game this year.

For the record, I am vaxxed, but am anti mask as their are plenty of legitimate peer reviewed studies proving their worthlessness and I am also completely against having to show vaccination status to do things (not that I've heard that mention for attending games)
Unvaxxed are not making the rules, dumbass. They know and have accepted the risk. Vaxxed still get the disease, spread it and allow it to mutate (along with animals).

So thankyou dumbass virtue signalers and promask whiners who refuse to accept reality that COVID is here and not going away.

And guess I don't have to worry about trying attend a game this year.

For the record, I am vaxxed, but am anti mask as their are plenty of legitimate peer reviewed studies proving their worthlessness and I am also completely against having to show vaccination status to do things (not that I've heard that mention for attending games)

Wow You are so brave, thank you for your sacrifice. Your comment about the vaccinated being the problem shows your IQ level, I highly doubt you attended Purdue. We’ll miss your midget ass at the games tho
Shoutout to the unvaxxed dumbasses for forcing this. Atmosphere will take a major hit this year. Who wants to be yelling all game while smelling one’s own breath? It’ll be muffled this season and we can thank the morons.

So tell me again, what was the point in getting vaccinated?
Shoutout to the unvaxxed dumbasses for forcing this. Atmosphere will take a major hit this year. Who wants to be yelling all game while smelling one’s own breath? It’ll be muffled this season and we can thank the morons.

So tell me again, what was the point in getting vaccinated?
Shoutout to the unvaxxed dumbasses for forcing this. Atmosphere will take a major hit this year. Who wants to be yelling all game while smelling one’s own breath? It’ll be muffled this season and we can thank the morons.

So tell me again, what was the point in getting vaccinated?
Is this post real life?
Unvaxxed are not making the rules, dumbass. They know and have accepted the risk. Vaxxed still get the disease, spread it and allow it to mutate (along with animals).

So thankyou dumbass virtue signalers and promask whiners who refuse to accept reality that COVID is here and not going away.

And guess I don't have to worry about trying attend a game this year.

For the record, I am vaxxed, but am anti mask as their are plenty of legitimate peer reviewed studies proving their worthlessness and I am also completely against having to show vaccination status to do things (not that I've heard that mention for attending games)
Any link to one of these "legitimate ... studies?"

The comment about vaccinated individuals still being able to catch COVID is obvious. Nobody anywhere ever said that any of the vaccines were 100% effective. HOWEVER the spread is greatly reduced in highly vaccinated communities, and the virus would die out if sufficient populations were vaccinated. Unfortunately, one segment of our society decided to politicize vaccination to own the other segment, and we're now stuck with mutations and spikes that are protracting recovery. It sure isn't those getting vaccinated who are greatly increasing the spread.
Wow You are so brave, thank you for your sacrifice. Your comment about the vaccinated being the problem shows your IQ level, I highly doubt you attended Purdue. We’ll miss your midget ass at the games tho
And I highly doubt you even graduated from High School.
Any link to one of these "legitimate ... studies?"

The comment about vaccinated individuals still being able to catch COVID is obvious. Nobody anywhere ever said that any of the vaccines were 100% effective. HOWEVER the spread is greatly reduced in highly vaccinated communities, and the virus would die out if sufficient populations were vaccinated. Unfortunately, one segment of our society decided to politicize vaccination to own the other segment, and we're now stuck with mutations and spikes that are protracting recovery. It sure isn't those getting vaccinated who are greatly increasing the spread.
I'm sorry you don't know how to search for information yourself as it isn't really to hard to find. I've given up trying to educate the sheep as they refuse to be educated.
Any link to one of these "legitimate ... studies?"

The comment about vaccinated individuals still being able to catch COVID is obvious. Nobody anywhere ever said that any of the vaccines were 100% effective. HOWEVER the spread is greatly reduced in highly vaccinated communities, and the virus would die out if sufficient populations were vaccinated. Unfortunately, one segment of our society decided to politicize vaccination to own the other segment, and we're now stuck with mutations and spikes that are protracting recovery. It sure isn't those getting vaccinated who are greatly increasing the spread.

Tell that to Israel.
Shoutout to the unvaxxed dumbasses for forcing this. Atmosphere will take a major hit this year. Who wants to be yelling all game while smelling one’s own breath? It’ll be muffled this season and we can thank the morons.

So tell me again, what was the point in getting vaccinated?
What do you care? You aren't a Purdue fan nor have ever been to WL. Run back to your parent's basement where you belong.
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Shoutout to the unvaxxed dumbasses for forcing this. Atmosphere will take a major hit this year. Who wants to be yelling all game while smelling one’s own breath? It’ll be muffled this season and we can thank the morons.

So tell me again, what was the point in getting vaccinated?
In a sane world, the point of getting vaccinated is to provide immunity to the disease and to prevent you from spreading it to others. The Pfizer "vaccine" does neither. Therefore, you are probably not vaccinated.

But it has provided a fantastic boost to Pfizer stock, which many politicians own.
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Any link to one of these "legitimate ... studies?"

The comment about vaccinated individuals still being able to catch COVID is obvious. Nobody anywhere ever said that any of the vaccines were 100% effective. HOWEVER the spread is greatly reduced in highly vaccinated communities, and the virus would die out if sufficient populations were vaccinated. Unfortunately, one segment of our society decided to politicize vaccination to own the other segment, and we're now stuck with mutations and spikes that are protracting recovery. It sure isn't those getting vaccinated who are greatly increasing the spread.
Any link to a study showing "the spread is greatly reduced in highly vaccinated communities"?

And you seem to be dissing minority communities in big cities, where the greatest portions have been rejecting the call for vaccination. Is that the "one segment of our society" that you were referring to? I'm sure you did not intend your comment to be politicizing.
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I'm sorry you don't know how to search for information yourself as it isn't really to hard to find. I've given up trying to educate the sheep as they refuse to be educated.
Yeah, that's a bunch of garbage. There are myriad studies that show masks are effective. It's actually difficult to find your studies, since the claims are apparently based on inaccurate interpretation of a Danish study released a year ago. I would argue that you are the sheep who refuses to be educated.
So we should not be getting vaccinated? We should just let people keep getting sick and die for no reason beyond "owning the libs?" Sounds completely pragmatic.

Is that what's happening in Israel? Owning the libs? And yes, everyone should he getting vaccinated. I question the injection of what are essentially COVID immunity boosters, not vaccines.
In a sane world, the point of getting vaccinated is to provide immunity to the disease and to prevent you from spreading it to others. The Pfizer "vaccine" does neither. Therefore, you are probably not vaccinated.

But it has provided a fantastic boost to Pfizer stock, which many politicians own.
Yeah, had I the information about need for constant boosters been available at the time, I would not have gotten vaccinated or had my son vaccinated, and no, we will not be getting into the never ending line of constant boosters. The vaccines are now showing they were not at all ready for prime time like advertised and natural immunity is really the best method for combatting the virus.
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Snoop, BillyHillUI, McNutt… how boring your life must be to need to create these accounts to stir the pot. I will not waste my time on you this time. Immediate ignore
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Any link to a study showing "the spread is greatly reduced in highly vaccinated communities"?

And you seem to be dissing minority communities in big cities, where the greatest portions have been rejecting the call for vaccination. Is that the "one segment of our society" that you were referring to? I'm sure you did not intend your comment to be politicizing.
Boy, you RWNJs sure do have a lot of misinformation at the ready. How do you respond to the fact that vaccination among minorities has met or exceeded that of the white population? And are you arguing that areas with lower vaccination rates have not seen higher rates of transmission? Are you serious?

Unvaxxed are not making the rules, dumbass. They know and have accepted the risk. Vaxxed still get the disease, spread it and allow it to mutate (along with animals).

So thankyou dumbass virtue signalers and promask whiners who refuse to accept reality that COVID is here and not going away.

And guess I don't have to worry about trying attend a game this year.

For the record, I am vaxxed, but am anti mask as their are plenty of legitimate peer reviewed studies proving their worthlessness and I am also completely against having to show vaccination status to do things (not that I've heard that mention for attending games)
This is spot on regarding the mask usefulness--which is none. Mask wearers can't tell you if the mask they are wearing is to protect them from others or the other way around.

I am not vaxxed and won't due to >99% therapeutics but that is my choice and I respect the choice made by others.

But vaxxed or not, masks are useless if not more harmful than no masks.
Is that what's happening in Israel? Owning the libs? And yes, everyone should he getting vaccinated. I question the injection of what are essentially COVID immunity boosters, not vaccines.
Israel is an interesting case study. Lots of boosters, lots of reduction of restrictions and re-engagement in society once the boosters happened. LOTS of re-infection spread by (unvaxxed )children under 12 and the unvaxxed (64% of the country is vaxxed.) did an informative summary:

Israel, among the first countries to launch coronavirus vaccinations and the first to roll out booster shots on a large scale, is offering a disturbing glimpse of what could be in store for other rich nations if they begin to give boosters this fall. Israel launched its pioneering booster campaign in late July, prompted by a surge in cases reflecting the extreme contagiousness of the Delta variant, the loosening of restrictions, and an apparent waning of protection from vaccines given in early winter. But cases have risen even higher since, suggesting boosters are far from a panacea when children and others remain unvaccinated.

Since 30 July, Israel has given a third shot of messenger RNA vaccine to more than 3 million people, including a majority of those 40 and older. Yet Israel is “stuck in a status quo of 1000 or 900 new cases per million per day,” says Ran Balicer, chief innovation officer at Clalit Health Services, Israel’s largest health maintenance organization, “which is a very bad status quo to be stuck at.”

Public health experts differ about exactly why a country of 9.3 million that is vaccinating so aggressively still has one of the highest rates of reported infections per capita in the world, more than twice that of the United States. Extensive testing and social factors may play a role. But David Dowdy, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, says it’s a sign that “providing booster shots alone does not dramatically change the course or trajectory of transmission at a country level. Because the majority of transmission is still occurring from people who are unvaccinated.” Israel’s vaccination rate—64% of its population has received at least two doses—puts it ahead of the United States but behind some 30 other countries.

Among Israelis 60 and older who received a booster, the risk of infection fell 11-fold in August and the risk of severe disease 20-fold compared with their twice-vaccinated peers, according to a study of 1.1 million Israelis published in
The New England Journal of Medicine last week and discussed by the FDA committee. At the meeting, Ron Milo, a systems biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science, presented data showing that during August, the virus’ ability to spread—its so-called reproduction number—fell by 30%, until each infected person was infecting slightly less than one additional person, a threshold that’s essential for ultimately ending an outbreak.

The paradox reflects social realities, Sharon Alroy-Preis, director of public health services for Israel’s Ministry of Health, told the meeting. Public schools opened on 1 September and the Jewish High Holy Days, with their attendant travel and family gatherings, stretch from 6 to 27 September. (Many Israelis do not wear masks at indoor family gatherings.)

Balicer, who is chair of the expert committee that advises the Israeli government on pandemic response, agrees. “The combination of [unvaccinated] children meeting in school followed up by large family gatherings is the recipe for mass dissemination of the disease,” he told Science.

A significant portion of the new infections is occurring in the 2 million Israeli children who are younger than 12, for whom vaccines are not yet approved. Whereas this group represented 24% of new infections on 14 August, that number had risen to 42% in the week ending 16 September. “There are two parallel forces driving this proportion up: school opening, and gradually increased protection of the older population,” Balicer says. More than three-quarters of Israelis who are 60 and older have received boosters.

Israel’s case count likely reflects a third factor, too—extensive testing, says Dvir Aran, a biomedical data scientist at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion). “Since school started children must get tested if there was a confirmed case in their class. This means that many more children are getting tested.” (His 2-year-old daughter is now in quarantine with her mother, separated from him and her siblings, because a preschool classmate tested positive.)

Even as infections surge in children, daily new severe cases have declined from between 90 and 100 in late August to about 70 so far in September. Because children are less likely to get severely ill from COVID-19, “We are seeing a lot of new cases but we don’t see a lot of new severe patients,” says Dror Mevorach, a physician who cares for COVID-19 patients at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem and advises the government.

The booster campaign has also dramatically shifted the vaccination status of people who do get seriously ill. In mid-August, after vaccine efficacy had started to wane and before the effects of boosters had taken hold, 59% of severe patients were fully vaccinated. By mid-September, 70% of new cases of severe illness were in the unvaccinated. “All [our] severe and critical patients below 60 are nonvaccinated,” Mevorach says of his hospital.
Why bother sending you the links? You won't read them because they are counter to your narrative.

There have been NUMEROUS studies that show natural immunity from having contracted covid outperforms the vaccine.
Nope, wrong again. My narrative is that masks and vaccines help stymy spread. Do you think I like wearing a mask? F*ck no. Your narrative is that the government is trying to control the population via these measures. That's completely ridiculous, especially given that this is a global issue.

Nope, wrong again. My narrative is that masks and vaccines help stymy spread. Do you think I like wearing a mask? F*ck no. Your narrative is that the government is trying to control the population via these measures. That's completely ridiculous, especially given that this is a global issue.

I'm vaccinated. I also don't think the government has the right to force its population to take a medical treatment or procedure. What's next, forced vasectomy? Oh wait...that's already a thing that's been proposed.

I'm vaccinated. I also don't think the government has the right to force its population to take a medical treatment or procedure. What's next, forced vasectomy? Oh wait...that's already a thing that's been proposed.

Completely agree. Not seeing where govt is mandating vax or med procedure, but if that’s happening it’s huge infringement.

What about as a condition of private employment or private employment hire?
What if the govt is the employer?

Also, forced vasectomy for convicted serial rapists? Hack away or just cut em off completely.
Completely agree. Not seeing where govt is mandating vax or med procedure, but if that’s happening it’s huge infringement.

What about as a condition of private employment or private employment hire?
What if the govt is the employer?

Also, forced vasectomy for convicted serial rapists? Hack away or just cut em off completely.

EDIT: Of course, congress has exempted themselves from any vaccination requirement, citing ... *AHEM* ... "privacy".
Shoutout to the unvaxxed dumbasses for forcing this. Atmosphere will take a major hit this year. Who wants to be yelling all game while smelling one’s own breath? It’ll be muffled this season and we can thank the morons.

So tell me again, what was the point in getting vaccinated?
pretty sure it was about not dying when you do contract it.

EDIT: Of course, congress has exempted themselves from any vaccination requirement, citing ... *AHEM* ... "privacy".
Yeah..that is hypocritical garbage at its worst.

Let me complete the circle—mandatory vasectomies for politicians?
Boy, you RWNJs sure do have a lot of misinformation at the ready. How do you respond to the fact that vaccination among minorities has met or exceeded that of the white population? And are you arguing that areas with lower vaccination rates have not seen higher rates of transmission? Are you serious?

LOL. I feel like AOC found her way to our board. LWNJ. And so reliant on emotion.

Please explain how the vaccinated Dems who fled Texas contracted Covid and gave it to Kamala's staff. All of them claimed to be vaccinated. There is no statistical jutification for that. Please explain. Is this the "segment of society" you refer to?

And you watch your heros appearing in public without masks when they think they aren't on camera... You trust these people and are ready to do whatever they say? Even when they aren't following the science? The answer is "Yes, you do."

And please don't pretend to know what was in the Danish study about the ineffectiveness of masks. And don't try to convince us that you know how to interpret the data. That paper was pulled for political reasons before anyone could read it. If I'm wrong, post a link to the paper.
Yeah..that is hypocritical garbage at its worst.

Let me complete the circle—mandatory vasectomies for politicians?
It's easy to spot some of the people who, when polled, think the POTUS is doing a good job. To some of us it's hard to understand, but there are people in this world who want to be ruled. They don't want to have to think or make decisions. They just want to put an elite person in charge and follow them.
I’m a hoops season ticket holder, I’ve had the shots but respect people’s rights not to get them, anyway, is the masks a requirement to wear all game? I don’t mind wearing one if I walk in, move about, however, it’s bs if I have to have it on all game. This thread doesn’t explain anything except for starting arguments, what’s the deal?
I’m a hoops season ticket holder, I’ve had the shots but respect people’s rights not to get them, anyway, is the masks a requirement to wear all game? I don’t mind wearing one if I walk in, move about, however, it’s bs if I have to have it on all game. This thread doesn’t explain anything except for starting arguments, what’s the deal?
I'm guessing it's not actually going to be a requirement, but someone wanted to start a flame war.
It's easy to spot some of the people who, when polled, think the POTUS is doing a good job. To some of us it's hard to understand, but there are people in this world who want to be ruled. They don't want to have to think or make decisions. They just want to put an elite person in charge and follow them.
As opposed to the last unqualified loser?

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