bonefish, are you actually managing expectations or are you subconsciously implementing a defeatist attitude as a way to shield yourself from any possible disappointment in the coming season? This is too often (i.e. many examples) the psychology of Purdue sports fans: gravitating towards playing the role of "victims" or defeatists, for some reason or another.
As far as the rotation goes, there are already eight guys that are pretty much (assuming they "stay the course") locks:
C. Edwards
V. Edwards
We'll see how the regularity of PT shakes out for Taylor, Ewing, Haarms, and Stefanovic.
Ha probably haven't read too many of my posting history. I don't make excuses or have a defeatist attitude. In fact, the only excuse I usually offer is that the coach isn't good enough at selling the program, or we take/play some guys who are questionable Big 10 level talent.