MA in the Portal

Well stick a fork in next season, we are cooked. So we add mostly useless depth and lose two promising freshmen... this portal season is really showing how good our coaching staff is on development and retention of players.
KG’s most prized recruit - looking at virtually unlimited playing time next year - can see that her coach has no idea how to construct a roster.
I am giving CKG a little benefit of the doubt, and say its probably homesickness, but it doesn't seem likely at this point that CKG will ever see the NCAA's again (except on TV or buying a ticket) with the way she has handled this off season.
A shocker imo.. maybe she wanted to be closer to home? I think she was pretty tight with Monson and Swanson. It kind of makes you worry there will continue to be a trickle down effect.
I am giving CKG a little benefit of the doubt, and say its probably homesickness, but it doesn't seem likely at this point that CKG will ever see the NCAA's again (except on TV or buying a ticket) with the way she has handled this off season.

Maybe she just wants to win? And not spend half of her college career “building”.
She proved she can play, so its quite likely a much better team/program will pick her up. And maybe closer to home. No matter why she is leaving, she takes almost any hope of a winning season next year for Purdue out the door with her.

Only chance we will have is if Bass comes. If she turns us down knowing she has unlimited minutes at a big ten school. Then this will be an absolutely sh*tshow for KG
Only chance we will have is if Bass comes. If she turns us down knowing she has unlimited minutes at a big ten school. Then this will be an absolutely sh*tshow for KG
I don't think Bass is THAT good, maybe gets us one to three more wins we might not get otherwise, but as we sit today, I don't know that this is a 10 win team for next season.
Maybe this is a sign that the players also feel coldcocked or bewildered with all the one-year players we are going after for next year. If we were a really good team some of these things could be understandable, but we are not even close. Seems like every other day something odd is happening here. I'm a bit speechless now with this low point of Purdue Women's Basketball.
Maybe this is a sign that the players also feel coldcocked or bewildered with all the one-year players we are going after for next year. If we were a really good team some of these things could be understandable, but we are not even close. Seems like every other day something odd is happening here. I'm a bit speechless now with this low point of Purdue Women's Basketball.

It’s not shocking to see a player enter. But I was expecting that to be Smjth and/or Layden. The two kids who essentially had their playing time snatched away from them with the recent portal additions. But apparently they are just fine with sitting on the bench watching us lose (as was definitely apparent by this past year). MA, a competitor who actually wants to win, saw the writing on the wall with this roster and bailed.
It’s not shocking to see a player enter. But I was expecting that to be Smjth and/or Layden. The two kids who essentially had their playing time snatched away from them with the recent portal additions. But apparently they are just fine with sitting on the bench watching us lose (as was definitely apparent by this past year). MA, a competitor who actually wants to win, saw the writing on the wall with this roster and bailed.
The portal isn't closed yet.................
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BYE don't let the door hit you in the behind.

The Portal remains the worst thing our politicians have ever done to college sports.
BYE don't let the door hit you in the behind.

The Portal remains the worst thing our politicians have ever done to college sports.
It was an attempt by the NCAA to rein in the multiple court judgements striking down all the rules that kept collegiate athletics reasonably fair. Now with the portal, no transfer penalties no matter how many times you transfer and NIL becoming pay for play, college sports is in its death throes.
It was an attempt by the NCAA to rein in the multiple court judgements striking down all the rules that kept collegiate athletics reasonably fair. Now with the portal, no transfer penalties no matter how many times you transfer and NIL becoming pay for play, college sports is in its death throes.

Not if you have a coach that knows how to play it right. IU hasn’t had 1 transfer and they just added a former Tenn veteran post that actually makes up for a team’s deficiency due to loss of a graduated player. Makes me sick to see the team down south, led by a former boiler, do everything the right way.
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Not if you have a coach that knows how to play it right. IU hasn’t had 1 transfer and they just added a former Tenn veteran post that actually makes up for a team’s deficiency due to loss of a graduated player. Makes me sick to see the team down south, led by a former boiler, do everything the right way.
But, EVERY team has 3-4 portal losses every year according to one of our posters..... ;)

In all seriousness, I now wonder if Monson was forced out by CKG and that caused MA to not want to be part of this program any longer as well.
This is certainly surprising to me, and could have major implications to those who have previously committed. A mediocre team just got a lot worse. The Gearlds era may not last very long at this pace.
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There's alot of doom and gloom and speculation on what happened, and that's all it is at this point, speculation. Looks like CKG was surprised by this decision and sometimes there's just nothing you can do. If we start losing a bunch of other starters, then maybe I'll dive into the sky is falling on CKG fandom.

Yes it sucks, I liked MA alot, promising player, coming into a leadership role, great teammate, and tough as nails.

Trying to find the silver lining, this move potentially opens up more PT for Mckenna and Mila. One reason to be optimistic is these two had a better looking 3 point shot than MA. This might force us to play a more modern 4 out 1 in style... which is what landed CKG and her team in the NCAA's.

I get they are both behind MA in alot of categories that make up a good player, just throwing out a sliver of optimism. Alot of work to be done.
So, the coach who has to date shown zero ability to develop players is going to turn McKenna and fat Mila into hardnosed warriors like MA was? Do you still believe in the Easter Bunny as well?
Why did she leave? There is never any information about the reason for departure. Is it illegal/impossible to interview the player or coach about the reason for her leaving. Personal clash/Perceived playing time/better offer/home sickness??? What about some facts rather than pure speculation. This departure is particularly puzzling and upsetting.
Bobinski better be questioning the coaching staff on this one. One of the few bright spots on our roster with unlimited PT and a perceived leadership role suddenly departs? Do the players not like KG or our new assistants? I still question why we were so bad this year, certainly something is amiss here.
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This reminds me of a veiled comment on a FB post to the Women’s Bball page a week or so ago about someone “leaving when they find out what’s going on there”. Can’t find the comment now, looks to be removed.
So, the coach who has to date shown zero ability to develop players is going to turn McKenna and fat Mila into hardnosed warriors like MA was? Do you still believe in the Easter Bunny as well?
Sorry that you felt insulted. It's just your post struck me as completely outside any rational view of reality.
Nature of the beast, players are going to leave, will we see 1-2 more? Purdue better get a big, if not it’s going to be a long year!
Maybe this is a sign that the players also feel coldcocked or bewildered with all the one-year players we are going after for next year. If we were a really good team some of these things could be understandable, but we are not even close. Seems like every other day something odd is happening here. I'm a bit speechless now with this low point of Purdue Women's Basketball.
My guess is a bigger program came knocking on the door with a bigger bag. We’ll see where she ends up, it will be interesting.
There are some things we have to take in account with a player and person like MA.

She is not your typical athlete. She comes from a very affluent and wealthy family. She went to a very prestigious private school in New York City. She’s also a very high academic kid.

That’s a far cry from life in West Lafayette. Yes Purdue is a good school but it’s hardly a “small private school” and it’s located in the middle of a cornfield.

I could definitely see a school like Princeton - who went 25-5 this past year - being a major option for her. They were one of her finalists and that atmosphere may suit her better than Purdue.

And with how things are going - she’s a whole lot closer to making the ncaa tournament at Princeton than at Purdue. I just hope it’s not USC as they are about to be one of our conference rivals and were also one of her finalists. But if she wants to make a final four, that would be the best option, obviously.
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There are some things we have to take in account with a player and person like MA.

She is not your typical athlete. She comes from a very affluent and wealthy family. She went to a very prestigious private school in New York City. She’s also a very high academic kid.

That’s a far cry from life in West Lafayette. Yes Purdue is a good school but it’s hardly a “small private school” and it’s located in the middle of a cornfield.

I could definitely see a school like Princeton - who went 25-5 this past year - being a major option for her. They were one of her finalists and that atmosphere may suit her better than Purdue.

And with how things are going - she’s a whole lot closer to making the ncaa tournament at Princeton than at Purdue. I just hope it’s not USC as they are about to be one of our conference rivals and were also one of her finalists. But if she wants to make a final four, that would be the best option, obviously.
Good post, a chance at a final 4 playing with JuJu? It’s happening in the men’s game big time, Duke lost 8 players, Wisky lost 2 thirty minute a night starters in Storr and Hepburn. It sucks but Coach needs to get Bass, chance to be a 30 minute a night player at a Big Ten school.
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Guessing a better program with a little more money, we’ll see where she ends up. No doubt it sucks.
Virtually no one has money on the women's side. Shaq provides for LSU, but only after they've proven their worth. That's about it. The rest at most get pizza money.

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