Lyin Biden!


May 29, 2001
Biden lies again about how his son Beau died. For what little he is available to the media, he lies more than anyone can imagine.

Can you imagine, what it takes to lie outright to a gold star mom?

I guess when you are the most corrupt President in history..... what's one more lie, as by this point his whole Presidency and being is one big lie?
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So Chump did not tell one lie while in office?
It always comes back to this. Trump said this Trump did that. According to this post, this is the first and only lie Lyin Biden has told so far. You people that voted for this imbecile have no shame and will defend every idiotic thing he says and does. 81 million votes, yeah right!
It always comes back to this. Trump said this Trump did that. According to this post, this is the first and only lie Lyin Biden has told so far. You people that voted for this imbecile have no shame and will defend every idiotic thing he says and does. 81 million votes, yeah right!
You say nothing about the MAGA cult defending Chump, a deranged narcissist now playing the race card calling the black woman prosecutor in GA a racist. Also saying that she is having or had an affair with a rapper that she was prosecuting. That is absolutely not true. It's one thing for an attorney to have an affair with a client the they are defending. But he lying, spreading conspiracy theories, imagine that, that she had an affair with someone who she is prosecuting. You can't make this stuff. There is absolutely no human being in the entire history of mankind that lies as much as Chump. Chump is the imbecile and no republican is brave enough to put this man out to the pasture for good.
You say nothing about the MAGA cult defending Chump, a deranged narcissist now playing the race card calling the black woman prosecutor in GA a racist. Also saying that she is having or had an affair with a rapper that she was prosecuting. That is absolutely not true. It's one thing for an attorney to have an affair with a client the they are defending. But he lying, spreading conspiracy theories, imagine that, that she had an affair with someone who she is prosecuting. You can't make this stuff. There is absolutely no human being in the entire history of mankind that lies as much as Chump. Chump is the imbecile and no republican is brave enough to put this man out to the pasture for good.
I said all one can say about Trump. I didn’t vote for him the last time. That says a lot right. You voted for Biden and continue to defend him. If Biden was a Republican you would be all over him daily.
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So Chump did not tell one lie while in office?
Did I say Trump didn’t lie. At least I can admit Trump lied. You Democrats voted for Joe because he didn’t lie (wink wink…nod nod, while Joe stutters incoherent blabber and Hunter takes all of the money off the Chinese and Russian table).

Where did COVID originate. Biden lie, Trump truth.

Cloth masks work, Biden lie.

Hunters laptop was Russian collusion. Trump truth, Biden lie.
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