Lyin’ Liz

Trump Economy > Obama Economy.

While THIS ARTICLE is about 4 months old, it would perhaps provide visual rebuttal to the clarity of your claim with 15 charts reflecting the relative economic status.

The Washington Post? LOL.

So, I assume that you are about preparing to post something that demonstrates their 15 charts are incorrect. I can hardly wait, but I am guessing that I will have to, probably until hell freezes over.

The sad tale of our times...
Well, if you want to get technical, she asked "children". Children is the plural form of child. Since only one child went to private school and since both her children attended public schools, at least partially, her response is technically accurate.
Wrong. She was asked if her children went to private schools. She said no. Lie.
Telling lies is acceptable as long as it’s a Democrat speaking them.
You're inferring that from WHAT post on this thread ??

How 'bout: If you've told a handful of lies that are publicly revealed...….

Got some more? Bring 'em on......
You're inferring that from WHAT post on this thread ??

How 'bout: If you've told a handful of lies that are publicly revealed...….

Got some more? Bring 'em on......
I’m inferring it from the above post about thirteen thousand behind your guy. I thought this was about Liz lying?
I’m inferring it from the above post about thirteen thousand behind your guy. I thought this was about Liz lying?
I've never considered it any kind of problem for a poster to TRY to restrict a conversation to only those untruths spoken by Sen. Warren....
But if she weren't a leading candidate for a nomination for the 2020 election.....then she'd never be heard from.
Since she IS....the ASTRONOMICAL difference in the number of mistruths of Ms. Warren compared to those of the GOP candidate....
Is going to keep coming back to the candidate comparison exposition....relentlessly....
That's what all Democrats do....they lie. And then they lie some more.
It’s not difficult at all to tell that Republicans have been lying nonstop through this impeachment process. It’s so easy to see it, which makes the fact that the Republican base is too stupid to realize it all the more sad.
Her daughter went to public school.
Her son did, up until the 5th grade.
In 1985+

Tell us when you're ready for us to roll the 13,000, here, delivered by Trump.
Gonna be a lot of pages involved.
Start listing buddy, with your documentation .Just make sure you don't make yourself any more of a liar than you are every day.
It’s not difficult at all to tell that Republicans have been lying nonstop through this impeachment process. It’s so easy to see it, which makes the fact that the Republican base is too stupid to realize it all the more sad.
Really that's funny because what is really obvious is the whole thing is a lie and the Democrats lie on a nonstop daily basis. You and W are what is really sad
Really that's funny because what is really obvious is the whole thing is a lie and the Democrats lie on a nonstop daily basis. You and W are what is really sad
Emails, text messages, phone call, witness testimony. It’s all real. Republicans have an issue with reality, how in the world you manage to tie your shoes in the morning.
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No it doesn’t.
Like hell.
The public record shows 13,000 fact-checked mistruths and lies.
We all must have MISSED the PUBLIC RECORD of Ms. Warren's other 12,990+ .
Y'see, Twin....your imagination is not the same as publicly known facts.
Always a good thing to remember.
Start listing buddy, with your documentation .Just make sure you don't make yourself any more of a liar than you are every day.
"Listing" WHAT ??.
It takes 30 seconds on Google to find Ms. Warren's statements. Easy.
On your mark, ….get set.....
No it doesn’t.
The Washington Post has a complete catalog - kept up-to-date DAILY - of the 13,000+....

All FACT-CHECKED by scrupulous journalistic entities.
Publicly accessible for anyone to scroll through all or some of the almost endless list....

It's not deniable.
It's not arguable.
Go find them, if you must.
The Washington Post has a complete catalog - kept up-to-date DAILY - of the 13,000+....

All FACT-CHECKED by scrupulous journalistic entities.
Publicly accessible for anyone to scroll through all or some of the almost endless list....

It's not deniable.
It's not arguable.
Go find them, if you must.
Oh you mean these clowns?

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Why don't you post an article of the Post about the Ravens/Patriot'd have every bit the relevance

13,000....fact-checked.....and there's not one d___ thing you're going to be able to do about it , now is there ??
Liz has 14,000 lies. See how easy that was?
Liz has 14,000 lies. See how easy that was?
Yeah....we can all see how easy that was.....for someone like YOU....who isn't aware of the publicly available trove of DOCUMENTED AND FACT -CHECKED mistruths and lies that Trump has uttered, tweeted or written in his presidential run/residence in office.
Y'see, Twin, the FACT that this exists is NOT something you regularly see referred to in conservative/right-wing media or outlets. Why would they bring these 13,000 to the attention of their readers/audience ??
It's not self-serving. Since those represent the sum total of what you ever read about the subject….
no wonder it's a revelation to YOU.

Log onto
See what you find.
Yeah....we can all see how easy that was.....for someone like YOU....who isn't aware of the publicly available trove of DOCUMENTED AND FACT -CHECKED mistruths and lies that Trump has uttered, tweeted or written in his presidential run/residence in office.
Y'see, Twin, the FACT that this exists is NOT something you regularly see referred to in conservative/right-wing media or outlets. Why would they bring these 13,000 to the attention of their readers/audience ??
It's not self-serving. Since those represent the sum total of what you ever read about the subject….
no wonder it's a revelation to YOU.

Log onto
See what you find.
Okay, now it's evident that you a reading comprehension problem. I'm not New Pal, yet he too is an intelligent person. As for have a much better chance of being elected most like Goober as she does being Prez.
Okay, now it's evident that you a reading comprehension problem. I'm not New Pal, yet he too is an intelligent person. As for have a much better chance of being elected most like Goober as she does being Prez.
Your inability to read and comprehend information is somehow a reading comprehension problem for doubleyous? You and New Pal are of the same stripe, there's no sign of intelligence to be found.
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Your inability to read and comprehend information is somehow a reading comprehension problem for doubleyous? You and New Pal are of the same stripe, there's no sign of intelligence to be found.
Your inability to read and comprehend information is somehow a reading comprehension problem for doubleyous? You and New Pal are of the same stripe, there's no sign of intelligence to be found. we know...Indy and Dub are one and the same.
Okay, now it's evident that you a reading comprehension problem. I'm not New Pal, yet he too is an intelligent person. As for have a much better chance of being elected most like Goober as she does being Prez.
Ah, a misidentified poster. The shame of it all. we know...Indy and Dub are one and the same.
" one and the same" ??
At least we now know who writes your General Discussion Board material for you: None other than the
certifiable SquirrelGuy……..always did think that he was a little more diligent than you...….
Yeah....we can all see how easy that was.....for someone like YOU....who isn't aware of the publicly available trove of DOCUMENTED AND FACT -CHECKED mistruths and lies that Trump has uttered, tweeted or written in his presidential run/residence in office.
Y'see, Twin, the FACT that this exists is NOT something you regularly see referred to in conservative/right-wing media or outlets. Why would they bring these 13,000 to the attention of their readers/audience ??
It's not self-serving. Since those represent the sum total of what you ever read about the subject….
no wonder it's a revelation to YOU.

Log onto
See what you find.
The WaPo is a lefty rag and has lost all credibility. Try again.

Meanwhile, here’s another yarn from Lyin’ Liz: “5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael was unarmed yet he was shot 6 times. I stand with activists and organizers who continue the fight for justice for Michael. We must confront systemic racism and police violence head on.”
The WaPo is a lefty rag and has lost all credibility. Try again.

Meanwhile, here’s another yarn from Lyin’ Liz: “5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael was unarmed yet he was shot 6 times. I stand with activists and organizers who continue the fight for justice for Michael. We must confront systemic racism and police violence head on.”
Y'know, N. Palestine...…...I realize that you have your own personal habits regarding the access to news and to sources of political opinion......
But the stubborn resistance to truth you possess, does not prevent the world from establishing its own set of incontrovertible spite of your inherent avoidance.

The Washington Post is known THROUGHOUT THE MODERN WORLD as one of the best news gatherers in existence, anywhere. ( Watergate reporting being but a tiny slice of its long, illustrious history.)
As is the editorially right-leaning Wall Street Journal.

The only people with whom its credibility has disappeared are the people who wouldn't know a quality newspaper from a comic book.

That would include you.
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Y'know, N. Palestine...…...I realize that you have your own personal habits regarding the access to news and to sources of political opinion......
But the stubborn resistance to truth you possess, does not prevent the world from establishing its own set of incontrovertible spite of your inherent avoidance.

The Washington Post is known THROUGHOUT THE MODERN WORLD as one of the best news gatherers in existence, anywhere. ( Watergate reporting being but a tiny slice of its long, illustrious history.)
As is the editorially right-leaning Wall Street Journal.

The only people with whom its credibility has disappeared are the people who wouldn't know a quality newspaper from a comic book.

That would include you.
Incorrect. Roughly half of America has come to the realization that the MSM is a mouthpiece for the socialists in the Democratic Party.
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Incorrect. Roughly half of America has come to the realization that the MSM is a mouthpiece for the socialists in the Democratic Party.
No, it's not incorrect.
Only hard-core right-wing flat-earthers believe the MSM is a "socialist mouthpiece".
Nowhere NEAR 50% of American adults are that oblivious to truth.
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No brother....Truth is Truth whoever you are.
You say that, now try to live it. I honestly don’t think you’re capable of it. Some others that are currently caught up in the right wing propaganda sure, but not you, you’re lost.