Lyin’ Liz

One's a rank amateur/ low volume liar...
The other holds every meet, pool, national & Olympic record ever set for lying, without a ghost of a chance any of them ever being approached....let alone beaten....
What else is she lying about?
How many Bob? Please tell us that magic number? I know a bunch of farmers and to a man/woman they all still support Trump's actions.

Well then folks, if ol' Twin doesn't personally know any farmers that don't support Trump's actions....


dang it.......
It seems to me that referring to someone as either left or right is descriptive and much much less derogatory as idiot, moron, etc.

Are "never-Trumpers" right or left? George Conway is described as very conservative as are many other "never-Trumpers".
Oh, I get it, they do so you do too! Makes all the sense in the world. For me, I don’t like radicals on either side but I will avoid lowering myself to their levels. Thanks.

So you label Donald as a radical?
Meant the damage done to REAL native Americans who got screwed out of opportunities by Lyin’ Liz.

I'm sure you're very passionate about Native American causes. At least you were the day you wrote this.

Are you also passionate about low-income Americans who couldn't get hired at Donald Trump's properties because he was hiring undocumented workers?
Wow. You're figuring we won't ask you to list the lies that Sen. Warren has told that haven't been acknowledged......

You figured wrong.
Let's have 'em.
Don’t know, don’t care.

What I DO know, is that someone who is caught in multiple lies at age 70 has plenty of practice. Anyone who believes otherwise is a sucker.
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I'm sure you're very passionate about Native American causes. At least you were the day you wrote this.

Are you also passionate about low-income Americans who couldn't get hired at Donald Trump's properties because he was hiring undocumented workers?
Both are lying scumbags.
Wow. You’re a sucker.
Haha, says the Trumper attacking Warren over this issue, and using this one meaningless issue to paint her has an untrustworthy “liar.” Yet when confronted over his acceptance of Trump lies and recognizable corruption this poster will admit his acceptance of Trumps malfeasance by saying, simply, “it’s the economy stupid,” which is another Trumpian lie as economic trends have not change from the Obama economy.
Don’t know, don’t care.

What I DO know, is that someone who is caught in multiple lies at age 70 has plenty of practice. Anyone who believes otherwise is a sucker.

Let's try again, shall we ??

OTHER than the matter concerning Sen. Warren's Native American heritage, such as it is...…..
What OTHER " multiple lies" has she been guilty of telling ??

Surely this isn't a toughie.....give us 4 or 5 DOCUMENTED falsehoods...then we can move on....
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Haha, says the Trumper attacking Warren over this issue, and using this one meaningless issue to paint her has an untrustworthy “liar.” Yet when confronted over his acceptance of Trump lies and recognizable corruption this poster will admit his acceptance of Trumps malfeasance by saying, simply, “it’s the economy stupid,” which is another Trumpian lie as economic trends have not change from the Obama economy.
Trump Economy > Obama Economy.
Let's try again, shall we ??

OTHER than the matter concerning Sen. Warren's Native American heritage, such as it is...…..
What OTHER " multiple lies" has she been guilty of telling ??

Surely this isn't a toughie.....give us 4 or 5 DOCUMENTED falsehoods...then we can move on....
Where her kid went to school. That’s 2. (Multiple means more than 1)
Where her kid went to school. That’s 2. (Multiple means more than 1)
ATTA BOY, New Pal !!!!! You tell 'em, guy !!

Warren made a statement to a gathering that her kids went to public schools.
Daughter went to public schools.
Son went to public schools, switched to private - starting in 5th grade - in NINETEEN EIGHTY FIVE.

Damn !! Caught again !! ONLY 12,998 MORE TO GO TO CATCH TRUMP !!!
Keep 'em comin', N. Palestine......
ATTA BOY, New Pal !!!!! You tell 'em, guy !!

Warren made a statement to a gathering that her kids went to public schools.
Daughter went to public schools.
Son went to public schools, switched to private - starting in 5th grade - in NINETEEN EIGHTY FIVE.

Damn !! Caught again !! ONLY 12,998 MORE TO GO TO CATCH TRUMP !!!
Keep 'em comin', N. Palestine......
Her daughter went to public school.
Her son did, up until the 5th grade.
In 1985+

Tell us when you're ready for us to roll the 13,000, here, delivered by Trump.
Gonna be a lot of pages involved.
Sarah Carpenter: "I read that your children went to private schools"

Warren: "No my children went to public schools

So, I assume that you are about preparing to post something that demonstrates their 15 charts are incorrect. I can hardly wait, but I am guessing that I will have to, probably until hell freezes over.
Right wingers are allergic to data. They have to avoid it completely or risk suffering anaphylaxis.
That wasn’t the question.
Well, if you want to get technical, she asked "children". Children is the plural form of child. Since only one child went to private school and since both her children attended public schools, at least partially, her response is technically accurate.
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Well, if you want to get technical, she asked "children". Children is the plural form of child. Since only one child went to private school and since both her children attended public schools, at least partially, her response is technically accurate.

If we have to parse words to determine whether or not she "technically" lied one time...this feels like a massive improvement over the current POTUS.