Lyin’ Liz

I would love to see the day when the left on this board could go a day without calling people names and insulting groups of people. That would be a first.
Maybe when people stop trying to label people as lefties or righties-fascist or communist that might help.
It seems to me that referring to someone as either left or right is descriptive and much much less derogatory as idiot, moron, etc.
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It seems to me that referring to someone as either left or right is descriptive and much much less derogatory as idiot, moron, etc.
Why do you need to classify someone when arguing about a position. It seems to be just name calling in another guise.
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It seems to me that referring to someone as either left or right is descriptive and much much less derogatory as idiot, moron, etc
Bruce , have you read some of the squirrel's posts. He is the nastiest poster on this board. And by the way , Twins attack on BBF was Out of bounds also.
I would love to see the day when the left on this board could go a day without calling people names and insulting groups of people. That would be a first.

Haha the dude who started a thread with the childish title of "Lyin' Liz" gets no criticism but calling it out brings sanctimonious rage. Spare me your crocodile tears.
Bruce , have you read some of the squirrel's posts. He is the nastiest poster on this board. And by the way , Twins attack on BBF was Out of bounds also.
That was a tremendous piece of work 72, as long as you fail to read yours and Ws and 35s post I might be. I totally understand as long as it is a lefty saying nasty things it is A OK right?
No it's not ok . I don't know what the heck was wrong with you last week but it was embarrassing. Every now and then someone goes off the rails but you were on another level.
Oh wow you are embarrassed do you actually read the stuff W and 35 and you actually post? be embarrassed for yourself . People like you with your rose colored glasses that think as long as it agrees with my line of thinking it is OK to say anything but when someone throws it back at you its embarrassing? W is sending me phone numbers for the lunatic asylum? Oh that didnt embarrass you though W and 35 and to an extent you patrol this board like they own it and any one that doesnt agree is just crazy. LMFAO at you .
" Lyin' Liz" ??
" Stunning admission" ??

About WHAT, you ask ??

About her NINETEEN EIGHTY-SIX Law School application and the "Native American" box she checked.

We're lucky to go thirty-three MINUTES in between Trumps mistruths/lies....
Give us a break...
Give you a break? She continued to pretend to be NA until what...this past summer? Point is...she lied then and continued to lie about it.
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I don't really think Elizabeth thought she was exactly lying when she first said she was Native American. The family lore was probably that she had Native American blood but she shouldn't have applied for grants and academic posts for the presumed preferential treatment that it brought because even if she had to know that was why she put it on her resume. But of all the sleazy things that some politicians have been guilty of this is pretty low rent. I imagine a lot if has to do with the fact she is a woman. Donald Trump wrote in "The Art of the Deal" that his grandfather came from Sweden and that is completely false with no basis in fact whatsoever but you rarely hear about it. Apparently Fred Trump, made up the Swedish ancestry bit after World War II so he wouldn't have problems selling apartments to Jewish buyers due to his German heritage.
I don't really think Elizabeth thought she was exactly lying when she first said she was Native American. The family lore was probably that she had Native American blood but she shouldn't have applied for grants and academic posts for the presumed preferential treatment that it brought because even if she had to know that was why she put it on her resume. But of all the sleazy things that some politicians have been guilty of this is pretty low rent. I imagine a lot if has to do with the fact she is a woman. Donald Trump wrote in "The Art of the Deal" that his grandfather came from Sweden and that is completely false with no basis in fact whatsoever but you rarely hear about it. Apparently Fred Trump, made up the Swedish ancestry bit after World War II so he wouldn't have problems selling apartments to Jewish buyers due to his German heritage.
Nice post....but I have to disagree with your premise that it has anything to do with the fact that she's a woman.
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I don't really think Elizabeth thought she was exactly lying when she first said she was Native American. The family lore was probably that she had Native American blood but she shouldn't have applied for grants and academic posts for the presumed preferential treatment that it brought because even if she had to know that was why she put it on her resume. But of all the sleazy things that some politicians have been guilty of this is pretty low rent. I imagine a lot if has to do with the fact she is a woman. Donald Trump wrote in "The Art of the Deal" that his grandfather came from Sweden and that is completely false with no basis in fact whatsoever but you rarely hear about it. Apparently Fred Trump, made up the Swedish ancestry bit after World War II so he wouldn't have problems selling apartments to Jewish buyers due to his German heritage.
It is really good to hear what you ''think'' Bill! That makes everything ok right?
An admission and apology seem like the appropriate actions to take after telling a lie.
Why don't you post after Trump tells his lies, never admits it, never apologizes for it? Where's your outrage when Trump does it?
Panties in a knot Bob?
Give you a break? She continued to pretend to be NA until what...this past summer? Point is...she lied then and continued to lie about it.
"This past summer " ? Do you EVER do any accurate research ??!! Last summer, my a_s.
FYI : How often did this subject come up from 1986 until today ?? Until she became a prominent US Senator...nobody cared to bring it up, for God's sake !! Ms. Warren did herself no favors by clinging to a thread of truth, unnecessarily, for a number of years on this ONE matter,...…...but

"This past summer " ? Do you EVER do any accurate research ??!! Last summer, my a_s.
FYI : How often did this subject come up from 1986 until today ?? Until she became a prominent US Senator...nobody cared to bring it up, for God's sake !! Ms. Warren did herself no favors by clinging to a thread of truth, unnecessarily, for a number of years on this ONE matter,...…...but

3 2 1 DOUBLE YOU is off ranting all day! Its great entertainment to watch someone make an ass of them self all day !
"This past summer " ? Do you EVER do any accurate research ??!! Last summer, my a_s.
FYI : How often did this subject come up from 1986 until today ?? Until she became a prominent US Senator...nobody cared to bring it up, for God's sake !! Ms. Warren did herself no favors by clinging to a thread of truth, unnecessarily, for a number of years on this ONE matter,...…...but


Yup. She's at least shown the ability to listen and acknowledge when she was wrong.

The argument that she wouldn't be where she is today without putting that in her application is utterly lazy and dumb, too. But this is all they got. If she wins the nomination, this is gonna be 2020's "BUT THE EMAILS" retort for all of Trump's orders-of-magnitude greater scandals.
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Yup. She's at least shown the ability to listen and acknowledge when she was wrong.

The argument that she wouldn't be where she is today without putting that in her application is utterly lazy and dumb, too. But this is all they got. If she wins the nomination, this is gonna be 2020's "BUT THE EMAILS" retort for all of Trump's orders-of-magnitude greater scandals.
Thanksgiving was last week and you still have turkey drippings running down your face wearing the pan as a hat
I would love to see the day when the left on this board could go a day without calling people names and insulting groups of people. That would be a first.

Does Donald Trump?

Why don't you, Purdue97, etc. who liked your post ever call him out?

Today on Sunday called people "losers" and "Radical Left Haters":

"Don’t get why @FoxNews puts losers on like @RepSwalwell (who got ZERO as presidential candidate before quitting), Pramila Jayapal, David Cicilline and others who are Radical Left Haters?"
Does Donald Trump?

Why don't you, Purdue97, etc. who liked your post ever call him out?

Today on Sunday called people "losers" and "Radical Left Haters":

"Don’t get why @FoxNews puts losers on like @RepSwalwell (who got ZERO as presidential candidate before quitting), Pramila Jayapal, David Cicilline and others who are Radical Left Haters?"

Oh, I get it, they do so you do too! Makes all the sense in the world. For me, I don’t like radicals on either side but I will avoid lowering myself to their levels. Thanks.
An admission and apology seem like the appropriate actions to take after telling a lie.
Why don't you post after Trump tells his lies, never admits it, never apologizes for it? Where's your outrage when Trump does it?
Worthless apology. Damage was done.

If she really meant it, she would have apologized before, instead of doubling down with that silly DNA test.
Damage lol. Her policies are what damages her.
I forgot about your "quantity or intent don't matter" approach to life's transgressions
Meant the damage done to REAL native Americans who got screwed out of opportunities by Lyin’ Liz.