Lovie Smith is out.

Football is football! Haven’t they already proved they could care less about COVID? Winning is all that matters! There will be more coaches fired! Winning and making $$$$$$$ take priority over all else. never forget that !!!
Football is football! Haven’t they already proved they could care less about COVID? Winning is all that matters! There will be more coaches fired! Winning and making $$$$$$$ take priority over all else. never forget that !!!

You might think you're on the righteous side of this, but you're not.

The draconian response to what is essentially a respiratory virus has been devastating. I would encourage you (but hold out ZERO hope you will) to read different scientific points of view.

Here is one of those:

These are scientists from all walks of life, all political persuasions, all different backgrounds.

What you REFUSE to acknowledge, is that (for the young, especially), the CHINESE Coronavirus is no more deadly than influenza. Yet, you continue to spew the panic porn.

As a result of the incessant panic porn there are credible reports of the following:
  • Suicide ideation going through the roof
  • People deferring/delaying take their kids to doctors for basic immunization for fear of COVID
  • People missing treatment for chemotherapy, for fear that COVID is worse than their current prognosis
  • and other startling responses
And you sit there and spew the nonsense that it's all about "$$$$$$$".

What our "leaders" have done with this virus is just dumb as HELL, and I'm p*ssed about it.

If people are not at high risk, it's essential ... they MUST get back to their lives.
You might think you're on the righteous side of this, but you're not.

The draconian response to what is essentially a respiratory virus has been devastating. I would encourage you (but hold out ZERO hope you will) to read different scientific points of view.

Here is one of those:

These are scientists from all walks of life, all political persuasions, all different backgrounds.

What you REFUSE to acknowledge, is that (for the young, especially), the CHINESE Coronavirus is no more deadly than influenza. Yet, you continue to spew the panic porn.

As a result of the incessant panic porn there are credible reports of the following:
  • Suicide ideation going through the roof
  • People deferring/delaying take their kids to doctors for basic immunization for fear of COVID
  • People missing treatment for chemotherapy, for fear that COVID is worse than their current prognosis
  • and other startling responses
And you sit there and spew the nonsense that it's all about "$$$$$$$".

What our "leaders" have done with this virus is just dumb as HELL, and I'm p*ssed about it.

If people are not at high risk, it's essential ... they MUST get back to their lives.
they should go after Monken, as far as their recruits go, the only one that looks interesting is Wisecarver. Weren't we in the Reggie Love final 3 last year?
You might think you're on the righteous side of this, but you're not.

The draconian response to what is essentially a respiratory virus has been devastating. I would encourage you (but hold out ZERO hope you will) to read different scientific points of view.

Here is one of those:

These are scientists from all walks of life, all political persuasions, all different backgrounds.

What you REFUSE to acknowledge, is that (for the young, especially), the CHINESE Coronavirus is no more deadly than influenza. Yet, you continue to spew the panic porn.

As a result of the incessant panic porn there are credible reports of the following:
  • Suicide ideation going through the roof
  • People deferring/delaying take their kids to doctors for basic immunization for fear of COVID
  • People missing treatment for chemotherapy, for fear that COVID is worse than their current prognosis
  • and other startling responses
And you sit there and spew the nonsense that it's all about "$$$$$$$".

What our "leaders" have done with this virus is just dumb as HELL, and I'm p*ssed about it.

If people are not at high risk, it's essential ... they MUST get back to their lives.

......well said....TOUCHE....
You might think you're on the righteous side of this, but you're not.

The draconian response to what is essentially a respiratory virus has been devastating. I would encourage you (but hold out ZERO hope you will) to read different scientific points of view.

Here is one of those:

These are scientists from all walks of life, all political persuasions, all different backgrounds.

What you REFUSE to acknowledge, is that (for the young, especially), the CHINESE Coronavirus is no more deadly than influenza. Yet, you continue to spew the panic porn.

As a result of the incessant panic porn there are credible reports of the following:
  • Suicide ideation going through the roof
  • People deferring/delaying take their kids to doctors for basic immunization for fear of COVID
  • People missing treatment for chemotherapy, for fear that COVID is worse than their current prognosis
  • and other startling responses
And you sit there and spew the nonsense that it's all about "$$$$$$$".

What our "leaders" have done with this virus is just dumb as HELL, and I'm p*ssed about it.

If people are not at high risk, it's essential ... they MUST get back to their lives.
You have your doctor you believe. I have mine! You should never compare one virus with another! And people who speak facts do not do so with the intent of creating a panic! I spoke my opinions and provided facts about Hazell without the intention of creating a panic.

while they may not be as prevalent in the news that you watch, there have been many youth and young adults that have suffered as much as older adults andvari many young adults who are just as much at risk.

and look at the history of this year’s big 10 season. Why did they make a decision only to change it several times? Do you believe those decisions were based on scientific or medical advice or from pressure from fans, the media, the President, the networks, donors, and generating revenue? Why did IU get kicked out of the BIG 10 championship game and replaced with OSU? That had nothing to do with science and everything to do with $$$$.

as we speak my friends are asking for prayers for a college aged girl on a respirator! She was perfectly healthy 2 months ago! As I said, while youth are healthier and can combat this virus better than older adults, They are still also at risk

and I’ve been in a hospital enough this past year to realize that a lot of deaths have occurred by other causes. However, I liken it to aids. Very few people died of aids. However, aids created other illnesses that people did die of.

I appreciate you staying on top of this. And it’s a serious disease and many hospitals are in fact using it to gain additional funding. However, I receive a daily hands in briefing from real doctors and nurses who actually treat the patients rather than just internet reports! I also receive daily information and briefings from my local VA hospital.

currently Purdue has a basketball player with respiratory issues. He is definitely at risk from this virus! Is he suffering from the Corona virus? I don’t know. I do know you shouldn’t make blanket statements that just because somebody is an athlete that they are immune from a virus such as this!

I don’t preach panic! I preach taking precautions! And unlike many people I meet, I take all viruses seriously! And I also believe we should also start taking other illnesses such as pneumonia just as serious! I’m reminded of a Purdue friend who was in perfect health who died of a heart attack while running at the co rec!

the underlying question is do you allow a virus to control your life? Or do you just live your life the way it should be? Do you live in fear? My thoughts are it should be like smoking. I don’t have problems with others who choose to smoke, just don’t do it-near me! I’m not afraid of getting cancer. I just don’t like or appreciate the smell. Is it too much to ask for others to wear a mask? If you think about it, it may also prevent the spread of other diseases.

I’m not afraid of catching malaria either! But I’m not interested in vacationing in Panama or the Congo either.

somewhere there must be a path to follow that incorporates precautions and doesn’t include panic or fear.

what upsets me most is that we establish rules and then totally ignore them to bow to other economic pressures!

Purdue 85.. this is a case where i'm not upset with you or your opinions. I just believe if you are in charge, and you make a rule, you should be willing to live by the rules you make.

and people shouldn't live in fear. However, they should listen to those people who actually know what they are talking about. I readily admit i don't know much about football. I do know a lot about people. and people don't like others telling them what they can or can't do. People tend to rebel against others ordering them what to do. people still refuse to wear seat belts even though they know it's the law and it was made to save their life.

A vaccine is around the corner. I suspect even if proven successful, very few people will get one,. it will be like the flu shot. people will wait until they catch the virus, and then expect the vaccine to be their miracle cure. vaccines are meant to be prevention, not the cure.
You have your doctor you believe. I have mine! You should never compare one virus with another! And people who speak facts do not do so with the intent of creating a panic! I spoke my opinions and provided facts about Hazell without the intention of creating a panic.

while they may not be as prevalent in the news that you watch, there have been many youth and young adults that have suffered as much as older adults andvari many young adults who are just as much at risk.

and look at the history of this year’s big 10 season. Why did they make a decision only to change it several times? Do you believe those decisions were based on scientific or medical advice or from pressure from fans, the media, the President, the networks, donors, and generating revenue? Why did IU get kicked out of the BIG 10 championship game and replaced with OSU? That had nothing to do with science and everything to do with $$$$.

as we speak my friends are asking for prayers for a college aged girl on a respirator! She was perfectly healthy 2 months ago! As I said, while youth are healthier and can combat this virus better than older adults, They are still also at risk

and I’ve been in a hospital enough this past year to realize that a lot of deaths have occurred by other causes. However, I liken it to aids. Very few people died of aids. However, aids created other illnesses that people did die of.

I appreciate you staying on top of this. And it’s a serious disease and many hospitals are in fact using it to gain additional funding. However, I receive a daily hands in briefing from real doctors and nurses who actually treat the patients rather than just internet reports! I also receive daily information and briefings from my local VA hospital.

currently Purdue has a basketball player with respiratory issues. He is definitely at risk from this virus! Is he suffering from the Corona virus? I don’t know. I do know you shouldn’t make blanket statements that just because somebody is an athlete that they are immune from a virus such as this!

I don’t preach panic! I preach taking precautions! And unlike many people I meet, I take all viruses seriously! And I also believe we should also start taking other illnesses such as pneumonia just as serious! I’m reminded of a Purdue friend who was in perfect health who died of a heart attack while running at the co rec!

the underlying question is do you allow a virus to control your life? Or do you just live your life the way it should be? Do you live in fear? My thoughts are it should be like smoking. I don’t have problems with others who choose to smoke, just don’t do it-near me! I’m not afraid of getting cancer. I just don’t like or appreciate the smell. Is it too much to ask for others to wear a mask? If you think about it, it may also prevent the spread of other diseases.

I’m not afraid of catching malaria either! But I’m not interested in vacationing in Panama or the Congo either.

somewhere there must be a path to follow that incorporates precautions and doesn’t include panic or fear.

what upsets me most is that we establish rules and then totally ignore them to bow to other economic pressures!

Purdue 85.. this is a case where i'm not upset with you or your opinions. I just believe if you are in charge, and you make a rule, you should be willing to live by the rules you make.

and people shouldn't live in fear. However, they should listen to those people who actually know what they are talking about. I readily admit i don't know much about football. I do know a lot about people. and people don't like others telling them what they can or can't do. People tend to rebel against others ordering them what to do. people still refuse to wear seat belts even though they know it's the law and it was made to save their life.

A vaccine is around the corner. I suspect even if proven successful, very few people will get one,. it will be like the flu shot. people will wait until they catch the virus, and then expect the vaccine to be their miracle cure. vaccines are meant to be prevention, not the cure.

There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with comparing mortality rates between viruses. Otherwise, how would people know when to "panic"? When would they know when one virus is more deadly than others?

It's not about your doctor vs mine. Irrelevant! (As is most everything else you just posted, including nonsense about malaria in Panama and the Congo.)

There's no reason to have ... "rules" ... if they're not based in fact, or "science".

Bigs, I'm not upset with you, either. I simply cringe when you post nonsense with "$$$$$$", insinuating any decisions are rooted solely in monetary decisions.

This isn't about "rebelling" against seat belts. Nor is it about some vaccine (right now there's some scary sh*t being reported about them). What's more, I've never once seen anyone argue that they would wait until they get COVID before getting a vaccine.

If you're scared to death about getting COVID (nothing wrong with that!), stay home. Manage your health, along with your doctor's advise.

If the rest of us make decisions to NOT bunker in our homes/basements, that doesn't mean it's about "$$$$$$" or rebelling against seat belts.

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Football is football! Haven’t they already proved they could care less about COVID? Winning is all that matters! There will be more coaches fired! Winning and making $$$$$$$ take priority over all else. never forget that !!!

there's a fine line between life and livelihood
You might think you're on the righteous side of this, but you're not.

The draconian response to what is essentially a respiratory virus has been devastating. I would encourage you (but hold out ZERO hope you will) to read different scientific points of view.

Here is one of those:

These are scientists from all walks of life, all political persuasions, all different backgrounds.

What you REFUSE to acknowledge, is that (for the young, especially), the CHINESE Coronavirus is no more deadly than influenza. Yet, you continue to spew the panic porn.

As a result of the incessant panic porn there are credible reports of the following:
  • Suicide ideation going through the roof
  • People deferring/delaying take their kids to doctors for basic immunization for fear of COVID
  • People missing treatment for chemotherapy, for fear that COVID is worse than their current prognosis
  • and other startling responses
And you sit there and spew the nonsense that it's all about "$$$$$$$".

What our "leaders" have done with this virus is just dumb as HELL, and I'm p*ssed about it.

If people are not at high risk, it's essential ... they MUST get back to their lives.

I'm 14 days into the Wuhan Red Death (70 years old). Mine wasn't that bad, my wife's was so mild, she didn't think she had it.

My response to covidiocy, "WE SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY FOR THIS?"

Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Last edited:
What you REFUSE to acknowledge, is that (for the young, especially), the CHINESE Coronavirus is no more deadly than influenza. Yet, you continue to spew the panic porn.

This is just not correct.

From January 2020 through 12/14/20 there are 1,614,290 deaths reported worldwide from COVID.

Flu typically kills between 290,000 - 650,000 per year.

COVID is far more deadly, which is one of the many reasons you're seeing a more serious reaction vs the flu.
You might think you're on the righteous side of this, but you're not.

The draconian response to what is essentially a respiratory virus has been devastating. I would encourage you (but hold out ZERO hope you will) to read different scientific points of view.

Here is one of those:

These are scientists from all walks of life, all political persuasions, all different backgrounds.

What you REFUSE to acknowledge, is that (for the young, especially), the CHINESE Coronavirus is no more deadly than influenza. Yet, you continue to spew the panic porn.

As a result of the incessant panic porn there are credible reports of the following:
  • Suicide ideation going through the roof
  • People deferring/delaying take their kids to doctors for basic immunization for fear of COVID
  • People missing treatment for chemotherapy, for fear that COVID is worse than their current prognosis
  • and other startling responses
And you sit there and spew the nonsense that it's all about "$$$$$$$".

What our "leaders" have done with this virus is just dumb as HELL, and I'm p*ssed about it.

If people are not at high risk, it's essential ... they MUST get back to their lives.
Think GOD you are not one of our leaders. People like you , never mind!!
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This is just not correct.

From January 2020 through 12/14/20 there are 1,614,290 deaths reported worldwide from COVID.

Flu typically kills between 290,000 - 650,000 per year.

COVID is far more deadly, which is one of the many reasons you're seeing a more serious reaction vs the flu.
it is absolutely correct.

Two things.

1. I specifically referenced "the young"
2. the scientists who contributed to the link I provided have made that claim, supported by their research
The use of anecdotes here rather than actual scientific evidence is incredibly disappointing to hear from Purdue grads. There are several factors that make (or made) coronavirus far more dangerous and deadly than the seasonal flu.

As MisterBlack correctly said above:
"From January 2020 through 12/14/20 there are 1,614,290 deaths reported worldwide from COVID.

Flu typically kills between 290,000 - 650,000 per year."

And that's despite massive shutdowns, social distancing, and mask wearing (practices that were far stricter in other countries than in the U.S.). Yes, some people have mild cases and return to work within days, but there is mounting evidence that at least some people will have long-term health consequences. Yes, most students will be fine, but they can transmit the disease to others who are elderly or are high-risk.

Until literally today, there was also no available vaccine for COVID-19, but vaccines for the flu probably save thousands of lives every year.
it is absolutely correct.

Two things.

1. I specifically referenced "the young"
2. the scientists who contributed to the link I provided have made that claim, supported by their research

I have no desire to get into a political debate over this virus, which is the direction this seems to be going. You obviously lean right. I'm a registered Independent, for what it's worth. I need to point out a few details of the document you posted though.

1. You specifically said "especially" when referring to "the young". Which reads as inclusive of all other age groups, with only an emphasis on the young. So are you specifically only referring to the young, or are we talking about all age groups? Leaving out all age groups is framing, and not worthy of any kind of rational discussion.

2. The document you link is called The Great Barrington Declaration. Using "Great" in the title is hyperbole, and no self respecting scientist would allow it to happen.

Of course, the people behind the paper didn't have a say in the title, as it was bought and paid for by the right wing.

The Great Barrington Declaration was sponsored by the American Institute for Economic Research. Give that a rational thought for a second (economic). It's obvious what their focus here is, and it's not to save lives or people's health. They care about money.

The American Institute for Economic Research is a think tank funded by the Koch network.

The ideas in the paper have major flaws, disputed in the scientific community. The most concerning of which is the likelihood of multiple massive outbreaks over the years.

In short, your link is right wing propaganda.
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I have no desire to get into a political debate over this virus, which is the direction this seems to be going. You obviously lean right. I'm a registered Independent, for what it's worth. I need to point out a few details of the document you posted though.

1. You specifically said "especially" when referring to "the young". Which reads as inclusive of all other age groups, with only an emphasis on the young. So are you specifically only referring to the young, or are we talking about all age groups? Leaving out all age groups is framing, and not worthy of any kind of rational discussion.

2. The document you link is called The Great Barrington Declaration. Using "Great" in the title is hyperbole, and no self respecting scientist would allow it to happen.

Of course, the people behind the paper didn't have a say in the title, as it was bought and paid for by the right wing.

The Great Barrington Declaration was sponsored by the American Institute for Economic Research. Give that a rational thought for a second (economic). It's obvious what their focus here is, and it's not to save lives or people's health. They care about money.

The American Institute for Economic Research is a think tank funded by the Koch network.

The ideas in the paper have major flaws, disputed in the scientific community. The most concerning of which is the likelihood of multiple massive outbreaks over the years.

In short, your link is right wing propaganda.


You're being legalistic on an open internet forum.

The link I provided is not political in the least. In fact, as I stated, many have signed on, all over the political spectrum.

You've chosen to take this and make it political. That's on you, not me.

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