Let’s Talk Immigration

Why does Trump blame everyone else for what goes wrong, when he's the one in charge?

Pres Obama did the same. It’s called being a politician. The topic is immigration, by the way. And answering questions with questions is called arguing, not discussing, so please......discuss, not argue.
What I'm saying is he always blames the Dems for what's going on at the border. Whatever happened to the phrase " the buck stops here"? It's his job to get things fixed down there. He needs to stop whining about the Dems and just do his job. Besides when Republicans controlled both houses and passed legislation,. He wouldn't sign it. It's his baby, now take care of it.
Why do Trumpers continue to say Obama was one of the, if not the, worst POTUS ever, then turn around cheering Trump while pointing out he is doing the same things Obama did?
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why is it that liberals want to attack Trump’s policies when they are no different than Pres Obama?

Of course people were deported during the Obama administration - he actually got heat from a lot of people in his party for it at times.

However, this piece focuses on criminals, which wasn't the only focus during the Obama administration. There was also a focus on deporting newly arrived vs. more established immigrants. It was mostly focused on new arrivals and in border areas who had few or no ties to the US (i.e. children, family, etc.).

This is NOT what Trump is doing, so to say they're doing the same thing is not true.
why is it that liberals want to attack Trump’s policies when they are no different than Pres Obama?

Also, Obama proposed comprehensive immigration reform. Has Trump?

Obama supported the DREAM act. Does Trump support it?

Obama proposed a legal way for employers to hire workers and a path for those workers to earn legal status. Does Trump support it?

Obama supported immigration reform legislation passed in the house with a veto-proof majority (aka bi-partisan). The legislation would establish an agricultural worker program, enhance US Visa security and tracking, expand visas granted for international students in STEM fields who graduate from a US college, and offer a multi-year path for permanent residence status for immigrants already established in the US. After the Senate passed the legislation, John Boehner never allowed it to be voted on in the House. Does Trump support this?

Trump wants to use the border and illegal immigrants as fodder for his base and campaign. Announcing these "ICE raids" for today is one clear example he's using it for political points. You never announce an undercover sting - where you're supposedly going after criminals - ahead of time. Is that not reckless?
So why do you constantly defend Trump?

I can’t stand Trump the person but I agree with his policies. I also can’t stand the almost totally one sided and unfair attacks leveled at virtually everything he does. We Americans are quick to jump into our partisan sides and beat up each other at the expense of the country.
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So why do you constantly defend Trump?

I can’t stand Trump the person but I agree with his policies. I also can’t stand the almost totally one sided and unfair attacks leveled at virtually everything he does. We Americans are quick to jump into our partisan sides and beat up each other at the expense of the country.

Oh spare me Bruce. Also, your partisan is showing. You defend him like he’s your own flesh and blood.
I can’t stand Trump the person but I agree with his policies. I also can’t stand the almost totally one sided and unfair attacks leveled at virtually everything he does. We Americans are quick to jump into our partisan sides and beat up each other at the expense of the country.
He brings the vast amount of criticism upon himself, and for the most part it is well deserved.
Of course people were deported during the Obama administration - he actually got heat from a lot of people in his party for it at times.

However, this piece focuses on criminals, which wasn't the only focus during the Obama administration. There was also a focus on deporting newly arrived vs. more established immigrants. It was mostly focused on new arrivals and in border areas who had few or no ties to the US (i.e. children, family, etc.).

This is NOT what Trump is doing, so to say they're doing the same thing is not true.

Did you read the article? Obama said one thing and did another.
Also, Obama proposed comprehensive immigration reform. Has Trump?

Obama supported the DREAM act. Does Trump support it?

Obama proposed a legal way for employers to hire workers and a path for those workers to earn legal status. Does Trump support it?

Obama supported immigration reform legislation passed in the house with a veto-proof majority (aka bi-partisan). The legislation would establish an agricultural worker program, enhance US Visa security and tracking, expand visas granted for international students in STEM fields who graduate from a US college, and offer a multi-year path for permanent residence status for immigrants already established in the US. After the Senate passed the legislation, John Boehner never allowed it to be voted on in the House. Does Trump support this?

Trump wants to use the border and illegal immigrants as fodder for his base and campaign. Announcing these "ICE raids" for today is one clear example he's using it for political points. You never announce an undercover sting - where you're supposedly going after criminals - ahead of time. Is that not reckless?

Immigration has been an unsolvable issue for a very long time. Virtually every President in recent history has had plans containing very similar elements.

Clinton had opportunities.

Bush had opportunities

Obama had opportunities

Trump is only focused on border security and criminals

The republicans have said their first priority was border control. Dems don’t agree

No Pres in recent history has passed legislation.

And the beat goes on.

Your statement is that Obama had a plan and Trump doesn’t. The facts are that every President has had a plan but none have achieved much on immigration.
Also, Obama proposed comprehensive immigration reform. Has Trump?

Obama supported the DREAM act. Does Trump support it?

Obama proposed a legal way for employers to hire workers and a path for those workers to earn legal status. Does Trump support it?

Obama supported immigration reform legislation passed in the house with a veto-proof majority (aka bi-partisan). The legislation would establish an agricultural worker program, enhance US Visa security and tracking, expand visas granted for international students in STEM fields who graduate from a US college, and offer a multi-year path for permanent residence status for immigrants already established in the US. After the Senate passed the legislation, John Boehner never allowed it to be voted on in the House. Does Trump support this?

Trump wants to use the border and illegal immigrants as fodder for his base and campaign. Announcing these "ICE raids" for today is one clear example he's using it for political points. You never announce an undercover sting - where you're supposedly going after criminals - ahead of time. Is that not reckless?

Immigration has been an unsolvable issue for a very long time. Virtually every President in recent history has had plans containing very similar elements.

Clinton had opportunities.

Bush had opportunities

Obama had opportunities

Trump is only focused on border security and criminals

The republicans have said their first priority was border control. Dems don’t agree

No Pres in recent history has passed legislation.

And the beat goes on.

Your statement is that Obama had a plan and Trump doesn’t. The facts are that every President has had a plan but none have achieved much on immigration.

The Dems did have a plan. In fact, it got bipartisan support. But trump rejected it and has proposed nothing since ( the idiot wall doesn’t count).

I want to know why he continues to blame the democrats for immigration when you’re right, neither side has been able to do much. It’s this constant finger pointing and deflection that draws the ridicule and criticism. He deserves all of it.
Obama’s immigration policies were also indefensible, although it is extremely telling that while he was president the people that voted for trump accused him of being for open borders and soft on border security, but now that their guy is in charge they are defending him by saying “Obama did the same stuff”

Could you all just be honest and admit you voted for trump because you are revolted by black and brown people?
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Also, Obama proposed comprehensive immigration reform. Has Trump?

Obama supported the DREAM act. Does Trump support it?

Obama proposed a legal way for employers to hire workers and a path for those workers to earn legal status. Does Trump support it?

Obama supported immigration reform legislation passed in the house with a veto-proof majority (aka bi-partisan). The legislation would establish an agricultural worker program, enhance US Visa security and tracking, expand visas granted for international students in STEM fields who graduate from a US college, and offer a multi-year path for permanent residence status for immigrants already established in the US. After the Senate passed the legislation, John Boehner never allowed it to be voted on in the House. Does Trump support this?

Trump wants to use the border and illegal immigrants as fodder for his base and campaign. Announcing these "ICE raids" for today is one clear example he's using it for political points. You never announce an undercover sting - where you're supposedly going after criminals - ahead of time. Is that not reckless?
Actually, another viewpoint would be:

1)Trump WOULD sign an Immigration Bill if it contained no less than 97 % of a rigidly written, anti-immigration language component
2)Trump likewise seems to throw a small bone to Dreamers from time to time, knowing that DACA is really at the bottom of the Admin.'s list of items that would get past Committee-level GOP approval
3) In legislation, Trump WOULD approve path to citizenship language roughly comparable to that of what the Knessett would approve in considering the citizenship of Palestinian terrorists

November, 2020. Hurry.
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Immigration has been an unsolvable issue for a very long time. Virtually every President in recent history has had plans containing very similar elements.

Clinton had opportunities.

Bush had opportunities

Obama had opportunities

Trump is only focused on border security and criminals

The republicans have said their first priority was border control. Dems don’t agree

No Pres in recent history has passed legislation.

And the beat goes on.

Your statement is that Obama had a plan and Trump doesn’t. The facts are that every President has had a plan but none have achieved much on immigration.

Obama had opportunities? Yes, the Senate passed 2/3+ majority, bi-partisan legislation to do just that and he was ready to sign it into law. John Boehner refused to do a THING with it in the House. No debate, no alternative bill....nothing. Just let it sit there until it expired.

The President can't pass you say.
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The Dems did have a plan. In fact, it got bipartisan support. But trump rejected it and has proposed nothing since ( the idiot wall doesn’t count).

I want to know why he continues to blame the democrats for immigration when you’re right, neither side has been able to do much. It’s this constant finger pointing and deflection that draws the ridicule and criticism. He deserves all of it.
Then why do you say the attacks are unfair?
Obama had opportunities? Yes, the Senate passed 2/3+ majority, bi-partisan legislation to do just that and he was ready to sign it into law. John Boehner refused to do a THING with it in the House. No debate, no alternative bill....nothing. Just let it sit there until it expired.

The President can't pass you say.

In reality over the past several Presidents there is not a lot of difference in the elements of their plans: border protection, opportunity for Daca kids, streamline processing, etc. the big difference is that the Republicans want to secure the border before announcing any kind of leniency plans or ideas that could in any way be perceived south of the border as an incentive to come now and they would be let in, not deported, and given a path to citizenship. I personally think that makes a lot of sense, my view.

That is why Boehner didn’t bring it to a vote. There were a lot of Republicans in the House that didn’t trust the Dems to provide money for border security after granting leniency.
Then why do you say the attacks are unfair?

The media should be reporting on all aspects of the issues, not attacking anyone. Ditto for the other party. Get together and come up with a compromise that has enough votes to pass both houses and POTUS.

Many of the posts on this board and specifically this thread are nothing more than mirrors of the bitter dialogue that goes on constantly between the parties and magnified by the media. Very very sad
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The media should be reporting on all aspects of the issues, not attacking anyone. Ditto for the other party. Get together and come up with a compromise that has enough votes to pass both houses and POTUS.

Many of the posts on this board and specifically this thread are nothing more than mirrors of the bitter dialogue that goes on constantly between the parties and magnified by the media. Very very sad
I agree with your sentiment, but I think you and I both know the current states of each party will not come to a consensus on anything. What others have referenced under Obama the closest we were going to get to true bi-partisan reform, and even under Trump there were bi-partisan efforts ready to be enacted but Trump walked away.

The problem is that the current admin has taken a much more aggressive approach to the subject, and Republics are seemingly fine with it. In a previous post you said the policies under Obama and Trump were very similar because they had all the same "elements." That is like saying our computers are all similar because they have the same elements, even though mine is designed for gaming and yours may struggle to run more than one webpage at at time.

Trumps image of what "border protection" and "streamlined processes" are very different, more aggressive, and based around the idea of deterrence. Right or wrong, the policies are not similar. Tactics matter.
The media should be reporting on all aspects of the issues, not attacking anyone. Ditto for the other party. Get together and come up with a compromise that has enough votes to pass both houses and POTUS.

Many of the posts on this board and specifically this thread are nothing more than mirrors of the bitter dialogue that goes on constantly between the parties and magnified by the media. Very very sad
@70boiler said "He brings the vast amount of criticism upon himself, and for the most part it is well deserved." You agreed with that, yet you say the media coverage is unfair.
Should the media talk only about the great economy and ignore all the other things he says and does? What other positives would you like them to cover? Kim has stopped testing? NAFTA 2.0? How he's being tough on China while lying about the tariffs and hurting our wonderful patriotic farmers? How he's solving the immigration problem? The infrastructure bill? His great environmental record perhaps? All the best people who have left the government?

Trump creates the news with his words and actions. Problem is, when there is so much bad and so little good, the bad is going to be talked about more and you don't like it.
I agree with your sentiment, but I think you and I both know the current states of each party will not come to a consensus on anything. What others have referenced under Obama the closest we were going to get to true bi-partisan reform, and even under Trump there were bi-partisan efforts ready to be enacted but Trump walked away.

The problem is that the current admin has taken a much more aggressive approach to the subject, and Republics are seemingly fine with it. In a previous post you said the policies under Obama and Trump were very similar because they had all the same "elements." That is like saying our computers are all similar because they have the same elements, even though mine is designed for gaming and yours may struggle to run more than one webpage at at time.

Trumps image of what "border protection" and "streamlined processes" are very different, more aggressive, and based around the idea of deterrence. Right or wrong, the policies are not similar. Tactics matter.

That is correct, we have tried the approach of accommodation on the border, catch and release, etc. and that actually encourages people to come across. Virtually all of the POTUS plans call for strengthening border security. True, there are differences in tactics but they all call for the same elements. IMO it is time to try different tactics. I know many people will look back and indicate that the numbers over the years have reduced greatly, etc and we don’t really have a problem that is not my position.
Ok, I have a question for those who are against our current approaches to illegal immigration.

What would you do specifically with people crossing the border illegally?

Don’t look? Let them in?

Catch and release them with a future court date?

Hold them in detention?

Any other ideas?
The media should be reporting on all aspects of the issues, not attacking anyone. Ditto for the other party. Get together and come up with a compromise that has enough votes to pass both houses and POTUS.

Many of the posts on this board and specifically this thread are nothing more than mirrors of the bitter dialogue that goes on constantly between the parties and magnified by the media. Very very sad
So how much responsibility does Trump have for all the bitter dialogue?
He's now attacked Congresswomen of color, judges, the Supreme Court, Republicans like Paul Ryan who dare speak out against him, the FED chairman, allied leaders, Muslims, Latinos, GENERALS, celebrities, Gold Star families, Mayors, specific American businesses, the FBI, former presidents, former intel officials, McCain, Former Cabinet members.......and obviously the dems and the enemy of the people. Are you blaming the media for "magnifying" the attacks? Is it newsworthy when the president calls his detractors names and makes fun of them? Is there another side of Trump that they are ignoring?

Are you going to sit there and tell me Trump is willing to compromise on anything? Where have you been for 2-1/2 years?
Ok, I have a question for those who are against our current approaches to illegal immigration.

What would you do specifically with people crossing the border illegally?

Don’t look? Let them in?

Catch and release them with a future court date?

Hold them in detention?

Any other ideas?
Quite candidly when I look at the statistics, I fail to see why there is a "crisis" suddenly upon the election of Pres. Trump. The numbers seem to suggest that this shouldn't be happening, given the relative stability of numbers. The Obama administration was quite active in deportations, numbers were on a downward trajectory for several years, there was no uproar over the family separation issue, there were apparently far less harsh living circumstances being imposed. Now with what look to be similar numbers, the immigration world has turned to a total sh*tshow.
Apart from the Trumpian philosophy, I ask you how have the circumstances deteriorated to this level? I may be missing something with the numbers, but I am not seeing it.
Quite candidly when I look at the statistics, I fail to see why there is a "crisis" suddenly upon the election of Pres. Trump. The numbers seem to suggest that this shouldn't be happening, given the relative stability of numbers. The Obama administration was quite active in deportations, numbers were on a downward trajectory for several years, there was no uproar over the family separation issue, there were apparently far less harsh living circumstances being imposed. Now with what look to be similar numbers, the immigration world has turned to a total sh*tshow.
Apart from the Trumpian philosophy, I ask you how have the circumstances deteriorated to this level? I may be missing something with the numbers, but I am not seeing it.

So what would you do with the levels we are currently encountering?
So what would you do with the levels we are currently encountering?
I'm not sure. Certainly there will and should be deportations, I full well understand that. There will be no long term solution while the President continues to whip the frenzy via decreasing humanitarian aid to Central America combined with the fear which is being amplified by the coyotes that no one can ever successfully emigrate. It has been and continues to be my opinion that for the most part the "immigration crises" has been developed as a Trump stage prop to allow his unreserved white nativism to have access to an audience that is afraid that they are seeing their world end, and they likely are, not because of migration but simple change.
I have voiced my pessimism over where the country finds itself, and at my age seriously doubt that I will ever see a sufficient reunification of sides that we see a consensus government. I full well expect plurality rule to remain the norm and that the cancer of devisive politics to grow.
Nothing like a bit of Monday doom and gloom...
I'm not sure. Certainly there will and should be deportations, I full well understand that. There will be no long term solution while the President continues to whip the frenzy via decreasing humanitarian aid to Central America combined with the fear which is being amplified by the coyotes that no one can ever successfully emigrate. It has been and continues to be my opinion that for the most part the "immigration crises" has been developed as a Trump stage prop to allow his unreserved white nativism to have access to an audience that is afraid that they are seeing their world end, and they likely are, not because of migration but simple change.
I have voiced my pessimism over where the country finds itself, and at my age seriously doubt that I will ever see a sufficient reunification of sides that we see a consensus government. I full well expect plurality rule to remain the norm and that the cancer of devisive politics to grow.
Nothing like a bit of Monday doom and gloom...
Unfortunately, it appears that I am not alone in my gloom. I just read the following from George Will -
"I believe that what this president has done to our culture, to our civic discourse ... you cannot unring these bells and you cannot unsay what he has said, and you cannot change that he has now in a very short time made it seem normal for schoolboy taunts and obvious lies to be spun out in a constant stream. I think this will do more lasting damage than Richard Nixon's surreptitious burglaries did."

CNN article -
I think there are lots of things that could be done to improve our immigration issue.
1. The media should be more responsible in reporting the facts. [For example, the people who were to be deported on Monday already have had their day in court and have been ordered to leave the country.] This is rarely accurately reported.
2. Laws should be changed to immediately deport those who do not qualify for asylum. Immigration for economic reasons is not a basis for asylum.
3. Something should be done about so-called "sanctuary cities". It is unbelievable to me that "cities" are not handing over to ICE illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes such as murder, rape, etc.
4. I read that 30% of people who arrive illegally have DNA that does not match the child they are claiming is theirs. These people should immediately be deported. Why are we aiding and abetting this behavior? Where did they get these children?
5. Employers at every level should be punished for employing illegals.
6. I support a charity in Appalachia where American citizens are living with no health insurance, no indoor plumbing, etc. Why are illegals being given so much including health insurance when American children are going to bed hungry?
I totally understand although I do not agree, why people are supporting Trump and why he will be reelected. Immigration is the biggest issue. It makes me very angry and I am sure that it has that effect on many others. Democrats are failing to address it in a meaningful way.
I'm not sure. Certainly there will and should be deportations, I full well understand that. There will be no long term solution while the President continues to whip the frenzy via decreasing humanitarian aid to Central America combined with the fear which is being amplified by the coyotes that no one can ever successfully emigrate. It has been and continues to be my opinion that for the most part the "immigration crises" has been developed as a Trump stage prop to allow his unreserved white nativism to have access to an audience that is afraid that they are seeing their world end, and they likely are, not because of migration but simple change.
I have voiced my pessimism over where the country finds itself, and at my age seriously doubt that I will ever see a sufficient reunification of sides that we see a consensus government. I full well expect plurality rule to remain the norm and that the cancer of devisive politics to grow.
Nothing like a bit of Monday doom and gloom...

So we don’t have any real solutions different than what we currently do so the dialogue reverts back to trashing Trump for his actions. By the way it was the same when Pres Obama was in office. His detractors criticized everything he did but in reality had no better ideas.

IMO the only real difference between Obama and Trump was Obama did catch and release and Trump tried to eliminate catch and release through detention.

Finally, I agree that cutting the funding aids is wrong but I do agree that the Governments there need to step up more. The recent punch that Trump made on Mexico, for example appears to have resulted in an increase in Mexican troops assigned to stop border crossings on their southern border. True, Mexico had agreed to do that earlier this year but was dragging their feet to implement it. Trumps tantrum moved them to action. So the bottom line is what do we do?

Many Americans are up in arms over conditions along the border, deportations, etc yet have virtually no reaction to thousands of people, mainly women and children, living in our inner cities that fear for their lives and the safety of their children every day. They fear gang violence, drug violence, etc.....virtually the same things that the people coming here from Central America are fleeing from. These are American citizens trapped in similar environments as those crossing our border illegally yet they have no voice. So what do we do about them?
I think there are lots of things that could be done to improve our immigration issue.
1. The media should be more responsible in reporting the facts. [For example, the people who were to be deported on Monday already have had their day in court and have been ordered to leave the country.] This is rarely accurately reported.
2. Laws should be changed to immediately deport those who do not qualify for asylum. Immigration for economic reasons is not a basis for asylum.
3. Something should be done about so-called "sanctuary cities". It is unbelievable to me that "cities" are not handing over to ICE illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes such as murder, rape, etc.
4. I read that 30% of people who arrive illegally have DNA that does not match the child they are claiming is theirs. These people should immediately be deported. Why are we aiding and abetting this behavior? Where did they get these children?
5. Employers at every level should be punished for employing illegals.
6. I support a charity in Appalachia where American citizens are living with no health insurance, no indoor plumbing, etc. Why are illegals being given so much including health insurance when American children are going to bed hungry?
I totally understand although I do not agree, why people are supporting Trump and why he will be reelected. Immigration is the biggest issue. It makes me very angry and I am sure that it has that effect on many others. Democrats are failing to address it in a meaningful way.
Well thought out. We all might want to re-check your #4 statement: given the fact that the DNA testing operation is in its very early stages (according to USA Today reporting), the 30% figure you used may lack the requisite statistical sample size to be accurate. May.
Well thought out. We all might want to re-check your #4 statement: given the fact that the DNA testing operation is in its very early stages (according to USA Today reporting), the 30% figure you used may lack the requisite statistical sample size to be accurate. May.

I agree - that seemed too high to me also.
They fear gang violence, drug violence, etc.....virtually the same things that the people coming here from Central America are fleeing from. These are American citizens trapped in similar environments as those crossing our border illegally yet they have no voice. So what do we do about them?

inner city walls must be the answer
...Many Americans are up in arms over conditions along the border, deportations, etc yet have virtually no reaction to thousands of people, mainly women and children, living in our inner cities that fear for their lives and the safety of their children every day. They fear gang violence, drug violence, etc.....virtually the same things that the people coming here from Central America are fleeing from. These are American citizens trapped in similar environments as those crossing our border illegally yet they have no voice. So what do we do about them?
Not to diminish as bad as many American urban environments may be, I don't really think they remotely match what was described in these articles concerning Central American conditions... . and