LA Times Analysis of Trump Tax Cuts

No offense taken. I think you may have me backwards. My antipathy for the President has to do with him. If his presidency was having great outcomes, I could be very happy for the outcomes and still dislike him. I never have liked his schtick and am appalled by it as President, it's really that simple. Excess self-aggrandizement, non-stop fallacious and misleading statements, apparent misogyny, lack of strategic goals, disinterest in actual problem solving are just not my cup of tea, nor do I believe they lead to a better country.

Soaring stock market, record unemployment, manufacturing jobs coming back to the US, blue collar wages up, taxes down, better international trade deals, US the worlds largest oil producer.

But yeh, you don't like him as president because he's a meanie.
Toughen up buttercup.
Soaring stock market, record unemployment, manufacturing jobs coming back to the US, blue collar wages up, taxes down, better international trade deals, US the worlds largest oil producer.

But yeh, you don't like him as president because he's a meanie.
Toughen up buttercup.
And that's all completely because of Trump right? Many of those things haven't been trending in that direction for years, right? We can have a good economy without a criminal in the office that degrades the position and what our country is supposed to stand for.
And that's all completely because of Trump right? Many of those things haven't been trending in that direction for years, right? We can have a good economy without a criminal in the office that degrades the position and what our country is supposed to stand for.

Then why didn't obama do it? Because he was too busy on the global apology tour bowing to the leaders of other countries. He was a terrible negotiator that literally gave Iran, (which by the way, was still chanting "death to America") billions of dollars, in the hope that by being nice and giving them money, they might like us more.
And if POTUS is the criminal you say, what crimes are you claiming he committed?
Then why didn't obama do it? Because he was too busy on the global apology tour bowing to the leaders of other countries. He was a terrible negotiator that literally gave Iran, (which by the way, was still chanting "death to America") billions of dollars, in the hope that by being nice and giving them money, they might like us more.
And if POTUS is the criminal you say, what crimes are you claiming he committed?
Obama did, look at all of the trends over the several years heading into Trump's inauguration.
Trump committed obstruction of justice multiple times. He's in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution as well.
Obama did, look at all of the trends over the several years heading into Trump's inauguration.
Trump committed obstruction of justice multiple times. He's in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution as well.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
Why didn't Obama get black and minority unemployment to it's lowest levels ever?
Why didn't Obama cut taxes?
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
Why didn't Obama get black and minority unemployment to it's lowest levels ever?
Why didn't Obama cut taxes?
For the sake of argument, let's assume that Obama and his Administration were totally and completely inept in every way. How does that serve to justify the Trump Administration shortcomings?
I don't understand how one, of any political persuasion, can successfully utilize "whataboutism", in and of itself, as a defense to subsequent issues by successor administrations.
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
Why didn't Obama get black and minority unemployment to it's lowest levels ever?
Why didn't Obama cut taxes?

Facts aren't on your side.
Whey would a tax cut be the end all be all solution to anything?

Black men unemployment. Looks like Trump really got to work after March 2010 to get those unemployment numbers going down.
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