Kiesler becomes fourth for '15 (link)

6'6" and still another year to grow. Seems like there is a push for us to be bigger and it's welcomed. Impressive list of schools we beat out who had offered her. Stanford offered so she has excellent grades also. This class looks really good on paper.
Just did some googling on her and Miss Kiesler is pretty impressive. We came out of nowhere to get her as most experts thought it was Louisville or Stanford for sure. In fact the Louisville media figured she could step in right away when U of L's post graduates. She got womped on the head last year and came back only to get hit in the head again and the doctors sat her for the rest of the season as a precaution. Most people who have seen her think she is just coming into her own offensively as she has gotten a lot of attention because she is considered a defensive stopper.

Premature but could this be the start of something really, really, really good?
Thank you and welcome, Nora. After the Bears and the Purdue football team, really needed a lift up.
Seriously though, Coach V seems to be recruiting at her highest level. Now if the injury but would just go away. But these teams now have depth that her first few years were missing. With MD and Rutgers joining the BT, those who don't recruit well are dropping to the bottom.
Originally posted by
This is a good class …
This is more than a "good class". This is a bad-ass class. These are some kids who will impose their will on opponents. I have seen good players before, but these are good players that will force the game their way. I like this bunch!

Yes, yes, welcome Nora.

It seems these ladies must get along pretty well as it made quite an impression. That bodes very well for the future of Purdue Women's basketball. Should be fun to watch.
Originally posted by pman66:
Really nice pick up. Welcome Nora.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

this is an excellent class. really hope SV can make a FF in the next couple years. she's been killing it on the recruiting trail lately
It usually takes front line players a year or so to develop into the players they are projected to be, when first recruited. Post play in particular is usually physical and rough. Freshmen struggle when going against kids their size or larger, when they usually played against smaller kids in high school.

I have often thought that one of the reasons Zeller was so effective at IU was that he never had to adjust to D1 play. He had been going against his older brothers for years, and developed the skill set to compete with them. They were both good D1 players. He walked onto the IU floor ready to play at a high level. In some respects he was a better player as an untarnished freshman, than he was after a couple years at IU, but that is another discussion, and not for this board.

I like it when Kiesler talks about constantly playing against her older, taller brother. I suspect that she, like Zeller, will walk onto Purdue's floor ready for D1 basketball. I predict that she will be in the running for Freshman player of the year in 2015.

When Purdue went to the FF twice in three years it was with Top 10 players, not Top 25-100.