Kamala’s dad was a Marxist economist

Learning a lesson from Mitch Daniels, if Harris wants to implement price controls, why not start with college tuition?

Biden has said over and over racists comments, yet you and millions of others gave him a pass and voted for him. Only because he identifies as a Democrat. :rolleyes:
I said fascist, not racist, even though Chump is a stone cold racist.
I said fascist, not racist, even though Chump is a stone cold racist.
You have posted over and over about racist people and how you are ……. with them. Why did you give Biden a pass to vote for him?
I’m amazed no liberal has responded beyond BNIs name calling.

(I’m not really surprised at all😉)
Biden is not a racist.
Then you've been used by the Demo party so long that you're totally brainwashed. Blacks are still slaves to the Democrat party who continue to use blacks as chattel, but thankfully many are seeing what's been going on for way too long. You've been picking their Cotten, by being slaves to them.

Mr. "I win on policy" is turning into a big. orange. chicken. Priming the pump for running scared from the debate (btw, none of the people he mentions in this post are on the debate stage, just him and Kamala Harris) If the Republicans had nominated ANYONE but him this wouldn't be happening and they would be ahead. Instead, sadly; conservative policies will go the way of Trump University for the next four years, because everything he touches turns to crap. #IsThisleadership? #DonnieScared:


What's next?

Because it is Donald Trump, the next ten weeks will veer closer and closer to "the election is rigged." But of course, only if he loses. Likelihood of this happening? 100%

Dude, your zest for disinformation is off the charts now. Her father was not a slave owner. That was Harris' Irish great-great-great grandfather in the 1800s.
Ahhh, so finally we are starting to uncover the "root cause" of Kamala's uneasy giggle. She doesn't know which is worse, her Marxist roots or the fact she may owe reparations instead of receiving them.
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Then you've been used by the Demo party so long that you're totally brainwashed. Blacks are still slaves to the Democrat party who continue to use blacks as chattel, but thankfully many are seeing what's been going on for way too long. You've been picking their Cotten, by being slaves to them.
Ohhhh boy. TwinDegrees2, the "not a racist" poster, strikes again.

This time telling a black poster that he's "picking cotton" and that American black community are used as chattel and "still slaves," now to a political party.
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Ohhhh boy. TwinDegrees2, the "not a racist" poster, strikes again.

This time telling a black poster that he's "picking cotton" and that American black community are used as chattel and "still slaves," now to a political party.
He is a stone cold racist. He ain't the only one in this forum, however.
Would you call a great great great granddaughter of a slave owner a racist? What about a judge who imprisoned young black men for smoking weed, giving them a felony on their record? What about a Senator who said that integrating schools would create a jungle? How about a Judge who hid evidence that would have freed a black man on death row?
Good, then we are on the same page. When I was a Civil Rights Leader over fifty years ago, I calculated that eight percent of the US was racist. Most people are ignorant but willing to talk and come together. I was able to stop a lot of Jim Crow restrictions. I think the media and Obama have increased the number as we grew Jim Crow Groups. I wish people would start calling it the R-word; it is offensive to use it on everybody we disagree with.
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Good, then we are on the same page. When I was a Civil Rights Leader over fifty years ago, I calculated that eight percent of the US was racist. Most people are ignorant but willing to talk and come together. I was able to stop a lot of Jim Crow restrictions. I think the media and Obama have increased the number as we grew Jim Crow Groups. I wish people would start calling it the R-word; it is offensive to use it on everybody we disagree with.
Not sure how you calculated it as high as 8%, but I'd be willing to bet that the percentage is now lower, though it's a subjective term and a sliding scale.
Not sure how you calculated it as high as 8%, but I'd be willing to bet that the percentage is now lower, though it's a subjective term and a sliding scale.
I had done it in the middle of KKK territory, and I heard they had me earmarked. However, my biggest obstacle was the Black Student Union. This is why I am so much against diversity groups. I see the US as a melting pot.
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I had done it in the middle of KKK territory, and I heard they had me earmarked. However, my biggest obstacle was the Black Student Union. This is why I am so much against diversity groups. I see the US as a melting pot.
For me I like to see diverse cultures celebrated, not isolated only among their own
I had done it in the middle of KKK territory, and I heard they had me earmarked. However, my biggest obstacle was the Black Student Union. This is why I am so much against diversity groups. I see the US as a melting pot.
Why is the Black Student Union an obstacle?
They were comfortable with Jim Crow Laws. They wanted separate but equal.
So, you must have condoned the the KKK style cross burning at the Purdue Black Cultural Center and the racial slurs at the black fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha. Both occurred in the 80s.
So, you must have condoned the the KKK style cross burning at the Purdue Black Cultural Center and the racial slurs at the black fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha. Both occurred in the 80s.
I am talking about taking on Jim Crow laws in the late 60s and early 70s. I was running a business and raising a family in the eighties, and frankly, I was not keeping up with what was happening at Purdue in the 80s, except maybe on the court or on the field.
Not sure how you calculated it as high as 8%, but I'd be willing to bet that the percentage is now lower, though it's a subjective term and a sliding scale.
I'm curious to know your definition of racism?

Is it treating someone differently based on their skin color?
I'm curious to know your definition of racism?

Is it treating someone differently based on their skin color?
No; it’s treating someone worse because of their skin color.

And yes, in case you’re trying to tee up a counterpoint, people of any color can be racist.
No; it’s treating someone worse because of their skin color.

And yes, in case you’re trying to tee up a counterpoint, people of any color can be racist.
So, "treating someone worse"? That's pretty vague and subjective.
Can you elaborate and provide some examples?

For example, you might claim blacks are treated differently than others in the criminal justice system. But, data supports the fact that blacks, while only 12% of the general population, commit over 50% of violent crimes. Does that have an impact?