Just your average Democrat these days

It's absolutely a lie. You just lied about your lie.

Show me where you or any of other trumpers brought up your allegations in that thread.

Do you even know when I contributed? Of course you don't. But you KNOW the allegations predated my contribution right? How do you know? Did God give you a vision?

Another christian hypocrite. What that you people say all the time? Rules for thee but not for me?

This is the organization YOU contributed to:

"As far as Weaver’s alleged predations, according to Karl Rove, this has been an open secret in D.C. for decades.

If Rove knew, how is it that Rove’s protégé and Lincoln Project cofounder Steve Schmidt didn’t?

What’s more, according to the Associated Press, the Lincoln Project had, in their hands, all the way back in June, a whole list of sexual misconduct complaints against Weaver. They did nothing other than to shield him. He wasn’t even put on leave until August."

This is the organization YOU contributed to:

"As far as Weaver’s alleged predations, according to Karl Rove, this has been an open secret in D.C. for decades.

If Rove knew, how is it that Rove’s protégé and Lincoln Project cofounder Steve Schmidt didn’t?

What’s more, according to the Associated Press, the Lincoln Project had, in their hands, all the way back in June, a whole list of sexual misconduct complaints against Weaver. They did nothing other than to shield him. He wasn’t even put on leave until August."
@BuilderBob6 is just a miserable peon who helped fellow angry white guys build a mansion for themselves
If you think Biden is doing well right now, you’re just not paying attention. He’s incredibly unpopular. I guess Virginia and the other recent elections losses for the Ds didn’t happen and you don’t hear people yelling or see signs and bumper stickers saying “Let’s go Brandon!” Inflation is through the roof because of his policies, the Afghanistan debacle, the border/illegal immigration fiasco, begging OPEC+ to increase oil production while cutting down the US’s ability to be self-sufficient…..His administration is a disaster.
You’re saying trumpsters yelling let’s go brandon and getting suckered into buying more idiotic merch is proof Biden is unpopular? I mean, trumpys yell profanity laden chants and fly profanity laden flags too, they’re dopes. Trumpys are doing this because Biden whooped their cult leaders butt

This is the organization YOU contributed to:

"As far as Weaver’s alleged predations, according to Karl Rove, this has been an open secret in D.C. for decades.

If Rove knew, how is it that Rove’s protégé and Lincoln Project cofounder Steve Schmidt didn’t?

What’s more, according to the Associated Press, the Lincoln Project had, in their hands, all the way back in June, a whole list of sexual misconduct complaints against Weaver. They did nothing other than to shield him. He wasn’t even put on leave until August."
Post all the articles you want. You told a lie about me and doubled down. Your argument was that I contributed to Lincoln knowing they had a pedophile in their midst.

Your articles are all dated in 2021. Post something about when your excuse for your lie about allegations became public.

It doesn't matter when members of Lincoln knew, when did the public know?

Do you know when I contributed? Do you know what info I had when I did?

You're pulling a trump and trying to cover your lies by talking about EVERYTHING BUT the subject......because you're a coward who won't admit, for all your devotion to Christ, you don't practice what you preach. You want outrage to cover your hypocrisy. You mislead and deflect.........and violate your values.......all so you can try and shame and defame someone on a message board. The trump way. Are you going to ask for forgiveness in your prayers tonight?
You’re saying trumpsters yelling let’s go brandon and getting suckered into buying more idiotic merch is proof Biden is unpopular? I mean, trumpys yell profanity laden chants and fly profanity laden flags too, they’re dopes. Trumpys are doing this because Biden whooped their cult leaders butt
And look at how it’s going after Biden whooped Trump’s butt!! Whoops. He’s a failure! Trump isn’t looking so bad now, is he white lib???
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Post all the articles you want. You told a lie about me and doubled down. Your argument was that I contributed to Lincoln knowing they had a pedophile in their midst.

Your articles are all dated in 2021. Post something about when your excuse for your lie about allegations became public.

It doesn't matter when members of Lincoln knew, when did the public know?

Do you know when I contributed? Do you know what info I had when I did?

You're pulling a trump and trying to cover your lies by talking about EVERYTHING BUT the subject......because you're a coward who won't admit, for all your devotion to Christ, you don't practice what you preach. You want outrage to cover your hypocrisy. You mislead and deflect.........and violate your values.......all so you can try and shame and defame someone on a message board. The trump way. Are you going to ask for forgiveness in your prayers tonight?
What a miserable peon response!! You’re defending the LINCOLN PROJECT
You know, Sd, there were moments when I thought you were a titch smarter than the other right wing dimbulbs that stink up this board, but you’re clearly snorting out of the same trough of shit they are.

Blaming inflation on him when it’s a GLOBAL issue shows that you have a lack of understanding of economics right now during a GLOBAL pandemic. I don’t care that you criticize, but at least do it from reality, and not because you read some memes.
Yep abandoning the Keystone pipeline and reducing domestic oil and gas production were brilliant moves and had no impact on energy costs but your brilliant leader is trying to offset this shortfall by begging OPEC and Russia to increase production. We have went from a net exporter of energy to an importer. Crystal clear the only difference was Trump energy policy vs Biden. Lunacy on steroids

This is the organization YOU contributed to:

"As far as Weaver’s alleged predations, according to Karl Rove, this has been an open secret in D.C. for decades.

If Rove knew, how is it that Rove’s protégé and Lincoln Project cofounder Steve Schmidt didn’t?

What’s more, according to the Associated Press, the Lincoln Project had, in their hands, all the way back in June, a whole list of sexual misconduct complaints against Weaver. They did nothing other than to shield him. He wasn’t even put on leave until August."
Silly boy, it’s not about kid sex it’s about anti Trump anyone but Trump mentality
Yep abandoning the Keystone pipeline and reducing domestic oil and gas production were brilliant moves and had no impact on energy costs but your brilliant leader is trying to offset this shortfall by begging OPEC and Russia to increase production. We have went from a net exporter of energy to an importer. Crystal clear the only difference was Trump energy policy vs Biden. Lunacy on steroids
No no @PurdueFan1 can’t blame dear leader. The Democrat Party who has him in chains won’t allow that!!
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Do you have a thing for him.......because you're the one bringing him up in every post. You have nothing else to contribute.
Should I count how many posts you’ve mentioned Trump compared to BSIT and do you think you contribute good things to this board??? Lol wow you do have memory issues, must be an age thing.
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@BuilderBob6 who will the “pence media” be in 2024??? Will that same group who is the “trump media” as you eloquently labeled them be the “PENCE MEDIA” in a few years???
It’ll be interesting to see what the RINO’s and folks touting “protect the constitution “ say against Pence? IMO he is the perfect foil to the Trump noise and that’s why I’ll be supporting him.. Lilly white scandal free but who supports Trump agenda
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It’ll be interesting to see what the RINO’s and folks touting “protect the constitution “ say against Pence? IMO he is the perfect foil to the Trump noise and that’s why I’ll be supporting him.. Lilly white scandal free but who supports Trump agenda
I would be fine with Pence but I think Trump would try to “poison the well” against him because he wouldn’t filch on his Constitutional duty as VP.

Right now, I am favoring Ron Desantis or Tim Scott. I doubt Scott has a real shot right now, though.
It’ll be interesting to see what the RINO’s and folks touting “protect the constitution “ say against Pence? IMO he is the perfect foil to the Trump noise and that’s why I’ll be supporting him.. Lilly white scandal free but who supports Trump agenda

Let me just remind you that a gallows was built for Pence on 1/6. The Republican Party is Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz now. Pence has a snowball’s chance in hell but good luck with that.
I would be fine with Pence but I think Trump would try to “poison the well” against him because he wouldn’t filch on his Constitutional duty as VP.

Right now, I am favoring Ron Desantis or Tim Scott. I doubt Scott has a real shot right now, though.
Trump will definitely turn on Pence but I think Pence/Desantis is the winning ticket
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Let me just remind you that a gallows was built for Pence on 1/6. The Republican Party is Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz now. Pence has a snowball’s chance in hell but good luck with that.
I think many Republicans are tired of the Trump noise but want his policies. If Pence can convince Republicans of this, he’ll win the primary and general election. His Jan 6 “weakness “ could prove to be a strength in the general
Let me just remind you that a gallows was built for Pence on 1/6. The Republican Party is Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz now. Pence has a snowball’s chance in hell but good luck with that.
If that’s the case, is the D Party the party of AOC, Rashida Tlaib, and Omar now? The party of Bernie Sanders? Both parties have their fair share of crackpots.
I think many Republicans are tired of the Trump noise but want his policies. If Pence can convince Republicans of this, he’ll win the primary and general election. His Jan 6 “weakness “ could prove to be a strength in the general
Maybe. But the Rs can’t afford Trump poisoning the well against whomever is the nominee.
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If that’s the case, is the D Party the party of AOC, Rashida Tlaib, and Omar now? The party of Bernie Sanders? Both parties have their fair share of crackpots.
Yes they do, but please find me videos of an AOC or Omar saying some of the incredibly offensive and nasty stuff the MTGs and Boeberts of the Republican Party do. What’s worse is that instead of speaking out against the terrible crap they say, it’s just weak whataboutism.
I think many Republicans are tired of the Trump noise but want his policies. If Pence can convince Republicans of this, he’ll win the primary and general election. His Jan 6 “weakness “ could prove to be a strength in the general
Pence is damaged goods. I actually agree with SD here. Trump will go after him mercilessly. He doesn’t stand a chance.
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Yes they do, but please find me videos of an AOC or Omar saying some of the incredibly offensive and nasty stuff the MTGs and Boeberts of the Republican Party do. What’s worse is that instead of speaking out against the terrible crap they say, it’s just weak whataboutism.
All three of them continually say anti-Semitic statements and have for years.
Pence is damaged goods. I actually agree with SD here. Trump will go after him mercilessly. He doesn’t stand a chance.
Maybe but Trump is also damaged goods. The predictable Trump will turn on Pence after he was a huge supporter and picked him as VP. It’s a broken record with Trump, I love anyone who loves me but will turn on you in an instant
Maybe but Trump is also damaged goods. The predictable Trump will turn on Pence after he was a huge supporter and picked him as VP. It’s a broken record with Trump, I love anyone who loves me but will turn on you in an instant

You say this but given the number of votes he got last year and how many prominent Republicans support him, I would argue otherwise. Sorry, I think it’s foolish to assume he won’t have a considerable presence and influence on 2024. And no, that’s not TDS, that’s just reality.
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It does seem unlikely to me. If Trump isn’t the nominee, whomever is will need Trump’s endorsement to win. Pence is never going to get that.
IMO it’ll be hard for Trump to support anyone but himself. I’m even hearing rumors Trump is turning on Desantis because he views him as a threat and feels Desantis only became Governor because of Trump
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IMO it’ll be hard for Trump to support anyone but himself. I’m even hearing rumors Trump is turning on Desantis because he views him as a threat and feels Desantis only became Governor because of Trump
It seems to be the case. Desantis has always supported Trump with full-throat but now Trump is saying that he, in essence, made Desantis into what he is now.
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You say this but given the number of votes he got last year and how many prominent Republicans support him, I would argue otherwise. Sorry, I think it’s foolish to assume he won’t have a considerable presence and influence on 2024. And no, that’s not TDS, that’s just reality.
I agree Trump will be a huge player but also believe he isn’t invincible

This is the organization YOU contributed to:

"As far as Weaver’s alleged predations, according to Karl Rove, this has been an open secret in D.C. for decades.

If Rove knew, how is it that Rove’s protégé and Lincoln Project cofounder Steve Schmidt didn’t?

What’s more, according to the Associated Press, the Lincoln Project had, in their hands, all the way back in June, a whole list of sexual misconduct complaints against Weaver. They did nothing other than to shield him. He wasn’t even put on leave until August."
@Bob “pedo lives matter”
Yes they do, but please find me videos of an AOC or Omar saying some of the incredibly offensive and nasty stuff the MTGs and Boeberts of the Republican Party do. What’s worse is that instead of speaking out against the terrible crap they say, it’s just weak whataboutism.
Poor baby……did you read a mean tweet?
Thanks for admitting you throw out shit that isn't talked about here to deflect from your lie in the hope people don't bring up January 6th or trump. It's a played out tactic, attack the other side so they won't talk about what you're embarrassed about.

How many threads have been started about the insurrection? How many about Trump? Tell me. Just for you, I might just make that happen.

Inflation and gas prices and supply chain issues are happening all over the world because if the pandemic. Read something.
And here we have another article about the January 6th insurrection. The smokescreen for all the problems are suppressed by the insurrection.

He’s neither democrat or repub. Criminals could care less about the election process. Of course nothing is absolute but actually going to a voting location and voting is the last thing on a criminal’s mind. Most aren’t even registered to vote. For example, think of a typical gang banger in Chi-Town. Or the people involved in the recent smash and grabs. You actually think they vote? You are very naive if you do.
Antifa and BLM's both have registration drives in their neighborhoods. Who says this idiot doesn't vote....and if he does, he damned sure ain't voting for Trump.
You’re saying trumpsters yelling let’s go brandon and getting suckered into buying more idiotic merch is proof Biden is unpopular? I mean, trumpys yell profanity laden chants and fly profanity laden flags too, they’re dopes. Trumpys are doing this because Biden whooped their cult leaders butt
You mean like all those Fu*k Trump signs still blowin' in the breeze?
Antifa and BLM's both have registration drives in their neighborhoods. Who says this idiot doesn't vote....and if he does, he damned sure ain't voting for Trump.
I highly doubt Antifa is having any registration drives. Certainly not on a wide scale basis.

Heck naw the Waukesha killer ain't voted for Chump if he did vote. I doubt that he did vote.