Just curious....


Jul 15, 2006
For people planning on voting Republican in the next election, who do you want to win the nomination?

Right now, the more "mainstreams" have still yet to rise to the top - and in some cases, performing worse in the polls (Bush). Rubio is third in many polls, but the problem is finding the first state that he'd win in.

Cruz or Trump look like they will win Iowa.

Trump is also leading significantly in polls in New Hampshire and South Carolina.
Right now would go with Rubio. But I agree with your assessment that he does not really seem to be leading in any state for the primaries so not sure what I would do.

I am not an overall fan of Trump but I did like his last answer in the last debate about ISIS, regime change, what did we win, and much of that money spent fighting wars should have been spent here in the US. Was surprising to hear really.
I don't know yet how I will vote in the general election,but I think a ticket of Rubio and Kasich would be tough to beat,as that would probably give the GOP both Florida and Ohio.
I thought the theme was anti-establishment. Marco Antonio Rubio has never had a job. Career politician.

What gives?

That's one of the themes...the other is "we don't want to go 16 years without the WH" and for those folks, they have this idea that Marco Rubio, because he's Hispanic, will capture 40% of the Latino vote and break the demo problem/advantage the Dems have with that block.

I don't see any way that actually happens, but that's the thought process for some. I think everyone realizes that demographically, the republicans have to break-in somewhere to win the WH. They have the following groups they can either limit or try to win:

1. Latinos (can't win if they replicate Romney's showing, or even McCain's)
2. AAs (ahem, moving on)
3. Young voters (they have to hope that young voters are turned off when Bernie loses and won't turn out for Hillary).
4. Single women (they have to hope that single women don't turn out in droves for Hillary--good luck with that given the Anti-Abortion platform)
5. Married women (they have to hope that married women, who do ordinarily vote republican, don't defect to Hillary in any appreciable numbers)

I didn't list voters over 65...who usually vote Republican, because I don't see any major reason why those demos should significantly change to the detriment of the republicans unless their nominee starts talking about privatizing/cutting SS/Medicare.
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That's one of the themes...the other is "we don't want to go 16 years without the WH" and for those folks, they have this idea that Marco Rubio, because he's Hispanic, will capture 40% of the Latino vote and break the demo problem/advantage the Dems have with that block.

I don't see any way that actually happens, but that's the thought process for some. I think everyone realizes that demographically, the republicans have to break-in somewhere to win the WH. They have the following groups they can either limit or try to win:

1. Latinos (can't win if they replicate Romney's showing, or even McCain's)
2. AAs (ahem, moving on)
3. Young voters (they have to hope that young voters are turned off when Bernie loses and won't turn out for Hillary).
4. Single women (they have to hope that single women don't turn out in droves for Hillary--good luck with that given the Anti-Abortion platform)
5. Married women (they have to hope that married women, who do ordinarily vote republican, don't defect to Hillary in any appreciable numbers)

I didn't list voters over 65...who usually vote Republican, because I don't see any major reason why those demos should significantly change to the detriment of the republicans unless their nominee starts talking about privatizing/cutting SS/Medicare.

Or it likely has to do with listening to the debates he presents himself as best candidate. And he is the one Republican candidate that consistently beats Clinton in head to head polling. He should have an advantage in FL.

I mean, why bother sending Trump? Sure he closed it to a few points from down 10 but doubt he wins.
I thought the theme was anti-establishment. Marco Antonio Rubio has never had a job. Career politician.

What gives?
I do not recall ever saying that I was anti-establishment but my vote will be based on who I think can beat a pantsuit!
I do not recall ever saying that I was anti-establishment but my vote will be based on who I think can beat a pantsuit!
The presidential debates should be interesting. I've been watching the republican debates trying to see which candidate comes off palatable. Most are trying so hard to act tough that they come off as funny caricatures of a tough guy. The pantsuit definitely has bigger balls than any of them! Rand Paul seems the most knowledgable/composed/presidential, but he is getting swept away in all the lunacy and seems to have no chance
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The presidential debates should be interesting. I've been watching the republican debates trying to see which candidate comes off palatable. Most are trying so hard to act tough that they come off as funny caricatures of a tough guy. The pantsuit definitely has bigger balls than any of them! Rand Paul seems the most knowledgable/composed/presidential, but he is getting swept away in all the lunacy and seems to have no chance


The anarcho-dominionist?

He can't even get his own stance correct.