Job numbers down again!!

I am to lazy to look, but don't seem like we have hit precovid numbers as a lot of places still can not find workers. So technically, he hasn't really created a single new job.
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I am to lazy to look, but don't seem like we have hit precovid numbers as a lot of places still can not find workers. So technically, he hasn't really created a single new job.

Why set the starting point as pre covid?
The way Freedom phrased the post I thought I was going to read only 2,000 jobs created.

Who know with him. The headline was 210,000 jobs added and he interpreted that as jobs down again. I can’t get into the head of somebody that can say something like that.
Who know with him. The headline was 210,000 jobs added and he interpreted that as jobs down again. I can’t get into the head of somebody that can say something like that.
When Chump was putting up similar numbers or less he probably was doing back flips like the rest of these ne’er do wells on this board.
When Chump was putting up similar numbers or less he probably was doing back flips like the rest of these ne’er do wells on this board.

I do remember cheerleaders posting those job numbers quite frequently then.
When Chump was putting up similar numbers or less he probably was doing back flips like the rest of these ne’er do wells on this board.
Wouldn’t Trump shut down HBCUs if he were a WHITE SUPREMACIST like you says he is? Why won’t you answer that? You’re not too busy so don’t feed me that line of BS
Wouldn’t Trump shut down HBCUs if he were a WHITE SUPREMACIST like you says he is? Why won’t you answer that? You’re not too busy so don’t feed me that line of BS
Are you kidding, I’ve answered many times, particularly foolin with bonefish1. Answered so many times I’ll just copy and paste what I said:

The HBCU funding was started by a black congresswoman, Alma Adams. It was passed, bi-partisan in both houses and sent to Chump to sign the bill which was veto proof. Naturally, Chump takes credit for it as if it was his creation.

Just to add, this ain’t Jim Crow anymore. Chump ain’t going to shut down HBCUs. These days that will be political suicide. Sometimes they can’t help themselves but racism is more subtle as racist Lee Atwater said when he trained the racist Dixiecrats when they came over to the repubs.
Trump ...Nov 2017
154 million employed
Labor participation rate 61.8%

Biden .... Nov 2021
154 million employed
Labor Participation Rate 61.8%

Trump then improved the numbers to 158.5 million Pre Covid......lets see what Biden does.
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Because a lot of jobs were lost specifically because of government action. So government should be held some what responsible for getting back to those numbers.

Is there a specific timeframe you had in mind? I’m fully for the government helping with jobs.
Are you kidding, I’ve answered many times, particularly foolin with bonefish1. Answered so many times I’ll just copy and paste what I said:

The HBCU funding was started by a black congresswoman, Alma Adams. It was passed, bi-partisan in both houses and sent to Chump to sign the bill which was veto proof. Naturally, Chump takes credit for it as if it was his creation.

Just to add, this ain’t Jim Crow anymore. Chump ain’t going to shut down HBCUs. These days that will be political suicide. Sometimes they can’t help themselves but racism is more subtle as racist Lee Atwater said when he trained the racist Dixiecrats when they came over to the repubs.
So Trump isn’t a WHITE SUPREMACIST is what your saying then? True WHITE SUPREMACISTS would do whatever it took to take down blacks and Trump did NOTHING of the sort to HBCUs. Do you understand what words mean, boy?
So Trump isn’t a WHITE SUPREMACIST is what your saying then? True WHITE SUPREMACISTS would do whatever it took to take down blacks and Trump did NOTHING of the sort to HBCUs. Do you understand what words mean, boy?
Trump is definitely a white supremacist. As well a lot of other members of the GOP. You obviously don't know how racism works. To survive in politics these days you cannot overtly be over the top racist even thought a lot of them cannot help themselves and do over the top things. You are probably one of those racism doesn't exist folks. You probably think MLK was a Marxist or communist and want all of the books about him removed from the schools like in Tennessee.

When was the last time you heard of a cross burning or a castrated black man hanging from a tree. White supremacy groups like the KKK and others don't do that stuff anymore. They have found other ways to terrorize and lynch people they don't like. They are still prominent with the subdued terror as the FBI has those groups on the list as one of the biggest threats in America.
Trump is definitely a white supremacist. As well a lot of other members of the GOP. You obviously don't know how racism works. To survive in politics these days you cannot overtly be over the top racist even thought a lot of them cannot help themselves and do over the top things. You are probably one of those racism doesn't exist folks. You probably think MLK was a Marxist or communist and want all of the books about him removed from the schools like in Tennessee.

When was the last time you heard of a cross burning or a castrated black man hanging from a tree. White supremacy groups like the KKK and others don't do that stuff anymore. They have found other ways to terrorize and lynch people they don't like. They are still prominent with the subdued terror as the FBI has those groups on the list as one of the biggest threats in America.
Do you think Democrats have any racists in Congress? And who kills more people every weekend and causes more bloodshed? Blacks in Chicago or WHITE SUPREMACISTS? What are these other ways they’re terrorizing people? You sound unhinged!

lol the FBI saying that is so funny. It sounds like your quite the conspiracy theory loon by the way. You’re dumber than hell but also a conspiracy theorist. Bad combo!! But a normal combo since you’re a Democrat.
Trump is definitely a white supremacist. As well a lot of other members of the GOP. You obviously don't know how racism works. To survive in politics these days you cannot overtly be over the top racist even thought a lot of them cannot help themselves and do over the top things. You are probably one of those racism doesn't exist folks. You probably think MLK was a Marxist or communist and want all of the books about him removed from the schools like in Tennessee.

When was the last time you heard of a cross burning or a castrated black man hanging from a tree. White supremacy groups like the KKK and others don't do that stuff anymore. They have found other ways to terrorize and lynch people they don't like. They are still prominent with the subdued terror as the FBI has those groups on the list as one of the biggest threats in America.

The number of domestic terrorist rioter & looters the last couple of summers on display for all to see - it would seem likely there are 10,000 times more crazed wako lefty domestic terrorists than the numbers of wako KKK, and whatever groups on the right.....who you rarely see and when you do are few and far between and in low numbers.

Both are evil and not good for America, but your focus is always on the small number of right wakos......when you have way more dangerous wako domestic terrorists in your own party.

As far as white supremacy - it is a made up media & academia term to incite weak minded gulible people.
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Do you think Democrats have any racists in Congress? And who kills more people every weekend and causes more bloodshed? Blacks in Chicago or WHITE SUPREMACISTS? What are these other ways they’re terrorizing people? You sound unhinged!

lol the FBI saying that is so funny. It sounds like your quite the conspiracy theory loon by the way. You’re dumber than hell but also a conspiracy theorist. Bad combo!! But a normal combo since you’re a Democrat.
I don't know any racist democrat in the Congress or Senate.
What they won’t tell you is that Biden created 6,000,000 jobs since he been in office.
Biden created jobs?? Other than for Hunter and other relatives, what did he do to 'create' jobs?

In the coming years, his idiot open border policy will work to suppress wages and decrease jobs on the low end.
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What they won’t tell you is that Biden created 6,000,000 jobs since he been in office.

Trump is definitely a white supremacist. As well a lot of other members of the GOP. You obviously don't know how racism works. To survive in politics these days you cannot overtly be over the top racist even thought a lot of them cannot help themselves and do over the top things. You are probably one of those racism doesn't exist folks. You probably think MLK was a Marxist or communist and want all of the books about him removed from the schools like in Tennessee.

When was the last time you heard of a cross burning or a castrated black man hanging from a tree. White supremacy groups like the KKK and others don't do that stuff anymore. They have found other ways to terrorize and lynch people they don't like. They are still prominent with the subdued terror as the FBI has those groups on the list as one of the biggest threats in America.

I don't know any racist democrat in the Congress or Senate.
When the aliens abducted you, which orifice did they insert the probe in?
When the aliens abducted you, which orifice did they insert the probe in?
Ok, so what democrat in the Congress and Senate are racist? Don't say dems like Robert Byrd or Strom Thurmond. I'm talking currently.
Ok, so what democrat in the Congress and Senate are racist? Don't say dems like Robert Byrd or Strom Thurmond. I'm talking currently.
I have no names but am sure there are some. I was more curious about the 6 million jobs Biden created. Actually the most likely racist are the AOC posse
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Pelosi and other dems forced Omar to apologize for her anti-Semitic comments.

To me Omar’s comments are more about criticizing the Israel’s policies and not anti-Semitic. But if it was offensive then she should and did apologize. This goes to my point. Y’all can only bring up one chick and her comments. Pelosi held her accountable and she apologized. On the repub side, there have a slew of racist comments from the repub president, to the crazies in the House and the Senate. McCarthy and McConnell never holds them accountable because they are frightened of that crazy Chump base. For what Gobert said the other day was ridiculous. She should be kicked out of Congress. Yet, unlike Pelosi McCarthey has done absolutely nothing to hold her accountable. There has been no public apology. It has been comment after comment, person after person in the repub party for years now. That is the main reason most blacks are turned off by the repub party. The repub party makes no effort to make those accountable or an effort to attract more blacks to the party.
To me Omar’s comments are more about criticizing the Israel’s policies and not anti-Semitic. But if it was offensive then she should and did apologize. This goes to my point. Y’all can only bring up one chick and her comments. Pelosi held her accountable and she apologized. On the repub side, there have a slew of racist comments from the repub president, to the crazies in the House and the Senate. McCarthy and McConnell never holds them accountable because they are frightened of that crazy Chump base. For what Gobert said the other day was ridiculous. She should be kicked out of Congress. Yet, unlike Pelosi McCarthey has done absolutely nothing to hold her accountable. There has been no public apology. It has been comment after comment, person after person in the repub party for years now. That is the main reason most blacks are turned off by the repub party. The repub party makes no effort to make those accountable or an effort to attract more blacks to the party.
What has Pelosi done to hold them accountable and did Trump say as many racist things as Biden has? And has Trump gotten his picture taken with a KKK member like Biden has?
To me Omar’s comments are more about criticizing the Israel’s policies and not anti-Semitic. But if it was offensive then she should and did apologize. This goes to my point. Y’all can only bring up one chick and her comments. Pelosi held her accountable and she apologized. On the repub side, there have a slew of racist comments from the repub president, to the crazies in the House and the Senate. McCarthy and McConnell never holds them accountable because they are frightened of that crazy Chump base. For what Gobert said the other day was ridiculous. She should be kicked out of Congress. Yet, unlike Pelosi McCarthey has done absolutely nothing to hold her accountable. There has been no public apology. It has been comment after comment, person after person in the repub party for years now. That is the main reason most blacks are turned off by the repub party. The repub party makes no effort to make those accountable or an effort to attract more blacks to the party.
You seem more tolerant of dems when they say racist or anti-Semitic things, as if you have been conditioned by the msm to overlook dem transgressions. Likely you don't recognize that in yourself.
To me Omar’s comments are more about criticizing the Israel’s policies and not anti-Semitic. But if it was offensive then she should and did apologize. This goes to my point. Y’all can only bring up one chick and her comments. Pelosi held her accountable and she apologized. On the repub side, there have a slew of racist comments from the repub president, to the crazies in the House and the Senate. McCarthy and McConnell never holds them accountable because they are frightened of that crazy Chump base. For what Gobert said the other day was ridiculous. She should be kicked out of Congress. Yet, unlike Pelosi McCarthey has done absolutely nothing to hold her accountable. There has been no public apology. It has been comment after comment, person after person in the repub party for years now. That is the main reason most blacks are turned off by the repub party. The repub party makes no effort to make those accountable or an effort to attract more blacks to the party.
Nah, It's more because they don't give them free stuff to keep blacks on the Democrat ''plantation'' so they will vote for them . According to Lyndon Johnson we still have about 140 or so years of that left? Interesting ''McCarthy and McConnell never holds them accountable because they are frightened of that crazy Chump base.'' So it wasnt liberals rioting all over the country ? Washington shouldnt have happened either but that is one vs all over the country and I didnt see looting and setting people's businesses on fire there. There is only one group of people that would burn the businesses that serve their own neighborhoods
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Nah, It's more because they don't give them free stuff to keep blacks on the Democrat ''plantation'' so they will vote for them . According to Lyndon Johnson we still have about 140 or so years of that left? Interesting ''McCarthy and McConnell never holds them accountable because they are frightened of that crazy Chump base.'' So it wasnt liberals rioting all over the country ? Washington shouldnt have happened either but that is one vs all over the country and I didnt see looting and setting people's businesses on fire there. There is only one group of people that would burn the businesses that serve their own neighborhoods
You say you didn’t see looting and setting people’s businesses on fire. But destroying and causing $ 20M in damage, threading the lives of Congress, Senate and the VP who were present at the time is ok. Y’all are something else.

A lot of the people that get the free stuff like welfare as you say in the black community don’t participate in the election process.
You say you didn’t see looting and setting people’s businesses on fire. But destroying and causing $ 20M in damage, threading the lives of Congress, Senate and the VP who were present at the time is ok. Y’all are something else.

A lot of the people that get the free stuff like welfare as you say in the black community don’t participate in the election process.
Who said that lives being threaded was ok? Are you making things up again with your fellow stupid conspiracy theorists??

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