Jesus Christ as Simple as A, B, C

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
The love of Jesus Christ can be accepted as simple if A, B, C.

A.... Admit you are a sinner and repent (turn away from) your sin.

B.... Believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, that he is the Son of God and God's only path to salvation.

C..... Commit to Jesus as your Lord & Savior. Accept the free gift of Jesus blood to cover your sins and follow Him as your Lord & Savior.

Come as you are. JESUS came to heal the sinner. So you don't have to wait. He accepts you as you are, and through the Words of the Bible will work to make you His own. You still might screw up from time to time, as I have and do, but He is patient and kind and His love changes.
C..... Commit to Jesus as your Lord & Savior. Accept the free gift of Jesus blood to cover your sins and follow Him as your Lord & Savior.

Come as you are. JESUS came to heal the sinner. So you don't have to wait. He accepts you as you are, and through the Words of the Bible will work to make you His own. You still might screw up from time to time, as I have and do, but He is patient and kind and His love changes.
What do you recommend for someone that is Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, or Buddhist?
The love of Jesus Christ can be accepted as simple if A, B, C.

A.... Admit you are a sinner and repent (turn away from) your sin.

B.... Believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, that he is the Son of God and God's only path to salvation.

C..... Commit to Jesus as your Lord & Savior. Accept the free gift of Jesus blood to cover your sins and follow Him as your Lord & Savior.

Come as you are. JESUS came to heal the sinner. So you don't have to wait. He accepts you as you are, and through the Words of the Bible will work to make you His own. You still might screw up from time to time, as I have and do, but He is patient and kind and His love changes.
I get stuck at A, since I don't believe in the concept of sin to begin with.
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What do you recommend for someone that is Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, or Buddhist?
I get stuck at A, since I don't believe in the concept of sin to begin with.

GOD loves you both and gives all of us He loves until we draw our last breath to accept His Son Jesus. Here we either choose right or wrong, Heaven or Hell, Jesus or Satan. He loves us enough to give us a choice. Choose wisely.
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GOD loves you both and gives all of us He loves until we draw our last breath to accept His Son Jesus. Here we either choose right or wrong, Heaven or Hell, Jesus or Satan. He loves us enough to give us a choice. Choose wisely.
So if a Muslim or Jew lives a wonderful life full of integrity, generosity, kindness, and love but doesn’t accept Jesus as their savior and follows a different religion, what do you believe happens to them when they draw their last breath on earth?
GOD loves you both and gives all of us He loves until we draw our last breath to accept His Son Jesus. Here we either choose right or wrong, Heaven or Hell, Jesus or Satan. He loves us enough to give us a choice. Choose wisely.
The problem is it's not a choice. I cannot CHOOSE to believe anything, and neither can you. You either become convinced of something or not. We don't get to choose what things we're convinced of.
So if a Muslim or Jew lives a wonderful life full of integrity, generosity, kindness, and love but doesn’t accept Jesus as their savior and follows a different religion, what do you believe happens to them when they draw their last breath on earth?
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

So, the bottom line is that the Bible teaches that it is not by works that leads to salvation. It is, like others said believing in that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins is what gets people saved. Therefore, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists and other non-believers of Christ, until they give there lives to Jesus Christ are going to hell.

As far as the Jews, after the Christian believers in Christ are raptured up. After the 7 years of tribulation the remaining people on earth will endure, God will deal with the Jews, his chosen people, during Jesus Christ’s Second Coming.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

So, the bottom line is that the Bible teaches that it is not by works that leads to salvation. It is, like others said believing in that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins is what gets people saved. Therefore, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists and other non-believers of Christ, until they give there lives to Jesus Christ are going to hell.

As far as the Jews, after the Christian believers in Christ are raptured up. After the 7 years of tribulation the remaining people on earth will endure, God will deal with the Jews, his chosen people, during Jesus Christ’s Second Coming.
That god sounds less loving and more super petty.

But independent of that, I accept that the Bible says those things, but what reason to we have to accept that any of those things are true? There are so many demonstrably wrong things in the Bible that it seems to me to be a pretty unreliable source of truth.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

So, the bottom line is that the Bible teaches that it is not by works that leads to salvation. It is, like others said believing in that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins is what gets people saved. Therefore, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists and other non-believers of Christ, until they give there lives to Jesus Christ are going to hell.

As far as the Jews, after the Christian believers in Christ are raptured up. After the 7 years of tribulation the remaining people on earth will endure, God will deal with the Jews, his chosen people, during Jesus Christ’s Second Coming.
Truly appreciate the full and detailed view point.

So if Jeffrey Dahmer or Hitler accepts Christ on their deathbed and the Dali Lama (sp?) remains a Buddhist to his last breath, Dahmer is going to heaven and the Dali is going to hell?

That seems like a recipe for tribalism and justification of horrible behavior. As in, as long as I eventually join the right religion, all misery created is forgiven. And no matter how good and pious someone else is, if they don’t accept a certain religion it’s for naught and they are eternally damned.

Too harsh a take?
That god sounds less loving and more super petty.

But independent of that, I accept that the Bible says those things, but what reason to we have to accept that any of those things are true? There are so many demonstrably wrong things in the Bible that it seems to me to be a pretty unreliable source of truth.
Here's the deal....

1. I believe that acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior is the only way to heaven and try to live a life that verifies that. Now do I sin on occasion...sure, but I believe mine are forgiven because of my beliefs.

2. You question the validity of that, and I would assume you are a non-believer.

3. If I'm wrong, I'm simply going to rot away...ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

4. If you're wrong you'll simply burn in hell for eternity.

5. I like my odds better.
Truly appreciate the full and detailed view point.

So if Jeffrey Dahmer or Hitler accepts Christ on their deathbed and the Dali Lama (sp?) remains a Buddhist to his last breath, Dahmer is going to heaven and the Dali is going to hell?

That seems like a recipe for tribalism and justification of horrible behavior. As in, as long as I eventually join the right religion, all misery created is forgiven. And no matter how good and pious someone else is, if they don’t accept a certain religion it’s for naught and they are eternally damned.

Too harsh a take?
I think there are things that can be added to BNI's listing and I think you pose interesting questions. I'm just unsure that at this time it is worth my time to add scripture, mention first century writings that color scripture a bit different today or the last 150 years in the USA relative to other countries....and a consideration to what questions you pose. That said I have already typed way too much discussing climate change and such, but this is a fascinating topic where opinions flourish. Everyone has an island of knowledge and some islands are larger than others, but all are dwarfed by the sea (Ignorance). I do find this topic of interest, but unsure I want to dedicate the time "at this time" to share some thoughts and generate questions as I'm sure my take is different than all...some very little and others a lot. This will be a good read though...
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That god sounds less loving and more super petty.

But independent of that, I accept that the Bible says those things, but what reason to we have to accept that any of those things are true? There are so many demonstrably wrong things in the Bible that it seems to me to be a pretty unreliable source of truth.
What are the so called demonstrably wrong things in the Bible?
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Here's the deal....

1. I believe that acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior is the only way to heaven and try to live a life that verifies that. Now do I sin on occasion...sure, but I believe mine are forgiven because of my beliefs.

2. You question the validity of that, and I would assume you are a non-believer.

3. If I'm wrong, I'm simply going to rot away...ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

4. If you're wrong you'll simply burn in hell for eternity.

5. I like my odds better.

As for your points?

#1: I appreciate that as completely consistent with your view. 100%

#2: I don’t question the value or validity of you believing #1; but was wondering how that applies to the majority of the world who aren’t your religion.

#3: Completely disagree—I believe that if you’re a religion other than the one I am (yes—I am a religious person) you can still be greatly respected and rewarded, both now and during any possible hereafter.

#4: Also completely disagree (see my answer for #3). I can’t understand the “proper” religious identity as a ‘get into/out of hell’ card or litmus test.

#5: You are putting the vast majority of the planet out of contention with “your odds.” Makes me much more easily understand how you can be such an absolutist about politics (and other things).

So I truly appreciate this; always good to understand others without the insults and vitriol.
I think there are things that can be added to BNI's listing and I think you pose interesting questions. I'm just unsure that at this time it is worth my time to add scripture, mention first century writings that color scripture a bit different today or the last 150 years in the USA relative to other countries....and a consideration to what questions you pose. That said I have already typed way too much discussing climate change and such, but this is a fascinating topic where opinions flourish. Everyone has an island of knowledge and some islands are larger than others, but all are dwarfed by the sea (Ignorance). I do find this topic of interest, but unsure I want to dedicate the time "at this time" to share some thoughts and generate questions as I'm sure my take is different than all...some very little and others a lot. This will be a good read though...
Any time people can weigh in with the intention to understand, not to respond with vitriol, is a worthy opportunity for discussion.
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Here's the deal....

1. I believe that acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior is the only way to heaven and try to live a life that verifies that. Now do I sin on occasion...sure, but I believe mine are forgiven because of my beliefs.
Good for you. I don't believe in sin.
2. You question the validity of that, and I would assume you are a non-believer.
I am.
3. If I'm wrong, I'm simply going to rot away...ashes to ashes and dust to dust.
Not true. What if one of the other gods is actually correct and you'll simply go to that other religion's version of hell? What if there is a god, but, rather than valuing worship and faith (ie, belief without evidence), it values rationality and reason and would punish you for accepting a god without good evidence. Pascal's wager is not a good argument for the existence of a god.
4. If you're wrong you'll simply burn in hell for eternity.
Again, Pascal's wager is not a good argument for the existence of a god. And any god who would do so is both un-loving and unjust. Infinite punishment for finite crimes is, by definition, unjust.
5. I like my odds better.
Just because you like your version of potential outcomes better doesn't make them any more likely to be the case.
That god sounds less loving and more super petty.

But independent of that, I accept that the Bible says those things, but what reason to we have to accept that any of those things are true? There are so many demonstrably wrong things in the Bible that it seems to me to be a pretty unreliable source of truth.
There is no other love for humans than to send your only Son to be beaten, scourged, whipped with sharped objects. Then after all of that, nailed to the cross through your hands and feet for hours on end until you die from asphyxia. All of that so that we can enjoy salvation. What are you talking about?
What are the so called demonstrably wrong things in the Bible?
Just a few off the top of my head:

1. Global flood
2. Adam and Eve
3. Bats are birds, insects have 4 legs, mustard seeds are the smallest seeds
4. Snakes can talk
5. Humans live hundreds of years
6. Exodus
7. The order of "creation"
8. Age of the universe (which I'll admit the Bible doesn't mention explicitly)
9. The firmament
10. The moon is a light
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There is no other love for humans than to send your only Son to be beaten, scourged, whipped with sharped objects. Then after all of that, nailed to the cross through your hands and feet for hours on end until you die from asphyxia. All of that so that we can enjoy salvation. What are you talking about?
This isn't an argument, it's preaching. I'm not convinced any of that happened, at least with respect to a divine entity. I'm happy to accept that there was probably a preacher in 1st century Judea named Jesus who gained a following and was killed by the Roman government. And the Bible can't convince me that person was divine until it can be demonstrated that the Bible is reliable.
Any time people can weigh in with the intention to understand, not to respond with vitriol, is a worthy opportunity for discussion.
my views and I'm not getting drug into this today... ;) since I have a concert in a few and must leave is that there are about 50,000 denominations where one group takes this part literally and another denomination doesn't, but takes it figuratively. This is an area (bible) that may hold special meaning to some and so a different understanding could be taken wrong and I don't wish to denigrate anyone's views on particular scripture and such and a single line by itself may not be as accurate as combining it with a few lines previous and after the scripture listed. I find it particularly impressive that Jordan Peterson who has not declared himself a Christian has MANY times reflected on scripture stating the solid connection to psychological thought as having real value. I have no doubt Jordan who may not be a Christian believes in the messages being very positive for people. I'm sure someone could search for Jordan on some of these and get his take if interested. I'll see how the concert goes and may offer my $.02 on a thought that may satisfy your question.
There is no other love for humans than to send your only Son to be beaten, scourged, whipped with sharped objects. Then after all of that, nailed to the cross through your hands and feet for hours on end until you die from asphyxia. All of that so that we can enjoy salvation. What are you talking about?
your version is too sanitary. The Romans strategically placed nails in nerve centers so there was never a time without pain. When Christ relaxed, his lungs sagged and breathing was difficult and when he pushed against the nails to elevate himself he was in incredible pain due to the nerves against the nails. However, his flogging was so bad that when it became time to break his legs, it was not needed as he had already died. He died without broken bone like the paschal lambs in Passover and all those that followed him died in horrific ways with Peter even wishing to be crucified upside down as he wasn't worthy of dying like Christ. The next moments were pretty important, but that is for another day... ;)
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Religion is the root of all evil. Period.

Agree with that sometimes. Religion is worth nothing. Both religious leaders and churches a few times have let us down. Hypocrisy of church members is also disappointing.

But what is NEVER disappointing is what we all need, a relationship with Jesus. Love him as the cornerstone of your life and He will always be there for you in good times & bad. He loves you now, in whatever state you are in, believer or not. Some of the most loving Christians I know don't ever go to church. It's not about church it's about a one on one relationship with Christ. Start it through the A, B Cs.
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What are the so called demonstrably wrong things in the Bible?
You have to admit, bni, that the census at the start of Luke is quite dubious. Maybe something was lost in translation.

This does not take away from the foundation of your faith - unless it is based on a belief that everything in the Bible is accurate and true .
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"Period" is not needed. We already know your mind is closed.

Were Pol Pots' killing fields caused by religion?

Or how about the massive child and sex trafficking across our open southern border?
“Love thy neighbor as thy self “. Isn’t that what Jesus believed and preached? Look in the mirror, buddy, while you go on your tirade about migrants.

Religion is used as a cover to justify hatred and conflict against people. Always has been. Look no further than Twin with his comment above about converting. Pitting one against the other. Or your comments about the border since you took it there.
Agree with that sometimes. Religion is worth nothing. Both religious leaders and churches a few times have let us down. Hypocrisy of church members is also disappointing.

But what is NEVER disappointing is what we all need, a relationship with Jesus. Love him as the cornerstone of your life and He will always be there for you in good times & bad. He loves you now, in whatever state you are in, believer or not. Some of the most loving Christians I know don't ever go to church. It's not about church it's about a one on one relationship with Christ. Start it through the A, B Cs.
I respect your sentiment, I really do. But There are a lot of self-proclaimed Christians out there who are also some of the worst of humanity. It goes both ways.

What happened to live and let live and the golden rule, etc. I myself think it’s really that simple.
So if a Muslim or Jew lives a wonderful life full of integrity, generosity, kindness, and love but doesn’t accept Jesus as their savior and follows a different religion, what do you believe happens to them when they draw their last breath on earth?
The muslims become worm food. The Jews go to heaven and help out.
“Love thy neighbor as thy self “. Isn’t that what Jesus believed and preached? Look in the mirror, buddy, while you go on your tirade about migrants.

Religion is used as a cover to justify hatred and conflict against people. Always has been. ... Pitting one against the other. Or your comments about the border since you took it there.
You said religion is the root of all evil. How is it the root of women, children, and drugs flooding across our open borders.?

My 'tirade' is not about migrants, but about a government policy to open the borders that allows all the suffering and death as a result, bud -- and grave concerns by the FBI director that the worst may be still to come.
You said religion is the root of all evil. How is it the root of women, children, and drugs flooding across our open borders.?

My 'tirade' is not about migrants, but about a government policy to open the borders that allows all the suffering and death as a result, bud -- and grave concerns by the FBI director that the worst may be still to come.
NOW you trust the word of the FBI Director?
Does it make you incredibly sad, JM?
No; it doesn't make me sad that you now apparently trust the word of the FBI Director. Not sure why you would think that -- Chris Wray is a good man and a patriot who deals in evidence, not politics in my opinion.

So what changed for you? Why do you now trust the word of the FBI Director?
No; it doesn't make me sad that you now apparently trust the word of the FBI Director. Not sure why you would think that -- Chris Wray is a good man and a patriot who deals in evidence, not politics in my opinion.

So what changed for you? Why do you now trust the word of the FBI Director?
I didn't say I trusted him. I posted his testimony.
Truly appreciate the full and detailed view point.

So if Jeffrey Dahmer or Hitler accepts Christ on their deathbed and the Dali Lama (sp?) remains a Buddhist to his last breath, Dahmer is going to heaven and the Dali is going to hell?

That seems like a recipe for tribalism and justification of horrible behavior. As in, as long as I eventually join the right religion, all misery created is forgiven. And no matter how good and pious someone else is, if they don’t accept a certain religion it’s for naught and they are eternally damned.

Too harsh a take?
Warning, the topic has background and those with ADHD or no real understanding of the bible will not understand any of this and so do NOT read…it is lengthy. First, I am not currently an active reader of the bible or supplemental books pertaining to such and haven’t been for a few years. No doubt there are many better versed than I that will not respond to these questions. Obviously, the questions have existed for a long time suggesting that a single answer has not been satisfactory. Over the years I have read some of those and was not entirely satisfied myself. What I can’t do at this time is recall some of those even if I was left wanting. However, inside the questions is the implicit thought that all religions are the same to downplay the importance or primacy of Christianity and this one is easily answered and should for perspective

No, Christianity is very different even with sharing some of the same thoughts of other religions. We know Christianity grew out of Judaism and depending on what reference is used, Judaism and Hinduism are the oldest religions. Hopefully, there is nobody that reads any of this that questions if Jesus existed. It is a historical statement of fact. The only legitimate question is whether his miracles existed and that He rose from the dead where atheists don’t believe He did, while Christians believe He did. Relative to Christ being the 2nd person of the Trinity and what differentiates Christianity from other religions are the following: 1) If God exists in some fashion, it seems reasonable that His announcement and any prefiguration would exist as to prevent imposters from claiming such. Christ’s birth, ancestry and death were predicted in the OT & NT where Passover and the Seder meal was a prefiguration of Christ’s crucifixion. Backdating to forge these accounts have thoroughly been discredited. So Christ and Christianity are the only religion where the central figure was pre-announced. 2) Of the older religions, Hinduism allows the choice of different God where we know Christianity has one God and that the “growth” of Christianity resulted, not by the longevity of “a god”, but by the death of God. 3) Although I may disagree with BNI the importance of “works” , it is not the primacy of Christian faith. Referenced in the bible concerning salvation are past, present and future references. Here are some references to “good works”.

Mt 7:21 - not lord lord, but he who does the will of father
Mt 19:16-17 - to have life, keep the commandments
Jn 14:21 - he who keeps my commandments loves me
Rom 2:2-8 - eternal life by perseverance in good works
Gal 5:4-6 - nothing counts but faith working through love
Eph 2:8-10 - we are created in Christ Jesus for good works
Phil 2:12-13 - work out salvation with fear and trembling
James 2:14-24 - a man is justified by works & not faith alone

Perhaps this is in reference to the many rooms being prepared. Those with minimal good works probably get closer to the ice machine.;)

3) When the curtain was ripped, time was forever divided.
4) Those that were disciples before becoming apostles, all chose a horrible death rather than deny Christ.

So I believe the implicit desire to equalize religions is inaccurate. With the difference in religions, and the one I believe is superior, what happens to a nonbeliever? This is where opinions can flourish. I do not believe condemnation exists to those that have good works according to their religion and I do not believe killing the infidels falls into the good works all under the heading of not being exposed to Christianity and this certainly would exist to a Christian family that lost a child before baptism and this is a whole other take that would be quite long. Christ life is only accounted for 29 or such days in the bible and so there is a lot we do not know and this is verified by the wedding in Cana where Mary already knew of miracles or she wouldn’t have asked Jesus to do one knowing His time had not yet come, but being His mother and fully aware of honoring His mother (Ten Commandments), Jesus performed such for her.

The gospels were written with potential eye witnesses alive at the time of writing and certainly at most one generation removed. In the last gospel and the last part of that gospel , the beloved apostle John sums this up by stating in John 21:25- But there are also many other things that Jesus did; if every one of them were written down, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. I’m not sure we can quantify all the questions with appropriate answers.
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Wrong....The love of money is the root of evil
which was illustrated with the difficulty of a camel going through the eye of the needle (that narrow low opening that saddles and such needed to be removed) as referenced in Matt 19:23-24
What do you recommend for someone that is Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, or Buddhist?
There are no excuses to not knowing Jesus today regardless of your faith. In fact, some faiths acknowledge Jesus (Muslim call him a prophet). The problem that such faith have is they are an institutional religion with a set of man-made rules and not focused on their relationship with God, which is made possible through the Son. If we were absolutely honest with ourselves, we know something is missing in our lives. Only Christianity says, "you cannot save yourself". Other faiths try to make you earn your way into Heaven through works. Regardless of your belief, EVERYONE will come to know Jesus, it is more of a matter of when. Christians find him prior to death. Others, shortly after death, where it is sadly too late to be redeemed.

Everyone is free to believe in what they want, but there are consequences for such decisions. Whatever you chose, just make sure you apply the same level of scrutiny to your faith as you do to Jesus. For me, I'm betting on the Guy that came from Heaven, lived and died here, then returned to Heaven.
There are no excuses to not knowing Jesus today regardless of your faith. In fact, some faiths acknowledge Jesus (Muslim call him a prophet). The problem that such faith have is they are an institutional religion with a set of man-made rules and not focused on their relationship with God, which is made possible through the Son. If we were absolutely honest with ourselves, we know something is missing in our lives. Only Christianity says, "you cannot save yourself". Other faiths try to make you earn your way into Heaven through works. Regardless of your belief, EVERYONE will come to know Jesus, it is more of a matter of when. Christians find him prior to death. Others, shortly after death, where it is sadly too late to be redeemed.

Everyone is free to believe in what they want, but there are consequences for such decisions. Whatever you chose, just make sure you apply the same level of scrutiny to your faith as you do to Jesus. For me, I'm betting on the Guy that came from Heaven, lived and died here, then returned to Heaven.
  • 330 million people in the USA.
  • About 68% of the US identifies as Christian, but 75% of the US is either not Christian or is a non-practicing Christian = 70 million practicing Christian.
So you've got 260,000,000 current Americans going straight to eternal damnation!

Think that's rough? Let's look at our neighbors to the North:
  • There are about 40 million Canadians
  • Only about 53% of them identify as Christian.
  • 1.47 billion people
  • 2.3% identify as Christian

By the way ... I am curious if you consider practicing Catholics worthy of eternal salvation. If they aren't included, cut the number of people who you believe will be saved in half.

In summary, for me to ascribe to what you posted, I would have to believe that over 7 billion of the 8 billion people on earth are going to hell for eternity, no matter how much they have lived per the precepts of love, grace, peace, and charity espoused by Jesus.
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