J6 Bombshell: Trump Didn't Just Offer Military to Protect Capitol, He Ordered It but Was Disobeyed


Aug 8, 2009
North Central Indiana
Kent Nishimura - Los Angeles Times / Getty Images© The Western Journal

On the eve of former President Donald Trump's return to power, a new report is turning the story of the 2021 Capitol incursion on its head.

For four years, a Democratic-run "select" committee on Jan. 6, anti-Trump Republicans, and the establishment media have blamed Trump for the violence in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, but the report released Tuesday accused Trump's acting defense secretary at the time, Christopher Miller, of defying Trump's specific orders.

It's the very first finding of the report, and it paints a scathing picture of Nancy Pelosi's "select" committee -- and former Rep. Liz Cheney's role in the whole affair.

The report, "On the Failures and Politicization of the January 6 Select Committee," cited transcripts from interviews conducted by the Department of Defense Inspector General into the events surrounding the incursion.

In an interview with the IG, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, a now-retired Army general, described Trump's words at a Jan. 3, 2021, meeting to prepare for the meeting of Congress to certify the results of the still-disputed 2020 election.

Milley summed up Trump's statement as:

"Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or soldiers, active-duty soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe."

To most Americans, that would sound like an order from a commander in chief to his subordinate, but Miller told Nancy Pelosi's rigged Jan. 6 Committee that he chose to consider it "banter," the report noted on page 69.

In fact, he told the IG interviewers, according to page 68 of the report: "There was absolutely -- there is absolutely no way I was putting U.S. Military forces at the Capitol.”

In addition, Miller told the Jan. 6 committee that he was influenced by a commentary piece published by The Washington Post on Jan. 3, 2021, signed by all 10 living former defense secretaries, calling on Miller by name to "refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election or hinder the success of the new team."

(Liz Cheney's role in organizing the op-ed was first revealed in a May 2021 interview the liberal magazine the New Yorker conducted with Eric Edelman, a Cheney family friend and former national security adviser to Dick Cheney. Not even the left-wing "fact-checking" site Snopes has disputed it.)

The report released Tuesday also showed Miller feared being called a "Trump crony" and was sensitive to criticism on social media.

That apparently mattered more to him than carrying out the orders of the president, the report stated.

It included a quote Miller gave to the inspector general investigators:

"Then you had this constant drumbeat of, remember when I came in the story was that I was a stuffed suit that I was a Trump crony that was going to use the United States Military to conduct a military coup to overthrow the Government, the elected Government of the United States. So that is what was out there in the Twitter sphere

(The fact that the United States military was led, however briefly, by a man afraid of the "Twitter sphere" is a sobering thought. Seriously. What do they drink in Washington, anyway?)

So, Liz Cheney, the poster child of the NeverTrump Republicans and a woman who served as one of two GOP Judas goats on Nancy Pelosi's committee on investigating Jan. 6, helped create the conditions that allowed the Jan. 6 mayhem to actually take place.

And, according to the report by the House Administration Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight, it was direct defiance by the then-acting defense secretary of then-President Trump's orders that led to the security vacuum that ended up being filled by violence.

It turns the whole Democratic-media story of Jan. 6 on its head -- a story that was fed to Americans non-stop through 2022, including made-for-TV dramatics and the enthusiastic complicity of a biased establishment media that could well have contributed to the Democratic success of the midterm elections that limited the reach of a widely expected "red wave."

With Congress set to meet next month to certify the results of Trump's victory in the November election, and his historic inauguration set for Jan. 20, the real question now is, where does it go from here?
This is news? Miller has been telling two different stories for years.

He was acting SecDef because trump fired everybody else and Miller was a stooge trump could control. Shocking that he turned out to be unqualified. she self hating and a promoter of white supremacy? That's the question.
Being a republican, that is surely a possibility. However, I always said that I would have considered a Christie/Cheney, or any non-MAGA bs, ticket instead of Chump.
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Kent Nishimura - Los Angeles Times / Getty Images© The Western Journal

On the eve of former President Donald Trump's return to power, a new report is turning the story of the 2021 Capitol incursion on its head.

For four years, a Democratic-run "select" committee on Jan. 6, anti-Trump Republicans, and the establishment media have blamed Trump for the violence in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, but the report released Tuesday accused Trump's acting defense secretary at the time, Christopher Miller, of defying Trump's specific orders.

It's the very first finding of the report, and it paints a scathing picture of Nancy Pelosi's "select" committee -- and former Rep. Liz Cheney's role in the whole affair.

The report, "On the Failures and Politicization of the January 6 Select Committee," cited transcripts from interviews conducted by the Department of Defense Inspector General into the events surrounding the incursion.

In an interview with the IG, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, a now-retired Army general, described Trump's words at a Jan. 3, 2021, meeting to prepare for the meeting of Congress to certify the results of the still-disputed 2020 election.

Milley summed up Trump's statement as:

"Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or soldiers, active-duty soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe."

To most Americans, that would sound like an order from a commander in chief to his subordinate, but Miller told Nancy Pelosi's rigged Jan. 6 Committee that he chose to consider it "banter," the report noted on page 69.

In fact, he told the IG interviewers, according to page 68 of the report: "There was absolutely -- there is absolutely no way I was putting U.S. Military forces at the Capitol.”

In addition, Miller told the Jan. 6 committee that he was influenced by a commentary piece published by The Washington Post on Jan. 3, 2021, signed by all 10 living former defense secretaries, calling on Miller by name to "refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election or hinder the success of the new team."

(Liz Cheney's role in organizing the op-ed was first revealed in a May 2021 interview the liberal magazine the New Yorker conducted with Eric Edelman, a Cheney family friend and former national security adviser to Dick Cheney. Not even the left-wing "fact-checking" site Snopes has disputed it.)

The report released Tuesday also showed Miller feared being called a "Trump crony" and was sensitive to criticism on social media.

That apparently mattered more to him than carrying out the orders of the president, the report stated.

It included a quote Miller gave to the inspector general investigators:

"Then you had this constant drumbeat of, remember when I came in the story was that I was a stuffed suit that I was a Trump crony that was going to use the United States Military to conduct a military coup to overthrow the Government, the elected Government of the United States. So that is what was out there in the Twitter sphere

(The fact that the United States military was led, however briefly, by a man afraid of the "Twitter sphere" is a sobering thought. Seriously. What do they drink in Washington, anyway?)

So, Liz Cheney, the poster child of the NeverTrump Republicans and a woman who served as one of two GOP Judas goats on Nancy Pelosi's committee on investigating Jan. 6, helped create the conditions that allowed the Jan. 6 mayhem to actually take place.

And, according to the report by the House Administration Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight, it was direct defiance by the then-acting defense secretary of then-President Trump's orders that led to the security vacuum that ended up being filled by violence.

It turns the whole Democratic-media story of Jan. 6 on its head -- a story that was fed to Americans non-stop through 2022, including made-for-TV dramatics and the enthusiastic complicity of a biased establishment media that could well have contributed to the Democratic success of the midterm elections that limited the reach of a widely expected "red wave."

With Congress set to meet next month to certify the results of Trump's victory in the November election, and his historic inauguration set for Jan. 20, the real question now is, where does it go from here?
This doesn't address the complete mission failure of the other uniformed officers at the Capitol - the Capitol Police. There are numerous videos of these incompetent fools escorting rioters in and chatting with them inside the building. Here's what each one of them deserves:

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This doesn't address the complete mission failure of the other uniformed officers at the Capitol - the Capitol Police. There are numerous videos of these incompetent fools escorting rioters in and chatting with them inside the building. Here's what each one of them deserves:

As far as the Capitol police. They showed tremendous amount of restraint. Too much actually. It there were 2,000 negroes out there beating the police, there would have 2,000 dead negroes out there.
As far as the Capitol police. They showed tremendous amount of restraint. Too much actually. It there were 2,000 negroes out there beating the police, there would have 2,000 dead negroes out there.
You must have missed Ferguson, MO, or the Floyd "peaceful protests". By your reasoning the black population in this country must have decreased by hundreds.
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You must have missed Ferguson, MO, or the Floyd "peaceful protests". By your reasoning the black population in this country must have decreased by hundreds.
Dude, the crazy Flavor Aiders on Jan 6 was participating in hand to hand combat against the Capitol police. That pales in contrast to the folks, a lot from the white Antifa group during the Floyd and the other riots. And remember what those riots was about, police killing unarmed black folks.

The Jan 6 Flavor Aiders were not only fighting the police but were using all kinds of weapons, bats, flag poles, pepper spray, bear spray, barriers, police sticks, etc to harm the police and threatened their lives. And only one crazy Flavor Aider was killed. Isn’t that the standard for the police that killed the unarmed blacks, their lives were threatened and they were justified in killing them? Not so much of a rubber bullet was used.
As far as the Capitol police. They showed tremendous amount of restraint. Too much actually. It there were 2,000 negroes out there beating the police, there would have 2,000 dead negroes out there.
It didn't take long to play that race card. As far as ". . . tremendous amount of restraint. Too much actually. . . ." I assume that you agree with me that the Capitol Police were sniveling cowards who should be b1tch-slapped out of federal service without pensions.
It didn't take long to play that race card. As far as ". . . tremendous amount of restraint. Too much actually. . . ." I assume that you agree with me that the Capitol Police were sniveling cowards who should be b1tch-slapped out of federal service without pensions.
You can’t tell me if those were 2,000 black folks beating the hell out of the police, lethal weapons would not have been used.

Yeah the Capitol police were inept. Rubber bullets should been at least deployed.
They did shoot the white female unarmed protester, you flagrant racist.
I said in my earlier post that they shot the crazy Flavor Aider trying to climb through a window while congress is in session. After she was shot, the rest of the Flavor Aiders in her group did not go any further did they? The police should have shot 1,999 more of them. If they were black, they would have.

Close your eyes and picture this scenario. Picture 2,000 black folks storming the Capitol and beating the hell out of the cops. Answer this question, what should the Capitol police should have done in that scenario? This question is for anyone reading this post.
You can’t tell me if those were 2,000 black folks beating the hell out of the police, lethal weapons would not have been used.

Yeah the Capitol police were inept. Rubber bullets should been at least deployed.
"Pants up, Don't loot"
This doesn't address the complete mission failure of the other uniformed officers at the Capitol - the Capitol Police. There are numerous videos of these incompetent fools escorting rioters in and chatting with them inside the building. Here's what each one of them deserves:

Those videos were after things had calmed down. I'm tired of this narrative.
I don't know why anyone would think the completely outnumbered police should have re-escalated the conflict and started arresting people as things were calming down.
Those videos were after things had calmed down. I'm tired of this narrative.
I don't know why anyone would think the completely outnumbered police should have re-escalated the conflict and started arresting people as things were calming down.
The Flavor Aiders "touring" Capitol was clearly way before all hell broke loose. Those were the early birds that got there after that jacked up rally with Chump.
Those videos were after things had calmed down. I'm tired of this narrative.
I don't know why anyone would think the completely outnumbered police should have re-escalated the conflict and started arresting people as things were calming down.
My God, you are in complete denial. Over 200 Capitol Police, all with handguns, couldn't keep a gaggle of rag-a-muffins with no firearms out of the Capitol Building? THAT IS THEIR JOB! If someone tries to break into the building , shoot them. Take gun from holster and BANG BANG BANG. And outnumbered? 200 guns vs 0 firearms, that's being outnumbered.

Do you understand what the Secret Service does to some wacko who jumps the fence at the White House? BANG BANG dead meat.
I said in my earlier post that they shot the crazy Flavor Aider trying to climb through a window while congress is in session. After she was shot, the rest of the Flavor Aiders in her group did not go any further did they? The police should have shot 1,999 more of them. If they were black, they would have.

Close your eyes and picture this scenario. Picture 2,000 black folks storming the Capitol and beating the hell out of the cops. Answer this question, what should the Capitol police should have done in that scenario? This question is for anyone reading this post.
Kind of strange to me that the Capital police shot a woman instead of a guy. She had to a lesser threat to him than some of the others.
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Kind of strange to me that the Capital police shot a woman instead of a guy. She had to a lesser threat to him than some of the others.
She was the first fool to enter through the broken glass door window. Stopped the other cowards in their tracks.
She was the first fool to enter through the broken glass door window. Stopped the other cowards in their tracks.
Exactly. She deserved to be shot and that did indeed stop other buffoons from breaking in. The problem is that there was only one Capitol cop with the balls to do his job. The other sniveling cowards were all kissy-huggy like Park Rangers at Smokey Mountain National Park.
My God, you are in complete denial. Over 200 Capitol Police, all with handguns, couldn't keep a gaggle of rag-a-muffins with no firearms out of the Capitol Building? THAT IS THEIR JOB! If someone tries to break into the building , shoot them. Take gun from holster and BANG BANG BANG. And outnumbered? 200 guns vs 0 firearms, that's being outnumbered.

Do you understand what the Secret Service does to some wacko who jumps the fence at the White House? BANG BANG dead meat.
snipers are strategically placed on the roof although a few they have arrested alive
Exactly. She deserved to be shot and that did indeed stop other buffoons from breaking in. The problem is that there was only one Capitol cop with the balls to do his job. The other sniveling cowards were all kissy-huggy like Park Rangers at Smokey Mountain National Park.
You disagreed with me but we all know why the Capitol police never open fired, even with rubber bullets at the Flavor Aiders. I told y'all to picture 2000 black folks beating cops at the same time at the Capitol. The cops would have open fired at them with the quickness.
You disagreed with me but we all know why the Capitol police never open fired, even with rubber bullets at the Flavor Aiders. I told y'all to picture 2000 black folks beating cops at the same time at the Capitol. The cops would have open fired at them with the quickness.
I ignored you playing the race card because your comment makes no sense. It is woke gibberish.
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I ignored you playing the race card because your comment makes no sense. It is woke gibberish.
You are a Jim Crow lie. It ain't woke gibberish. Cops have been killing unarmed negroes for decades. Long before all this so called woke crap. I'm tired of this woke this, woke that. DEI this, DEI that. The police restrained from opening fire on the Flavor Aiders because they were white. Plain and simple.
You are a Jim Crow lie. It ain't woke gibberish. Cops have been killing unarmed negroes for decades. Long before all this so called woke crap. I'm tired of this woke this, woke that. DEI this, DEI that. The police restrained from opening fire on the Flavor Aiders because they were white. Plain and simple.
the facts remain.....Cops kill a lot more unarmed white people than black people. I know you don't like to deal in facts and statistics, particularly this uncomfortable one, but it's the cold hard truth.
the facts remain.....Cops kill a lot more unarmed white people than black people. I know you don't like to deal in facts and statistics, particularly this uncomfortable one, but it's the cold hard truth.
I that was close to being true, there would have been 2000 dead Flavor Aiders laid out in and around the Capitol on Jan 6.

According to YOUR standards, the Jan 6 Flavor Aiders that were beating cops deserved to be shot, correct?
I that was close to being true, there would have been 2000 dead Flavor Aiders laid out in and around the Capitol on Jan 6.

According to YOUR standards, the Jan 6 Flavor Aiders that were beating cops deserved to be shot, correct?
If you attack a cop, you definitely deserved to get tuned up, big time. Whether the cop decides to use deadly force is up to whether he feels like his life is in danger.
I that was close to being true, there would have been 2000 dead Flavor Aiders laid out in and around the Capitol on Jan 6.

According to YOUR standards, the Jan 6 Flavor Aiders that were beating cops deserved to be shot, correct?
Remind me again how man of the black BLM rioters got killed by the cops during 6 months of protests in every major city across the country?
If the cops were racist and out hunting unarmed black people, I would think that would have been some fertile hunting grounds.
If you attack a cop, you definitely deserved to get tuned up, big time. Whether the cop decides to use deadly force is up to whether he feels like his life is in danger.
So why only one out of 2000 Flavor Aiders on Jan 6 got tuned up?
Kent Nishimura - Los Angeles Times / Getty Images© The Western Journal

On the eve of former President Donald Trump's return to power, a new report is turning the story of the 2021 Capitol incursion on its head.

For four years, a Democratic-run "select" committee on Jan. 6, anti-Trump Republicans, and the establishment media have blamed Trump for the violence in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, but the report released Tuesday accused Trump's acting defense secretary at the time, Christopher Miller, of defying Trump's specific orders.

It's the very first finding of the report, and it paints a scathing picture of Nancy Pelosi's "select" committee -- and former Rep. Liz Cheney's role in the whole affair.

The report, "On the Failures and Politicization of the January 6 Select Committee," cited transcripts from interviews conducted by the Department of Defense Inspector General into the events surrounding the incursion.

In an interview with the IG, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, a now-retired Army general, described Trump's words at a Jan. 3, 2021, meeting to prepare for the meeting of Congress to certify the results of the still-disputed 2020 election.

Milley summed up Trump's statement as:

"Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or soldiers, active-duty soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe."

To most Americans, that would sound like an order from a commander in chief to his subordinate, but Miller told Nancy Pelosi's rigged Jan. 6 Committee that he chose to consider it "banter," the report noted on page 69.

In fact, he told the IG interviewers, according to page 68 of the report: "There was absolutely -- there is absolutely no way I was putting U.S. Military forces at the Capitol.”

In addition, Miller told the Jan. 6 committee that he was influenced by a commentary piece published by The Washington Post on Jan. 3, 2021, signed by all 10 living former defense secretaries, calling on Miller by name to "refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election or hinder the success of the new team."

(Liz Cheney's role in organizing the op-ed was first revealed in a May 2021 interview the liberal magazine the New Yorker conducted with Eric Edelman, a Cheney family friend and former national security adviser to Dick Cheney. Not even the left-wing "fact-checking" site Snopes has disputed it.)

The report released Tuesday also showed Miller feared being called a "Trump crony" and was sensitive to criticism on social media.

That apparently mattered more to him than carrying out the orders of the president, the report stated.

It included a quote Miller gave to the inspector general investigators:

"Then you had this constant drumbeat of, remember when I came in the story was that I was a stuffed suit that I was a Trump crony that was going to use the United States Military to conduct a military coup to overthrow the Government, the elected Government of the United States. So that is what was out there in the Twitter sphere

(The fact that the United States military was led, however briefly, by a man afraid of the "Twitter sphere" is a sobering thought. Seriously. What do they drink in Washington, anyway?)

So, Liz Cheney, the poster child of the NeverTrump Republicans and a woman who served as one of two GOP Judas goats on Nancy Pelosi's committee on investigating Jan. 6, helped create the conditions that allowed the Jan. 6 mayhem to actually take place.

And, according to the report by the House Administration Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight, it was direct defiance by the then-acting defense secretary of then-President Trump's orders that led to the security vacuum that ended up being filled by violence.

It turns the whole Democratic-media story of Jan. 6 on its head -- a story that was fed to Americans non-stop through 2022, including made-for-TV dramatics and the enthusiastic complicity of a biased establishment media that could well have contributed to the Democratic success of the midterm elections that limited the reach of a widely expected "red wave."

With Congress set to meet next month to certify the results of Trump's victory in the November election, and his historic inauguration set for Jan. 20, the real question now is, where does it go from here?
There were a few on here that swallowed hook , line and sinker the whole theatric event on J6 being of the same ilk that thought ole Joe got 80 million legitimate voters votes. Had Trump not got elected either time we all would be more in the dark than today and yet there still exists these gullible people apparently lacking an ability to discern or conclude in some fashion a logical thought. How many will strike out at that shiny thing swimming by on the cabinet coverage and fall again for "something" not true or totally irrelevant?
Kent Nishimura - Los Angeles Times / Getty Images© The Western Journal

On the eve of former President Donald Trump's return to power, a new report is turning the story of the 2021 Capitol incursion on its head.

For four years, a Democratic-run "select" committee on Jan. 6, anti-Trump Republicans, and the establishment media have blamed Trump for the violence in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, but the report released Tuesday accused Trump's acting defense secretary at the time, Christopher Miller, of defying Trump's specific orders.

It's the very first finding of the report, and it paints a scathing picture of Nancy Pelosi's "select" committee -- and former Rep. Liz Cheney's role in the whole affair.

The report, "On the Failures and Politicization of the January 6 Select Committee," cited transcripts from interviews conducted by the Department of Defense Inspector General into the events surrounding the incursion.

In an interview with the IG, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, a now-retired Army general, described Trump's words at a Jan. 3, 2021, meeting to prepare for the meeting of Congress to certify the results of the still-disputed 2020 election.

Milley summed up Trump's statement as:

"Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or soldiers, active-duty soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe."

To most Americans, that would sound like an order from a commander in chief to his subordinate, but Miller told Nancy Pelosi's rigged Jan. 6 Committee that he chose to consider it "banter," the report noted on page 69.

In fact, he told the IG interviewers, according to page 68 of the report: "There was absolutely -- there is absolutely no way I was putting U.S. Military forces at the Capitol.”

In addition, Miller told the Jan. 6 committee that he was influenced by a commentary piece published by The Washington Post on Jan. 3, 2021, signed by all 10 living former defense secretaries, calling on Miller by name to "refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election or hinder the success of the new team."

(Liz Cheney's role in organizing the op-ed was first revealed in a May 2021 interview the liberal magazine the New Yorker conducted with Eric Edelman, a Cheney family friend and former national security adviser to Dick Cheney. Not even the left-wing "fact-checking" site Snopes has disputed it.)

The report released Tuesday also showed Miller feared being called a "Trump crony" and was sensitive to criticism on social media.

That apparently mattered more to him than carrying out the orders of the president, the report stated.

It included a quote Miller gave to the inspector general investigators:

"Then you had this constant drumbeat of, remember when I came in the story was that I was a stuffed suit that I was a Trump crony that was going to use the United States Military to conduct a military coup to overthrow the Government, the elected Government of the United States. So that is what was out there in the Twitter sphere

(The fact that the United States military was led, however briefly, by a man afraid of the "Twitter sphere" is a sobering thought. Seriously. What do they drink in Washington, anyway?)

So, Liz Cheney, the poster child of the NeverTrump Republicans and a woman who served as one of two GOP Judas goats on Nancy Pelosi's committee on investigating Jan. 6, helped create the conditions that allowed the Jan. 6 mayhem to actually take place.

And, according to the report by the House Administration Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight, it was direct defiance by the then-acting defense secretary of then-President Trump's orders that led to the security vacuum that ended up being filled by violence.

It turns the whole Democratic-media story of Jan. 6 on its head -- a story that was fed to Americans non-stop through 2022, including made-for-TV dramatics and the enthusiastic complicity of a biased establishment media that could well have contributed to the Democratic success of the midterm elections that limited the reach of a widely expected "red wave."

With Congress set to meet next month to certify the results of Trump's victory in the November election, and his historic inauguration set for Jan. 20, the real question now is, where does it go from here?
It doesn't excuse Trump for sitting for hours and doing nothing to stop the rioters.