So what you're saying is... IU is a more popular brand than Purdue... Tell something we don't know. One of the largest alumni bases only being 20% of the fan base? That'd be wild.
don't confuse popularity with being a good thing. There are countless examples of something popular that falls short of more substantive things...the army to special forces...cashiers to brain surgeons...a whole host of things. A while back I mentioned about the team being smart and such and if I recall correctly you said nobody cares. Well, that is simply not true. I imagine that most if not almost all...maybe all posters that post care about the behavior and academics of the players. They see the game at a different level...that level being a game.
If you are a Purdue fan there is a much more likley chance that you have attended class or have a sibling, child...some connection to the university. There is a personal connection in some manner and that is through the school primarily. This is not to denigrate those that didn't go to school since they can be fine people with great character and quite smart in their own right. However, for years it has been quite common for those that never attended IU to denigrate Purdue's academics and although the illuminates the lack of intelligence of the person advocating such it is a disservice to young, influential children to be subjected to such child abuse. Some go as far to dress children in the red garb.
Here is a very simple mathematical fact. If you wish to compare a characteristic of knowledge, being informed, logical...some qualitative or quantitative makes no difference if the quality in question shows each population (colleges?) to be above the general population of the larger sample that produced those two samplings in some measure...adding to that sampling population (both colleges) will be lowering the average of the two sampling populations in that characteristic since those two samplings already removed what characteristic that was deemed above the general population.
Another way of saying this is that I wear Purdue gear because I went there...others generally a connection to the university...neither of those happen in such a high percent with IU...and if you are the exception...forgetting about your lack of interest expressed in the players qualities outside of playing basketball, then good for you. Some just buy their gear elsewhere.
However, there are many rif raf that are more likely when the popularity grows...just a mathematical fact of sampling and removing the data some distance from average for whatever characteristic and then further sampling and adding data from the original population which brings closer to the original "average" the select group was taken...