Is There More to the Khizr Khan Story than Meets the Eye?


Gold Member
Jul 30, 2001
New Haven, CT
It is a tragedy that Khizr Khan and his wife lost their son in battle, fighting for the USA against Islamic terrorists. It is also ridiculous that Trump has doubled down in attacking Khan and his wife these past few days. Donald, please stop!

Still, there may be more than meets the eye regarding the backstory of Khizr Khan and his ties to Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Clinton Foundation -

Hillary Clinton set a very devious and clever trap for Trump and he couldn't seem to help himself in getting ensnared in it.
It is a tragedy that Khizr Khan and his wife lost their son in battle, fighting for the USA against Islamic terrorists. It is also ridiculous that Trump has doubled down in attacking Khan and his wife these past few days. Donald, please stop!

Still, there may be more than meets the eye regarding the backstory of Khizr Khan and his ties to Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Clinton Foundation -

Hillary Clinton set a very devious and clever trap for Trump and he couldn't seem to help himself in getting ensnared in it.
lol clever and devious trap? You've lost it.

The only way you fall into that "trap" is if you are an utter and complete idiot who also has zero empathy for others.

There's literally only a handful of people on this planet who would fall into that "trap."

It was the same "trap" that the Benghazi mom "set" for Hillary at the RNC (note the irony quotes because I don't believe that was either a trap nor was it set). Hillary, like 99.9% of humans on this planet, was empathetic enough and smart enough to realize you just leave it alone, and let the grieving mom speak her peace.

The rest of that is beyond ridiculous. So he has "ties" to Huma Abedin because:

Her dad once worked for the Saudi royal family. (with a goal to conquer the US no less...which is batsh%t crazy).

Khan once lived in Saudi Arabi and "collaborated" with them.

(Do we all "collaborate" with the US since we live here?).

Wag job conspiracy theories are not compelling...whether they involve "traps" by Hillary Clinton or some nebulous anti-American "ties" with Saudi Arabia.
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lol clever and devious trap? You've lost it.

The only way you fall into that "trap" is if you are an utter and complete idiot who also has zero empathy for others.

There's literally only a handful of people on this planet who would fall into that "trap."

It was the same "trap" that the Benghazi mom "set" for Hillary at the RNC (note the irony quotes because I don't believe that was either a trap nor was it set). Hillary, like 99.9% of humans on this planet, was empathetic enough and smart enough to realize you just leave it alone, and let the grieving mom speak her peace.

The rest of that is beyond ridiculous. So he has "ties" to Huma Abedin because:

Her dad once worked for the Saudi royal family. (with a goal to conquer the US no less...which is batsh%t crazy).

Khan once lived in Saudi Arabi and "collaborated" with them.

(Do we all "collaborate" with the US since we live here?).

Wag job conspiracy theories are not compelling...whether they involve "traps" by Hillary Clinton or some nebulous anti-American "ties" with Saudi Arabia.

Very predictable response, very predictable. I suggest if you really care you should dig a little deeper. He wrote papers that reflected positively on the MB.

Here is another great read from left leaning Chicago Trib re the moral compass of the Clintons. The accurate part is towards the end where their approach after they get caught is to deny, deny, deny.... And then blow off the truth as it is an " old topic".

Also since the left has gone all in on attacking Melania's nudes I thought Trump should roll out Lewinski to refresh everyone's memory on how they distinguished the Office of the President. LOL

By the way how about some nudes of Hillary?? Ugh... Never mind.
Hillary Clinton set a very devious and clever trap for Trump
It is a tragedy that Khizr Khan and his wife lost their son in battle, fighting for the USA against Islamic terrorists. It is also ridiculous that Trump has doubled down in attacking Khan and his wife these past few days. Donald, please stop!

Still, there may be more than meets the eye regarding the backstory of Khizr Khan and his ties to Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Clinton Foundation -

Hillary Clinton set a very devious and clever trap for Trump and he couldn't seem to help himself in getting ensnared in it.

You said it yourself with the part I bolded above--everything else is immaterial. Even the author of this article can't seem to help himself from getting stuck in the mud, as he starts to quibble about the constitutional feasibility of mass deportation and "The Mexican Wall" (which is also the point where I stopped reading).

Avoiding these types of petty, no-win feuds is Politics 101. Trump is missing opportunities and giving gifts to his opponent by being embroiled in a public feud with a civilian instead of hammering on jobs or Clinton's lies.

Almost every day there's something new--now he's saying if Ivanka got sexually harassed at work that "I would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that was the case". Yeah, Donald, THAT should help you broaden the base with women. WTF, I really believe Trump is going to go down as one of the politically dumbest candidates in history.
You said it yourself with the part I bolded above--everything else is immaterial. Even the author of this article can't seem to help himself from getting stuck in the mud, as he starts to quibble about the constitutional feasibility of mass deportation and "The Mexican Wall" (which is also the point where I stopped reading).

Avoiding these types of petty, no-win feuds is Politics 101. Trump is missing opportunities and giving gifts to his opponent by being embroiled in a public feud with a civilian instead of hammering on jobs or Clinton's lies.

Almost every day there's something new--now he's saying if Ivanka got sexually harassed at work that "I would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that was the case". Yeah, Donald, THAT should help you broaden the base with women. WTF, I really believe Trump is going to go down as one of the politically dumbest candidates in history.
He's not a politician. LOL

It might seem strange or lunatic fringe to this board, but some folks seem to think Trump is trying to keep this story alive on purpose because he thinks there's some dirt on Khizr Khan related to the Muslim Brotherhood. He would like the media to actually do its job and try to better understand and report on the connections between Khan, Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Huma Abedin and her father.

Others could rightly question whether he's going about it in the best or smartest way. Personally, I think he could try to work this without making himself look foolish on twitter by continuing to attack Khizr Khan and his wife.
So now, because Trump and his surrogates made the horrible mistake of engaging and disparaging a set of gold star parents, now we are supposed to blindly accept as normal the RWNJ desperate attempt to smear this family thru oppro research? Pathetic.

Stop abandoning principles of intelligence and decency to blindly support a madman.
He's not a politician. LOL

It might seem strange or lunatic fringe to this board, but some folks seem to think Trump is trying to keep this story alive on purpose because he thinks there's some dirt on Khizr Khan related to the Muslim Brotherhood. He would like the media to actually do its job and try to better understand and report on the connections between Khan, Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Huma Abedin and her father.

Others could rightly question whether he's going about it in the best or smartest way. Personally, I think he could try to work this without making himself look foolish on twitter by continuing to attack Khizr Khan and his wife.
there are no f@$king connections. Enough. Just stop.
He's not a politician. LOL

I agree. And IMO that's exactly why he's going to lose a very winnable race. If he were even just 25% politician and 75% not, he could definitely win. But he's not even "politician" enough to know the basics of what not to say or do, the 101 stuff. It would have to be super-frustrating to support him or especially to be on his campaign staff, he just can't stay out of the muck, and it's the gift that keeps on giving to Hillary.
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What if there was a connection to the MB, and it happened to be during a period when they were allies to the u.s.?
there are no f@$king connections. Enough. Just stop.

How do you know there are no connections?

These people used their Gold Family status to create a massive side show for the Dems and the media has jumped on board as they usually do.

Typical response. Just like there was no connection to all of the ongoing lies by your candidate. They were all right wing conspiracies. It proves the point that if you just keep lying people will get use to it and accept it. I think it is a proven fact that Khan is well connected with the Saudis, Clinton's, etc. Of course to you these things are all absurd and just like all of the sheep that adore these people you just follow the line.

There is no doubt in my mind that she will win in November with Trumps inability to become politically correct and the news media running the circus it's a done deal. That doesn't change the fact that the Clintons are the most corrupt, immoral people who have ever occupied the White House, however.
How do you know there are no connections?

These people used their Gold Family status to create a massive side show for the Dems and the media has jumped on board as they usually do.

Typical response. Just like there was no connection to all of the ongoing lies by your candidate. They were all right wing conspiracies. It proves the point that if you just keep lying people will get use to it and accept it. I think it is a proven fact that Khan is well connected with the Saudis, Clinton's, etc. Of course to you these things are all absurd and just like all of the sheep that adore these people you just follow the line.

There is no doubt in my mind that she will win in November with Trumps inability to become politically correct and the news media running the circus it's a done deal. That doesn't change the fact that the Clintons are the most corrupt, immoral people who have ever occupied the White House, however.
To any non-nutjob conspiracy theorist, the idea that Khan is some sort of Saudi/Clinton deep plant is a f$$king it's not a joke, because it's a ridiculous smear of a Gold Star Family so it's not remotely funny.

Hillary and the Dems aren't trying to make ridiculous links or arguments about the mother that accused her of killing her son in Benghazi. They left it alone, like a normal, sane, rational, reasonable person.

But since he spoke in favor of Hillary, he's fair game for every lunatic fringe theory in your mind right? F### off with that BS.

And I love that like every other nutjob Conspiracy Theorist you had to throw in the word "sheep."

But you lose points for not going full "sheeple."
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How do you know there are no connections?

These people used their Gold Family status to create a massive side show for the Dems and the media has jumped on board as they usually do.

Typical response. Just like there was no connection to all of the ongoing lies by your candidate. They were all right wing conspiracies. It proves the point that if you just keep lying people will get use to it and accept it. I think it is a proven fact that Khan is well connected with the Saudis, Clinton's, etc. Of course to you these things are all absurd and just like all of the sheep that adore these people you just follow the line.

There is no doubt in my mind that she will win in November with Trumps inability to become politically correct and the news media running the circus it's a done deal. That doesn't change the fact that the Clintons are the most corrupt, immoral people who have ever occupied the White House, however.
Side show? A muslim family whose son gave his life in service of our country addressing a presidential race where one candidate supports unilaterally suspending immigration based upon religion. That's not a sideshow, that's part of the central decision making in choosing amongst the candidates.

We get it, you're mad and you hate Clinton. However, you have no credibility of you watched the sh!t show that was the GOP convention without comment, but see a somber moment from Philly as a side show.
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Side show? A muslim family whose son gave his life in service of our country addressing a presidential race where one candidate supports unilaterally suspending immigration based upon religion. That's not a sideshow, that's part of the central decision making in choosing amongst the candidates.

We get it, you're mad and you hate Clinton. However, you have no credibility of you watched the sh!t show that was the GOP convention without comment, but see a somber moment from Philly as a side show.
The EXACT same thing happened at both conventions. Two parents. Dead kid. One blames the nominee for the actual death, the other blames the nominee not recognizing the value of the person who died (or at least their religious preference). In fact, I'm wrong, it wasn't exact, the RNC was more personal, more harshly directed. But overall, they are similar.

He views the RNC mom as real, legit, because well Hillary is evil, a murderer and a whole host of other things. But the DNC dad is not legit, because if it's in support of Hillary it must be part of a plot, evil, and shadowy.

A rational person would look at it as two parents expressing grief and distress. That's it. Nothing more. No need to respond.
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And in your mind this means what?
That Trump is now a war hero not a draft dodger who used deferments and bone spurs to make extra darn sure he wouldn't serve in Vietnam even with a high draft number.
The presentation by Khizr Khan at the DNC was very emotional but back at ya Khizr, have YOU read the Constitution? It deals entirely with the rights of American citizens and nary a word about immigration limitations for foreigners nor management of illegal aliens nor the building of international walls. Talk about shooting from the hip.
OK, what does the Constitution say about moslem immigrants and illegal aliens from Latin America?
Side show? A muslim family whose son gave his life in service of our country addressing a presidential race where one candidate supports unilaterally suspending immigration based upon religion. That's not a sideshow, that's part of the central decision making in choosing amongst the candidates.

We get it, you're mad and you hate Clinton. However, you have no credibility of you watched the sh!t show that was the GOP convention without comment, but see a somber moment from Philly as a side show.

It is terribly sad for any family to lose a loved one. Capt. Khan is a true hero who volunteered to serve, became a Capt The speech wasn't about their history, their son, etc. it was solely to attack their opponent. the Media jumps on board and moves this from a side show to a three ring circus while ignoring the Pat Smith story.
It is terribly sad for any family to lose a loved one. Capt. Khan is a true hero who volunteered to serve, became a Capt The speech wasn't about their history, their son, etc. it was solely to attack their opponent. the Media jumps on board and moves this from a side show to a three ring circus while ignoring the Pat Smith story.
lol no one ignored the Pat Smith story. The Khan story got just as much press as the Smith story (who also was there "solely to attack their opponent") until the Don decided to go after them. If he'd had a shred of decency, that story wouldn't have made it through the weekend.
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It is terribly sad for any family to lose a loved one. Capt. Khan is a true hero who volunteered to serve, became a Capt The speech wasn't about their history, their son, etc. it was solely to attack their opponent. the Media jumps on board and moves this from a side show to a three ring circus while ignoring the Pat Smith story.

The Khan story wouldn't have gone very far at all if Trump kept his mouth shut. But he's basically a 13 year old boy and has to retaliate with an insult to anyone that criticizes him.

Currently he's on a string of marshals?

He's very mature.

People give their purple hearts out - that's fine. Personally, I probably wouldn't have accepted it from a stranger and would have said no you keep it, you've earned it.

But what gets me is the "I've always wanted one of these" comment. Nobody WANTS a purple heart. I don't even care about the draft dodging crap - so be it (although of course he also lied about that). But he clearly has no clue about the military, yet parades himself as the candidate of the military.
It is terribly sad for any family to lose a loved one. Capt. Khan is a true hero who volunteered to serve, became a Capt The speech wasn't about their history, their son, etc. it was solely to attack their opponent. the Media jumps on board and moves this from a side show to a three ring circus while ignoring the Pat Smith story.

We can certainly agree on appreciation for Capt. Khan's service and his/his family's sacrifice. I believe the core message of the speech was that people from all races/ religions/cultural backgrounds make up the fabric of American society. Trumps stated position in wanting to single out a religion or nationality to "keep out" goes against the principles this country was built on - one of the principles that make America great. Capt. Khan would never have been here to serve and sacrifice if Trump's policies were in place when the parents wanted to come to America.

Now, as others have said, the media attention would have lasted <24 hours if Trump and team had just kept their mouth shut. If Clinton had stupidly come back and blasted the Mother of the serviceman who died in Libya, she would have been crushed as well - and rightly so.
My guess would be that the Harvard Law School graduate probably has.
I'm sure Mr Khan knows the constitution. That makes his assertions totally BS as he knew what he was saying was a lie but wanted to inflame the argument.
lol no one ignored the Pat Smith story. The Khan story got just as much press as the Smith story (who also was there "solely to attack their opponent") until the Don decided to go after them. If he'd had a shred of decency, that story wouldn't have made it through the weekend.
I'm sure you know that in two weeks the Khan story received more press than two years worth of the Pat Smith coverage.
I'm sure you know that in two weeks the Khan story received more press than two years worth of the Pat Smith coverage.
Multichoice answer
A) Media is biased
B) Donald Trump has no sense and continued to stoke the fire
Take your choice, I know what I choose.
The confounding factor in all of this is that CPT Humayun Khan was killed by a moslem jihad attack. He was killed by two of his own kind.
The confounding factor in all of this is that CPT Humayun Khan was killed by a moslem jihad attack. He was killed by two of his own kind.
Of all the crazy things you've posted; I think this is a new low.

His own kind? Would you say that about a German immigrant or Japanese American killed serving for US military n WWII? Would you say that about an Irish American tourist killed by an IRA bomb in the 1970's?

What happened to you to make you so fearful and hateful?