This is an actual statement from the White House

Because these were vile, uncivilized actions that are antithetical to virtually every authentic description of real American values that I have ever read or heard, that's why.
So we have cops here in the US being shot in the head while sitting in their cars. Over a thousand shootings a year In Chicago. Young children being shot in our streets by gangs. But let's get congress involved in a foreigner killed by his own. So American values only apply to foreigners now? And you claim I'm going off the edge. What is your fascination with this Saudi guy. I bet you were less concerned when our OWN ambassadors was brutally killed and drug through the streets. Lets just blame his death on a bogus video and call it a day.
Because these were vile, uncivilized actions that are antithetical to virtually every authentic description of real American values that I have ever read or heard, that's why.
So we have cops here in the US being shot in the head while sitting in their cars. Over a thousand shootings a year In Chicago. Young children being shot in our streets by gangs. But let's get congress involved in a foreigner killed by his own. So American values only apply to foreigners now? And you claim I'm going off the edge. What is your fascination with this Saudi guy. I bet you were less concerned when our OWN ambassadors was brutally killed and drug through the streets. Lets just blame his death on a bogus video and call it a day.

Lololololol. You’re so dense.
So we have cops here in the US being shot in the head while sitting in their cars. Over a thousand shootings a year In Chicago. Young children being shot in our streets by gangs. But let's get congress involved in a foreigner killed by his own. So American values only apply to foreigners now? And you claim I'm going off the edge. What is your fascination with this Saudi guy. I bet you were less concerned when our OWN ambassadors was brutally killed and drug through the streets. Lets just blame his death on a bogus video and call it a day.
He was a green card holder and a permanent US resident. He has three children who ARE US citizens. He was also a journalist who worked for the Washington Post and was highly critical of the Saudi royal family.

He was lured into a foreign embassy under false pretenses, murdered and dismembered. It was premeditated murder.

Trump is sending the signal that the US will not stand up for journalists who speak out against the government, any government.......let alone one who lives in the US. Are you saying we have no obligation to do anything because he was not yet a US citizen?

There are no military contracts worth hundreds of billions of dollars. The Saudis are not going to start buying their military equipment from Russia or China. Almost all their equipment is US made. They have to buy parts from us. All their upgrades and training comes from us. Are they going to abandon their entire military arsenal and rearm with Russian or Chinese weapons to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars? Of course they aren't. It's all bullshit.

But instead of using the power and leverage of the United States to influence them, to hold them accountable, to demand justice........out snowflake president fvcking caved.

Why not form a coalition of allies to put diplomatic and economic pressure on the Saudis? I forgot, we don't NEED allies, we go it alone. Hell, 3 European countries have cut off arms sales on their own. Why not threaten to stop supplying military parts and supplies?

Could it be that Trump "loves the Saudis"? Could it be that "They buy all sorts of my stuff. All kinds of toys from Trump. They pay me millions and hundreds of millions.”

Some Americans have gotten tired of the US being the world's policeman. I don't agree but I understand the sentiment. But that doesn't mean we totally give up our ability to influence, our position as the freakin leader of the free world. Someone has to stand up and say this is wrong, you aren't going to get away with murder, and you will pay for your actions. That has been our responsibility for 70 years and we've done it well. Not anymore. If you will do business with us, you can get away with murder. We only care about ourselves. That's Trump......and that's you too.
He was a green card holder and a permanent US resident. He has three children who ARE US citizens. He was also a journalist who worked for the Washington Post and was highly critical of the Saudi royal family.

He was lured into a foreign embassy under false pretenses, murdered and dismembered. It was premeditated murder.

Trump is sending the signal that the US will not stand up for journalists who speak out against the government, any government.......let alone one who lives in the US. Are you saying we have no obligation to do anything because he was not yet a US citizen?

There are no military contracts worth hundreds of billions of dollars. The Saudis are not going to start buying their military equipment from Russia or China. Almost all their equipment is US made. They have to buy parts from us. All their upgrades and training comes from us. Are they going to abandon their entire military arsenal and rearm with Russian or Chinese weapons to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars? Of course they aren't. It's all bullshit.

But instead of using the power and leverage of the United States to influence them, to hold them accountable, to demand justice........out snowflake president fvcking caved.

Why not form a coalition of allies to put diplomatic and economic pressure on the Saudis? I forgot, we don't NEED allies, we go it alone. Hell, 3 European countries have cut off arms sales on their own. Why not threaten to stop supplying military parts and supplies?

Could it be that Trump "loves the Saudis"? Could it be that "They buy all sorts of my stuff. All kinds of toys from Trump. They pay me millions and hundreds of millions.”

Some Americans have gotten tired of the US being the world's policeman. I don't agree but I understand the sentiment. But that doesn't mean we totally give up our ability to influence, our position as the freakin leader of the free world. Someone has to stand up and say this is wrong, you aren't going to get away with murder, and you will pay for your actions. That has been our responsibility for 70 years and we've done it well. Not anymore. If you will do business with us, you can get away with murder. We only care about ourselves. That's Trump......and that's you too.

I think you are misunderstanding my stance.
I completely agree it was a gruesome death. And the US should, IMO reprimand the Saudis for the act. I just don't understand the position of Congress and the media where they want to negate the arms deal and conduct a congressional investigation. The Middle East is a cluster fk for human rights. Women getting stoned (not high) and shot for actions that most every civilized nation considers a basic right. This action is more the norm than the exception over there. So why all of a sudden a big fuss?
Read my big picture post above. I think there is more to this than meets the eye. IMO
I think you are misunderstanding my stance.
I completely agree it was a gruesome death. And the US should, IMO reprimand the Saudis for the act. I just don't understand the position of Congress and the media where they want to negate the arms deal and conduct a congressional investigation. The Middle East is a cluster fk for human rights. Women getting stoned (not high) and shot for actions that most every civilized nation considers a basic right. This action is more the norm than the exception over there. So why all of a sudden a big fuss?
Read my big picture post above. I think there is more to this than meets the eye. IMO
The arms deal is gonna be negated? Where did you hear that and what arms deal are you talking about?

This is one of the biggest problems with you guys. You take Trump's word without question. He LIES, all the time. Let me guess, you also believe that the tariffs on our cars going to China have already been reduced.

No one is expecting Trump to demand the Saudis treat women better in their own country. We do expect him to stand up for an American journalist who lives in our country and was murdered at the orders of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.

This has nothing to do with their morals, it has to do with ours. What does the way Saudi Arabia treats their own people have to do with them murdering an American journalist?
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