Re: Control, control, control
Originally posted by GMM:
It was never about better health care. It was always about increasing the left's control over other people's lives. In this case it just happened to be health care and, as usual, money.
Years from now, people will look back on this Obama-nation and realize just how much fraud and deception was perpetrated on the American people with the ACA.
How long will it take for the American people to realize what the left is truly about?
Of course, if they do realize the fraud and deception used to perpetrate Obamacare on them they won't speak up about it. They'll be too afraid to be called selfish and cruel. Or "racist".
The Democrats know the secret of getting reelected:
Promise people stuff -- It doesn't matter if you deliver or not, or how much it adds to the National Debt, it's all about amassing power. If they don't deliver on a promise, they blame the Republicans and the Liberal media carries the message for them. It requires the people to wake up and realize, that there is a COST for all this FREE stuff, that the Dems keep offering to get votes. Unfortunately, too many people like stuff and they are oblivious to who is going to pay for it.
Sadly, a lot of the mainstream Republicans have succumbed to the reality, that we have too many low information voters, who are more interested in getting stuff, rather than having responsible leadership and a well run country.
Hopefully, we can get an adult in the Whitehouse in 2 years, unless the current occupant totally destroys the country in the meantime. It's a bad combination, when you're clueless and too stubborn to listen to anyone with a differing viewpoint.
After Obama was elected, Michelle said, "For the first time in my life I'm proud of my country".
After six year of Obama, for the first time in my life, I'm concerned about the future of my country. The world is going to Hell in a handcart and Obama still maintains, that Climate Change is the single biggest threat to the world. REALLY? Perhaps he should stay awake in his morning briefings, or better yet, attend a few of them, so someone can explain the threat of Islamic Terrorism. It makes me even more nervous, when he makes excuses for the Islamic Terrorists and tries to establish moral relativism with Christians by bringing up the Crusades, Inquisition, Slavery and Jim Crow. What the Hell is he thinking? I shake my head in wonder every day at how oblivious he is to what's happening around him. He is clearly the wrong man at the wrong time.
Sorry about the rant, but I really am concerned about the country and the fact that no one is minding the store. The Talker in Chief is proving what I feared most, that he is an empty suit.