In football, bowl games bring in additional revenue to B10 / school


Redshirt Freshman
Jul 18, 2004
I assume that is true with each round of the NCAA Basketball tournament. Does anyone have any insight on revenue related to the NCAA tournament? Specifically, approximately how much additional revenue is generated for the conference and school for each round? Does each game yield the same revenue or does it vary by the "marquee match-up"?

Obviously there are intangibles / tangibles to playing well in the NCAA tournament (recruiting, marketing, exposure, experience, additional practice), but it has to help the finances to play added rounds.
It looks like it's been around $2M per unit (game played) the last few years. The NCAA pays the conferences for their teams' units, spreading it out over a 6 yr period. The conferences are allowed to dole that money out to their schools however they like.
It looks like it's been around $2M per unit (game played) the last few years. The NCAA pays the conferences for their teams' units, spreading it out over a 6 yr period. The conferences are allowed to dole that money out to their schools however they like.
If that remains the case today, that means the B10 picked up 8x$2Mx2 the opening weekend.

Not too shabby.