Immigration in Ohio

Ok, so we should be happy Biden has sent $175 billion and not $350 billion of US taxpayers money to Ukraine?

I think Putin endorses Harris because he knows she's soft and will likely continue to do what Biden's done, which is drain resources.

But, I'll wait for Putin to come out and say he doesn't back Harris instead of hearing it from one of his minions that it was a joke.
I'm happy to see you admit an exaggerated lie. X2 makes the math easy.

I'm not happy that there was an invasion of a sovereign country struggling to free itself from the invader and its authoritarian and corrupt strongman.

I am happy the US is playing the world's policeman in this case and supporting a young democracy.........and I have no problem with my tax dollars being spent.

We've been sending military supplies and weapons from stockpiles whose replacements get made by American workers.

I would think you would be more outraged by your tax dollars that are being spent on the interest on our national debt........approximately $900 billion this year........that neither party seems to want to address.

What Biden has done is bring together a coalition of countries to support Ukraine and stop Russia, against overwhelming odds, from absorbing Ukraine back into the motherland while also strengthening NATO. Pretty soft huh?

Yeah, Russian minions like 20 year defense minister Lavrov often publicly contradicts Putin or says things Putin wouldn't approve of. Job security.

You won't believe it until Putin says so. Lol. Good for you. That ain't gonna happen for reasons obvious to everyone but you get to keep bringing it up and bragging about the win while looking like a fool. I'm enjoying it.

You've taken denialism to a new level.
What did she lie about regarding Charlottesville? I mean he said it.

And they aren’t hammering her in shit because it was Trump’s policy that separated the family. You really wanna go down that road? And to think, you’re one of the smarter magatards on the board.
Context matters.
Here's the transcript of the entire Trump interview when Trump said there were fine people on both sides.
Harris lied as she only took a small snippet of the actual sentence. Most people don't know that he was referring to people there to protest the removing of a statue as well as people from the alt-left (BLM, Antifa) who attacked the other side.

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I'm happy to see you admit an exaggerated lie. X2 makes the math easy.

I'm not happy that there was an invasion of a sovereign country struggling to free itself from the invader and its authoritarian and corrupt strongman.

I am happy the US is playing the world's policeman in this case and supporting a young democracy.........and I have no problem with my tax dollars being spent.

We've been sending military supplies and weapons from stockpiles whose replacements get made by American workers.

I would think you would be more outraged by your tax dollars that are being spent on the interest on our national debt........approximately $900 billion this year........that neither party seems to want to address.

What Biden has done is bring together a coalition of countries to support Ukraine and stop Russia, against overwhelming odds, from absorbing Ukraine back into the motherland while also strengthening NATO. Pretty soft huh?

Yeah, Russian minions like 20 year defense minister Lavrov often publicly contradicts Putin or says things Putin wouldn't approve of. Job security.

You won't believe it until Putin says so. Lol. Good for you. That ain't gonna happen for reasons obvious to everyone but you get to keep bringing it up and bragging about the win while looking like a fool. I'm enjoying it.

You've taken denialism to a new level.
I don't want my tax dollars going to a foreign country (except Israel as they're fighting terrorists). Period. If Russia wins over Ukraine, that has little impact in the grand scheme of things.
Are you going to want the US to go to war with China it China decides to take over Taiwan by force?
Context matters.
Here's the transcript of the entire Trump interview when Trump said there were fine people on both sides.
Harris lied as she only took a small snippet of the actual sentence. Most people don't know that he was referring to people there to protest the removing of a statue as well as people from the alt-left (BLM, Antifa) who attacked the other side.

The "fine people lie" has been debunked a long time ago. Anyone saying it is not a serious person and shouldn't be given the time of day. In the same vain of how shameless Dem race baters, even ones in here, flame racism.
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Are you going to want the US to go to war with China it China decides to take over Taiwan by force?
That is a key issue. The US is in two proxy wars right now. The smart thing for China to do is to invade Taiwan now when we have our hands full in the Mideast and Ukraine and a senile President who used the First Lady to run his only Cabinet meeting in the past twelve months. And we also have a VP running for President who brags about not having troops in combat zones.

Colin Meyer
Colonel, US Army (ret.)
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I guess you missed this from an earlier post.
Oh I read it. It has nothing to do with the meltdown you had though. So once again, feel free to provide some factual sources to back up your aggrieved white man claims. Should be easy for you, no?
I don't want my tax dollars going to a foreign country (except Israel as they're fighting terrorists). Period. If Russia wins over Ukraine, that has little impact in the grand scheme of things.
Are you going to want the US to go to war with China it China decides to take over Taiwan by force?
You're free to have your opinion on how your tax dollars are spent. I have mine.

Allowing a superpower to invade neighboring countries with no objection is not the world I want to live in. For all your crying about weakness, you don't seem to realize this is the ultimate example of it. By ignoring Russia's flagrant violation of international law, you only encourage others like China to do the same. You want to our foreign policy to be "tough " but you let Russia invade its neighbor with no consequences? You want to let China invade Taiwan?

What country would Russia have to invade for it to be important in the "grand scheme of things"? Estonia? Poland?

No outrage for the interest cost on the national debt?
Oh I read it. It has nothing to do with the meltdown you had though. So once again, feel free to provide some factual sources to back up your aggrieved white man claims. Should be easy for you, no?
Did you listen to the reporter and her research?
That's where she describes how the Haitians got to Logansport, the burden they are causing for the schools, health resources and police.
What Biden has done is bring together a coalition of countries to support Ukraine and stop Russia, against overwhelming odds, from absorbing Ukraine back into the motherland while also strengthening NATO. Pretty soft huh?
I concur with many of your points but this comment really distorts the situation in Europe. Ukraine is not in NATO. The European nations should be providing ALL of the military aid to Ukraine simply as a matter of self-preservation. What Biden has done is to make Uncle Stupid the cash cow yet again just as the US has done for the past 75 years in NATO.

I served in European NATO nations for five years, three in Munich and two in Vicenza, Italy. Those two nations enjoyed a higher standard of living than we do in the US yet, at the time I was there, neither of them ponied up their pledged 2% of GDP for defense. My CO liked to joke, "The only way the Russians are coming through the Fulda Gap is if we send some buses to East Germany, load 'em up with Russian soldiers and bring 'em to Munich for Octoberfest."

And this "overwhelming odds" statement is uninformed. The reason that Ukraine was able to stop Russia is that the Russians failed to realize that state-of-the-art anti-tank missiles have made tank warfare obsolete. Over 200 Russian tanks have been destroyed and the Ukrainian anti-tank missiles had a 92% kill rate on the first launch.

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You're free to have your opinion on how your tax dollars are spent. I have mine.

Allowing a superpower to invade neighboring countries with no objection is not the world I want to live in. For all your crying about weakness, you don't seem to realize this is the ultimate example of it. By ignoring Russia's flagrant violation of international law, you only encourage others like China to do the same. You want to our foreign policy to be "tough " but you let Russia invade its neighbor with no consequences? You want to let China invade Taiwan?

What country would Russia have to invade for it to be important in the "grand scheme of things"? Estonia? Poland?

No outrage for the interest cost on the national debt?
what international law are you referring to that Russis is violating? Is it the same law that the Palestinians, Lebanese and Iraqis are violating?
As for weakness, Biden is the perfect example. It's not coincidence that we had global peace and stability under Trump and now with Biden/Harris, we have 2 wars and a potential third. The bad actors in the world take advantage of weakness which is what Biden represents.