if the Dems aren’t careful, he will be only the first

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Tulsi can leave, she is not conservative in any manner, nor does she fit in the independent category. Hell Manchin would make an awful Republican too.
I wouldn't say that about Tulsi. She definitely has some conservative views. I have been surprised she has stayed a Democrat. Of the three she would be most likely to switch.
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I wouldn't say that about Tulsi. She definitely has some conservative views. I have been surprised she has stayed a Democrat. Of the three she would be most likely to switch.
Tulsi is for:

raising the minimum wage to $15
Eliminating private prisons
Bringing back Glass-Steagall
Free college
Study of reparations
Elimination of electoral college
Pro choice
Citizenship for DACA
Universal background checks

This woman swings really far to the left
I wouldn't say that about Tulsi. She definitely has some conservative views. I have been surprised she has stayed a Democrat. Of the three she would be most likely to switch.
Except she lives in deep blue Hawaii. I moved to Kauai in April and wish she still was our representative because I’d vote for her. I agree with you in that she has some non traditional Dem views. She was more aligned with Trump than Hillary on Defense and foreign policy and trade issues
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Tulsi is for:

raising the minimum wage to $15
Eliminating private prisons
Bringing back Glass-Steagall
Free college
Study of reparations
Elimination of electoral college
Pro choice
Citizenship for DACA
Universal background checks

This woman swings really far to the left
She was not for elimination of the Electoral College
Tulsi is for:

raising the minimum wage to $15
Eliminating private prisons
Bringing back Glass-Steagall
Free college
Study of reparations
Elimination of electoral college
Pro choice
Citizenship for DACA
Universal background checks

This woman swings really far to the left
Any reason you left off her stance on open borders, defund the police, racialization of everything in society, freedom of speech?

There are some areas she is more aligned with Republican party, some issues she is more aligned with Democrat party. Some neither. She spends more time criticizing the Democrat party lately.
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She was not for elimination of the Electoral College
Correct she is NOT. I made an error

Any reason you left off her stance on open borders, defund the police, racialization of everything in society, freedom of speech?

There are some areas she is more aligned with Republican party, some issues she is more aligned with Democrat party. Some neither. She spends more time criticizing the Democrat party lately.
She also supports single payer healthcare.

I mean if you think she could fit in with Republicans, then by all means. But I see someone far left to my liking.
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Correct she is NOT. I made an error

She also supports single payer healthcare.

I mean if you think she could fit in with Republicans, then by all means. But I see someone far left to my liking.
She spends a lot of time bashing the democrat party, for someone that is comfortable with the democrat party. There is no doubt most of her domestic agenda aligns with democrat party (at least when she is running for office in a deep blue state).

There are also parts of her philosophy that align more with Republican party. It's ok to point out both when analyzing it, no need to purposely leave that out.
It's almost like someone can have views from both parties at the same time.........what a concept......but still get attacked by either party for being too far right or left.
Democrats have gone after Tulsi rather viciously. She has been kind of irrelevant to Republicans.
Wouldn’t surprise me if Tulsi, Manchin and Sinema would leave there party or at the very least force change within their party
Andrew Yang Exits the Democrat Party: ‘No Longer Being a Democrat Is the Right Thing’
I think the Yangster and others are lining up for a potential run, if there is a Trump vs Biden rematch. I think a rematch is unlikely, but Yang, Cuban, Tulsi will all explore that angle. Because there would be a lot of sentiment in the country for....anybody but Trump or Biden.

Yang gets out now, so it doesn't look so obvious political move. Won't be surprised if Tulsi changes to independent as well.
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She spends a lot of time bashing the democrat party, for someone that is comfortable with the democrat party. There is no doubt most of her domestic agenda aligns with democrat party (at least when she is running for office in a deep blue state).

There are also parts of her philosophy that align more with Republican party. It's ok to point out both when analyzing it, no need to purposely leave that out.
Very very little. She wants a secure border. That’s it.

I think the Yangster and others are lining up for a potential run, if there is a Trump vs Biden rematch. I think a rematch is unlikely, but Yang, Cuban, Tulsi will all explore that angle. Because there would be a lot of sentiment in the country for....anybody but Trump or Biden.

Yang gets out now, so it doesn't look so obvious political move. Won't be surprised if Tulsi changes to independent as well.
I don’t see her doing that. Independent have a fraction greater than 0% chance of winning in our system. It seems like she would like to change the direction of the part yes, but she doesn’t fit in any other party.
Very very little. She wants a secure border. That’s it.
No she also doesn't want to defund the Police, also is very concerned about freedom of speech (which liberals used to champion back in the day), and very concerned about the racialization of everything today by democrat party.

There are culture wars, economic policy, and foreign policy. She talks a lot more like a republican today on culture wars, you correctly identify her domestic policy is more aligned with democrats.
No she also doesn't want to defund the Police, also is very concerned about freedom of speech (which liberals used to champion back in the day), and very concerned about the racialization of everything today by democrat party.

There are culture wars, economic policy, and foreign policy. She talks a lot more like a republican today on culture wars, you correctly identify her domestic policy is more aligned with democrats.
Democrat party isn’t for defunding the police, just the progressives are. Progressives can’t win a national election either. Thank god.

The President doesn’t either.
Democrat party isn’t for defunding the police, just the progressives are. Progressives can’t win a national election either. Thank god.

The President doesn’t either.
In the early days Biden sent several mixed messages on defund the Police. Now when directly asked are you in favor of defunding the police, Biden wouldn't say yes. Instead they used the "reimagine the police". A more elegant way of saying defund the Police.

Democrats spent so much time attacking the police in the early days. They thought it was a political winner for them, turned out to be a political loser for democrats. Democrats don't talk as much about those issues anymore, except some squad members.
In the early days Biden sent several mixed messages on defund the Police. Now when directly asked are you in favor of defunding the police, Biden wouldn't say yes. Instead they used the "reimagine the police". A more elegant way of saying defund the Police.

Democrats spent so much time attacking the police in the early days. They thought it was a political winner for them, turned out to be a political loser for democrats. Democrats don't talk as much about those issues anymore, except some squad members.
All Progressives are Democrats, but not all Democrats are Progressives.

Also, we are debating how left someone who unilaterally supports Bernie Sanders! I mean you can’t get more socialist than him.
Democrats have gone after Tulsi rather viciously. She has been kind of irrelevant to Republicans.
So......what? Republicans aren't going after republicans viciously? This is just another one sided argument to you?

The point is as soon as a Dem or pub doesn't tow the party line, which is getting more extreme on both sides, they get labeled and attacked and ostracized. The division of America continues.
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All Progressives are Democrats, but not all Democrats are Progressives

Which democrat senators aren't progressives?

Biden turned his domestic policy over to Bernie Sanders. Tried to ram through a 3.5 trillion deal. Only reason it didn't go through yet, is two moderates in Senate don't want to spend that much. Bernie and Joe have 48 votes for it. That's a high percentage of people voting for a progressive agenda (yes Bernie would spend 10 trillion if he had absolute power), nevertheless 3.5 trillion is a very progressive proposal.

Now you are correct, there are a significant amount of voters in democrat party that are more moderate, than the democrat house and senators.
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Just because someone leaves the Democrat party, doesn't mean they are not a Democrat.

Remember, Bernie is technically an independent, but still marches lock step with the Dems.
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Wouldn’t surprise me if Tulsi, Manchin and Sinema would leave there party or at the very least force change within their party
Andrew Yang Exits the Democrat Party: ‘No Longer Being a Democrat Is the Right Thing’
More Dems should use common sense like Tulsi
Tulsi Gabbard accuses Biden's Homeland Security Sec. Mayorkas of boldly lying to Congress

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lmao UBI is communism

Is Social Security communism you dolt?

Universal free money is a socialist command control economic policy. It is something you would find in a communist country. In the soviet union the money had an expiration date too....something which is no doubt coming down the pike as well under a UBI based economy. Nothing is free.
Universal free money is a socialist command control economic policy. It is something you would find in a communist country. In the soviet union the money had an expiration date too....something which is no doubt coming down the pike as well under a UBI based economy. Nothing is free.
Like the stimulus checks we got under both presidents? The tax credits for kids, homes, businesses, etc. given out every year?

You literally don't know what you're talking about economically or historically.
It's not. Calling a tax credit the equivalent of universal income, is an idea so foolish only a child or an intellectual would believe it.

By extension, is charity communism? If I do another person a favor for free, is that the equivalent of UBI?

You should have no problem then explaining why they are so different. I would love to hear it.

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