If Swanigan doesn't go Purdue that is just utterly preposterous

That is not an accurate graph as a lot of games are televised on the B1G network. Where is that bar?

I very much doubt that big 10 network games have higher ratings than ESPN or CBS or ESPN 2. for much of the country the big 10 network is only available if you pay for a premium sports tier.
here is the average rating for big 10 basketball game by channel:


even the top end network game puts it in the same category as a bowl game against eastern Kentucky and central michigan.
And Eastern Kentucky versus Central Michigan was played when? Christmas eve at noon. Nothing else on TV when everyone is home off of work. Imagine that.

All I know is Purdue got a 5.5 million viewers in our tourney game versus Cincinnati. Did Cal even have 5.5 million total in attendance plus viewers this year? Doubtful. Therefore we got tv exposure.
All I know is Purdue got a 5.5 million viewers in our tourney game versus Cincinnati. Did Cal even have 5.5 million total in attendance plus viewers this year? Doubtful. Therefore we got tv exposure.

I assure you Caleb's ncaa tournament games at cal will have similar ratings to his purdue tournament games. And I don't doubt he would get more tv exposure during the regular season. the question is whether it's enough of a difference to warrant having it factor into his decision and it absolutely is not.
Travisty: Droski and I are not here to troll. We dropped in here because Purdue and Cal appear to be the finalists in Swanigan's absurd recruitment saga, and we (at least I) wondered what Purdue fans have to say about it

Don't know how this devolved into a debate about TV viewership statistics. I hate arguing statistics in any event, primarily because they can be manipulated to support a variety of arguments. FWIW, I would not argue that the Pac 12's TV audience for basketball games is as big as te BIG's. The time zones the schools play in significantly affect that.

But I agree with Droski that: (1) the relevant comparison is Purdue viewership vs. Cal viewership (rather than BIG viewership vs. Pac 12 viewership), and the difference in the sizes of THOSE two TV audiences is likely to be negligible; and (2) more importantly, a school's TV exposure in regular season games is certainly well down the list of factors governing a recruit's commitment decision.

BTW, I get both the Pac 12 and the Big Ten Network and watch plenty of basketball games, but I have never seen a Purdue basketball game on TV.
By my math last year Purdue had 20 of its 31 regular season games on the big 10 network. So 11 on national networks. (from the purdue website)

Cal had 19 of it's 31 games on the pac-12 network. So 12 on national networks.

I'm not seeing a whole lot of difference exposure wise.
[QUOTE="But I agree with Droski that: (1) the relevant comparison is Purdue viewership vs. Cal viewership (rather than BIG viewership vs. Pac 12 viewership)[/QUOTE]

Guess I dont agree with this. For my example, why would you not count it as exposure if "Ohio State viewership" fans tune in to watch Ohio State play against Purdue. Are they going to close their eyes every time Purdue gets the ball?

Thus, I believe the relevant comparison is the BIG viewership vs the PAC viewship. Just my $0.02. And can hardly wait for the CS saga to end (with a hopeful committment to Purdue). At any rate, good luck to Cal as I like you guys
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Guess I dont agree with this. For my example, why would you not count it as exposure if "Ohio State viewership" fans tune in to watch Ohio State play against Purdue. Are they going to close their eyes every time Purdue gets the ball?

agreed, but how does Joe Six in Toledo watching the game help Caleb? As long as the games are on TV in a similar manner, which I just showed they are, then any scout or whatever that wants to watch him play can see him just as easily at cal than at purdue. It's not as though Cal is in the Mountain West.
agreed, but how does Joe Six in Toledo watching the game help Caleb? As long as the games are on TV in a similar manner, which I just showed they are, then any scout or whatever that wants to watch him play can see him just as easily at cal than at purdue. It's not as though Cal is in the Mountain West.

Droski, got a chuckle out of Joe Six. But to answer the question - i dont have an answer. No idea as to why or if it would make a difference. Guess that wasnt my point. Heck, me watching him (joe six jr?) aint gonna do much for anyone, is it?
Droski, got a chuckle out of Joe Six. But to answer the question - i dont have an answer. No idea as to why or if it would make a difference. Guess that wasnt my point. Heck, me watching him (joe six jr?) aint gonna do much for anyone, is it?

gotcha. I was originally responding to the original poster who seemed to think tv ratings / exposure should factor into his decision.
agreed, but how does Joe Six in Toledo watching the game help Caleb? As long as the games are on TV in a similar manner, which I just showed they are, then any scout or whatever that wants to watch him play can see him just as easily at cal than at purdue. It's not as though Cal is in the Mountain West.

Actually, the Mountain West has their own network. Also, if you don't think NBA teams have scouts at the big AAU tournaments to begin the process of looking for who they are going to draft out of what class, then you are grossly underestimating the work done by some of these NBA teams to ensure their money isn't wasted. I am guessing that with the advent of On Demand television and with networks willing to show any type of college basketball or football game (hell, it wouldn't surprise me to see college games start popping up on TNT honestly), it wouldn't be a problem for an NBA scout to watch a player...hell, they have found guys in Africa and China so I think they would be fine scouting a player in a major conference, on the mainland of the United States.
droski - while your data is valid, the number of people viewing a nationally televised game is a better measure of expose. Here in the west, basketball is less a passion than other sports such as football and baseball. Although since the Big10 channel is broadcasting women's lacrosse and softball the popularity has really perked up (TIC). Winter in Socal and Norcal just don't have the passion about bball as does the mid-west and east.
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gotcha. I was originally responding to the original poster who seemed to think tv ratings / exposure should factor into his decision.
And I'm just responding to your initial post that said Toledo vs Ball St on a Thurs gets more viewers than the biggest B1G game.

I'm not trying to hate on any Cal fans that come here (except shocky5 I believe was his name, and Cal fans probably don't like him either lol). I was merely trying to disprove your statement which I believe I did.

I've said it from the beginning, if CS didn't choose Purdue, I'd hope he'd go to Cal. Zo was my 2nd favorite Boiler of all time. I wish him (and Cal for as long as he's there) nothing but the best. They are the only other team outside of Purdue, that I hope does well.
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Actually, the Mountain West has their own network. Also, if you don't think NBA teams have scouts at the big AAU tournaments to begin the process of looking for who they are going to draft out of what class, then you are grossly underestimating the work done by some of these NBA teams to ensure their money isn't wasted. I am guessing that with the advent of On Demand television and with networks willing to show any type of college basketball or football game (hell, it wouldn't surprise me to see college games start popping up on TNT honestly), it wouldn't be a problem for an NBA scout to watch a player...hell, they have found guys in Africa and China so I think they would be fine scouting a player in a major conference, on the mainland of the United States.
TNT does show tournament games. So they're already there lol.
Then you simply aren't turning on the TV when they are on. Which is more your problem than not.
I have no doubt that Purdue basketball gets televised. But Purdue basketball gets televised nationally a lot less often than Wisconsin or Michigan State basketball, because it is not currently as competitive as those two programs. The same could be said for Cal basketball in comparison to Arizona or UCLA basketball.

Should he commit to Purdue, the games Swanigan will be playing in (and hoping to get broad TV exposure in) are Purdue games, not Wisconsin or Michigan State games (unless, of course, Purdue happens to be playing one of those two teams). That is why I suggested that the relevant comparison is Purdue TV viewership vs. Cal TV viewership rather than BIG TV viewership vs. Pac 12 TV viewership.

Edit: I might add that I would love to see the pecking orders change. I'd love to see the Boilers knock Wisconsin and (especially) MSU down a peg, just as I would like to see Cal do the same thing to Arizona and UCLA.
droski - while your data is valid, the number of people viewing a nationally televised game is a better measure of expose. Here in the west, basketball is less a passion than other sports such as football and baseball. Although since the Big10 channel is broadcasting women's lacrosse and softball the popularity has really perked up (TIC). Winter in Socal and Norcal just don't have the passion about bball as does the mid-west and east.

no question about it.
How is that bad news? It's just recruiting. Pretty sure every college coach says a variation of the same thing Zo said.

This was his recruiting pitch. could be an indication he just got a commitment from someone. he tweets things like this when he gets commitments. I'm just throwing it out there btw. I have no sources. I suppose it could be a new marketing campaign though I doubt it.
This was his recruiting pitch. could be an indication he just got a commitment from someone. he tweets things like this when he gets commitments. I'm just throwing it out there btw. I have no sources. I suppose it could be a new marketing campaign though I doubt it.
Or Davon Dillard got cleared by the NCAA clearinghouse.
Why not Cal??

Too far from home.

Plus it's full of the gays.


BTW - why are you jackasses posting this Cal garbage here?? "Oh look, Cuonzo's super-cool tweet!! Super-cool pic!! MUST MEAN SOMETHING BIG HAPPENED!!!1!@!@!!22"

FU and F Cuonzo. That's what I'm sayin'.

Why not Cal??

Too far from home.

Plus it's full of the gays.


BTW - why are you jackasses posting this Cal garbage here?? "Oh look, Cuonzo's super-cool tweet!! Super-cool pic!! MUST MEAN SOMETHING BIG HAPPENED!!!1!@!@!!22"

FU and F Cuonzo. That's what I'm sayin'.


One thing that is probable to me is by the time this whole recruiting circus is over everyone should be able to spell Swanigan's name. Hmmm. Maybe I should delete that theory. It hasn't happened with A.J. yet.
This was his recruiting pitch. could be an indication he just got a commitment from someone. he tweets things like this when he gets commitments. I'm just throwing it out there btw. I have no sources. I suppose it could be a new marketing campaign though I doubt it.
You do realize that Zo not only played at Purdue, he also was an assistant under our current head coach, right? You act as if you have some sort of special insight into Counzo and its really cute coming from a Cal fan on a Purdue board.
You do realize that Zo not only played at Purdue, he also was an assistant under our current head coach, right? You act as if you have some sort of special insight into Counzo and its really cute coming from a Cal fan on a Purdue board.

I'm sorry are you aware of his standard commitment tweets and his current recruiting pitch? I think it's cute you think him being an assistant 8 years ago makes you some sort of expert. I'm sure you were following his non existent twitter religiously during that time.
I'm sorry are you aware of his standard commitment tweets and his current recruiting pitch? I think it's cute you think him being an assistant 8 years ago makes you some sort of expert. I'm sure you were following his non existent twitter religiously during that time.
I never said I was an expert. Just that it's cute you think you're one.
I'm sorry are you aware of his standard commitment tweets and his current recruiting pitch? I think it's cute you think him being an assistant 8 years ago makes you some sort of expert. I'm sure you were following his non existent twitter religiously during that time.

Is this a joke? Scram troll.... 8 years ago you know very little and are showing it. You know nothing absolutely nothing
Is this a joke? Scram troll.... 8 years ago you know very little and are showing it. You know nothing absolutely nothing

you are seriously going to crack nuts over one ****ing year? the preemptive butthurt is really strong on this site.
actually that pretty much directly contradicts what you said. but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Yeah. Sure it did. Mind clarifying with the logic your using?
actually that pretty much directly contradicts what you said. but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
You are really showing how little you know about Zo by coming here and acting like it is some sort of strange occurrence that someone on this board would continue to follow Counzo and his career closely, after all he has done for this program and the tribulations he has overcome. You should probably just give up and go back to talking about TV ratings. You at least had a better grasp of that subject.
you are seriously going to crack nuts over one ****ing year? the preemptive butthurt is really strong on this site.

Come on....come back over when you got the signature on paper. These guys have been playing serious games with serious people. Toot your horn when you got that
Yeah. Sure it did. Mind clarifying with the logic your using?

You are really showing how little you know about Zo by coming here and acting like it is some sort of strange occurrence that someone on this board would continue to follow Counzo and his career closely, after all he has done for this program and the tribulations he has overcome. You should probably just give up and go back to talking about TV ratings. You at least had a better grasp of that subject.

you are telling me you know more than I about Cuonzo's commitment tweets. surely that makes you some sort of expert no?

why would I assume you, a purdue fan, have any idea what he tweets when he gets a commitment as head coach of Cal? are you are crazy person? a stalker? his brother?

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