If Purdue runs table?

The group of teams that we're talking about, the mid 2-seed through the 5 seeds, are as follows on today's update of the Matrix. Obviously not all the submissions are updated themselves. Starting with overall #7:

2 Michigan St
2 Wisconsin
3 Iowa State
3 St. John's
3 Texas Tech
3 Kentucky
4 Purdue
4 Texas A&M
4 Michigan
4 Arizona
5 Missouri
5 Clemson
5 Maryland
5 Marquette
If MSU wins both the reg season title and BTT, they deserve a 1 seed. St. John’s is most likely a 2 at worst, barring a couple late season losses. Clemson may be a 3 seed. Kentucky is a 4 seed at best and most likely a 5 seed. Maryland wins against NU and does well in the BTT, could be a 3 seed. Wisky either 2 or 3. Think Purdue needs to get to championship game for a 3 seed. Lose to Ill and early BTT loss prob puts them at a 5 seed. Same with Michigan. Lose a couple more drops them to a 5 seed at best.

1 seeds - Auburn, Duke, Houston, MSU
High 2 seeds - Florida, St. John’s

Other 2 seeds - Tenn, Alabama, Wisky, Clemson. Wisky and Clemson would need very good conf tournament finish.
Lot of shake ups last night and plenty of games to be played.

Honestly, probably Auburn, Duke and Houston are locks on the 1 line. Last spot up for grabs.

As much as we talk up the BTT, don’t think it helps or hurts us. It is needed for those bubble teams more than us.