I just had a thought. this is probably the wrong thread, but it's not really worth starting a new thread.
looking into the future, Purdue either stays in the west and plays USC orUCLA or possibly both every year, or purdue is shifted to the east and gets to play Mich and Penn St and OSU every year.
My thoughts are either way it will be very hard for Purdue to get 6-7 wins in the future. I'm not saying it can't be done. and the future bowls Purdue would qualify for would be basically the music city Bowl at best with 6-7 wins.
Whereby, going to Louisville, Brohm has a very easy path to an 8-9 win season every year. and he'd have the opportunity to play in the Gator or Holiday Bowls. and with a good season, maybe the orange bowl.
if he wants to stay at Louisville, he could build a great resume with 100-150 wins in the next 20 years, with some great Bowl opportunities. an 8-9 win season would keep the alumni happy, and Louisville attracts a lot of players. it's a very easy path to success.
staying at purdue, the road to an 7 win season is going to be tough.