How non citizens (I.E. Illegal imigrants) are getting voter registration forms


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2004
Valparaiso, IN
Certain states are getting huge numbers of "new" voter registration applications and there are fairly large rejection rates. Make of that what you will.

Do you really think the corrupt Dem party are going to let Trump win?

Swing state poling shows a Trump victory NOW. But the Dem Media complex will soon change that narrative soon showing close poling, or even Biden slightly ahead as election nears, as cover.
Just watch.....
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I was at a gas station in South Bend Indiana getting gas and there were 3 or 4 college age kids walking around with note books.
A young man came up to me and wanted me to fill out this paper work.
It was a voter registration form.
When I saw what it was I told him I was already registered in a different County but thanks anyway.
He said that doesn't matter they said they would sort that all out later. (his exact words)
Do you really think the corrupt Dem party are going to let Trump win?

Swing state poling shows a Trump victory NOW. But the Dem Media complex will soon change that narrative soon showing close poling, or even Biden slightly ahead as election nears, as cover.
Just watch.....
Are you suggesting the "Dem Media complex" will report on fictitious polls? Or is it that you think that if the polls change to show greater likelihood of a Biden win that the only "honest" thing they could do would be to stop reporting poll results? I'm really confused about what you mean by this.
Are you suggesting the "Dem Media complex" will report on fictitious polls? Or is it that you think that if the polls change to show greater likelihood of a Biden win that the only "honest" thing they could do would be to stop reporting poll results? I'm really confused about what you mean by this.

Polls can be & are manipulated based on who is in the sample, sample size and how the poll is taken, and the objective of the group paying for the poll. The later being most important. This happens every election cycle.... And polls vary greatly until the last week or so when a couple good ones emerge. The rest are crap & usually @ the dictates of their master$$$.

They manipulate polls for 2 reasons....and thinking people can figure it out if they ponder on it enough. I will leave that to you.
Polls can be & are manipulated based on who is in the sample, sample size and how the poll is taken, and the objective of the group paying for the poll. The later being most important. This happens every election cycle.... And polls vary greatly until the last week or so when a couple good ones emerge. The rest are crap & usually @ the dictates of their master$$$.

They manipulate polls for 2 reasons....and thinking people can figure it out if they ponder on it enough. I will leave that to you.
So, you think they'll start polling more Biden-supporting samples as the election gets closer? Will the polls that are not tied to media outlets do this, too?
So, you think they'll start polling more Biden-supporting samples as the election gets closer? Will the polls that are not tied to media outlets do this, too?

Already have....Biden up 2 nationally yesterday. Poll master$ wanted to show effect of court cases on Trump.
I agree the poll numbers have shifted of late. How do you know it's because the samples are manipulated?

I DON'T really --- as I have not studied their methodology, or sampling. I could as I actually like statistics and polling methodology, but it's a lengthy process, not worth my time.

But the many years of watching these dishonest media clowns gives me a feeling from experience for their methods.
I DON'T really --- as I have not studied their methodology, or sampling. I could as I actually like statistics and polling methodology, but it's a lengthy process, not worth my time.

But the many years of watching these dishonest media clowns gives me a feeling from experience for their methods.
So it FEELS like the polls are manipulated. And as we know, "feelings don't care about your facts."

Joking aside, I appreciate your willingness to admit you don't actually know. I don't either, though I have seen no evidence to suggest the samples are manipulated, so I can't currently accept that claim as true.
So it FEELS like the polls are manipulated. And as we know, "feelings don't care about your facts."

Joking aside, I appreciate your willingness to admit you don't actually know. I don't either, though I have seen no evidence to suggest the samples are manipulated, so I can't currently accept that claim as true.
How did Hillary lose then?
Subject you enquired about was media manipulating polls.

Dem media poling had her as a clear winner....not even close, all the way up to election day. Why?
Presumably because that's what the polls legitimately showed, but they were wrong. "Dem media polling" showed a red wave in 2022, but those were wrong, too. Any time you do a poll, no matter how good you are at it and how sound the methodology, there's a chance it could be wrong, hence why we go ahead and actually, you know, vote (which is, effectively, a poll of everyone who votes, thus correcting the errors inherent in polling smaller samples). Are you suggesting that these polls showing a Clinton win were manipulated, but that manipulation failed?

Polling being wrong is not necessarily evidence of polling being manipulated.

Edit to say that, while national polling favored Clinton (and it was correct in result, if not margin), I don't remember what the state-by-state polling predicted in 2016 since, as we know, the only voters that actually matter are those in like 7 seven states.
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Yeah, but what about all the crime and murders in Chicago? What about the CPS failures and the unions? Aren't those 2 issues the most important issues right now?