How Much Does Biden Owe Kyle Rittenhouse?

The only mistake Kyle make was only taking out 2 of the 3. The third guy just got his bicep blown off, which, I'm sure was painful, but I would have preferred a center mass shot.
Yeah, an actual trained shooter might have succeeded with your preferred style of vigilante justice.........which is based on who you decide is a loser. Let's let the amateur teenagers decide who lives and dies.
He was gonna stop it........all by himself?
The police and national guard were there.

The civilian authorities get to decide how to respond to the violence, not Kyle. Do any of us get to take to the streets, armed, and take matters into our own hands when we don't agree with the decisions of our elected officials? Is that what you're advocating?
Kyle didn't do a single thing until he was attacked by a mob. Then, he defend himself as he should have (as the courts agreed). He took out 2 convicted felons and disarmed (literally....yuck yuck...try the veal, don't forget to tip your waitress..I'm here all week) a third.
Kyle is an American hero.
Yeah, an actual trained shooter might have succeeded with your preferred style of vigilante justice.........which is based on who you decide is a loser. Let's let the amateur teenagers decide who lives and dies.
Oh...sorry Bob...I forgot. "Pedo Lives Matter", right?

Guess what, on this beautiful Christmas Eve, I raise my Manhattan to Kyle and salute him for taking out 2.5 felons and menaces to society.
Let's Go Kyle!
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My wager still stands. Will you accept?
If Kyle pays out $.01 of the settlement money he’s going to receive to the families of the trash he shot, then I make $100 contribution to BLM.
If he doesn’t, you make $100 contribution to the NRA or RNC.
Do you accept?