Historic Day - Biden S&P 500 now at 0%

In case you are not paying attention, the whole world is suffering right now from inflation and supply chain shortages.
In case you are not paying attention, the whole world is suffering right now from inflation and supply chain shortages.
In case you haven't noticed only this country had 81 million fools that voted to put a senile dolt in charge of it. The rest of the world is going to suffer inflation and supply change shortages until we remove the incompetent box checkers from DC.
In case you are not paying attention, the whole world is suffering right now from inflation and supply chain shortages.
Yes, it’s bad across the world, buts it’s worse here, go look and read.

Free money causes inflation and this administration has been full of free money.

Free stimulus.
Free Pandemic relief to the tune of $1.9T
Free unemployment benefits when there were 11MM job openings.
Free college debt bailout for many
Free college debt interest for all debt holders to the tune of $100B.
And soon more Free college debt bailout

Joe pumps kerosene into the economy and blames everyone for the inflation

Joe has given an average $400 a month free stimulus to everyone who holds college debt….right there is your inflation Cherry on top of Joes inflation sundae.

America has a tooth decay and Joe is the one handing out the free candy…every day, every week, every month, every year.
Another beating today jeezus.

And I just read a press release from the White House which boasted about how well the economy is doing. what gives??
Another beating today jeezus.

And I just read a press release from the White House which boasted about how well the economy is doing. what gives??
All these companies who promoted Biden and woke priorities are going to start having massive layoffs. It will be interesting how they explain their decisions to the masses.
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Another beating today jeezus.

And I just read a press release from the White House which boasted about how well the economy is doing. what gives??

Communists have captured our institutions.

Its not hard. They want to destroy America.
a year or so ago, I was willing to give Biden a pass as long as he didn't screw up the economy and my investments.....
Well, that was wishful thinking.
As has happened with everything else he's touched, it's completely F**ked.