These must be the same leftists that stormed the Capitol on Jan 6. You remember. The usual Chump apologists on this very forum the day after Jan 6 were saying the it was Antifa infiltrated the mob and caused all the Havoc. Faux News was spreading the same lying crap.Documented the left infiltrates alot of conservative rallies & functions. They did this to Trump rallies many times. Thus, given that, there is no question these KKK shirts were leftist parading as conservatives , so the media could catch a shot.
This easily fools the leftist like BNI, but what's new? The right and the conservative independents know what is going on.
You have no proof whatsoever that leftists are infiltrating the Chump rallies as white supremacists. They sure ain’t turning them away at the entrance. Leftists or otherwise. Some of these folks are standing behind Chump with the rest of the crowd to be seen on camera.