Healthcare and racism


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2004
Valparaiso, IN
@BNIBoiler Didn't you make this claim at one point? That there was a racist element to healthcare. Didn't you state it had something to do with black women dying more while giving birth or am I mistaken?
In the thrones of the 2000s recording artist named Shaggy, "It wasn't me". Or, at least I don't remember discussing this. However, just any other health related issues comparing blacks to whites, black women dying during childbirth is higher than white women. There is an old saying in the black community. I've heard this ever since was a kid. Metaphorically, when white people catch a cold, black people get pneumonia. Black have higher rates for cancer, heart issues, strokes, diabetes, you name it.
In the thrones of the 2000s recording artist named Shaggy, "It wasn't me". Or, at least I don't remember discussing this. However, just any other health related issues comparing blacks to whites, black women dying during childbirth is higher than white women. There is an old saying in the black community. I've heard this ever since was a kid. Metaphorically, when white people catch a cold, black people get pneumonia. Black have higher rates for cancer, heart issues, strokes, diabetes, you name it.
Ok, I have an explanation for you other than racism. IF you're open minded enough to hear it.

So I saw a study that showed that 32 out of 1000 women died from child birth when they were obese. Only 9 out of 1000 died otherwise. With that in mind, 54.8% of black women are obese as opposed to 38% of white women.

So obesity is the clear thread here that is causing an elevated rate of death in birthing mothers. Nothing to do with race. It would only make sense that more blacks are dying because there are a higher rate of obesity within them.

With that in mind, obesity is a precursor to tons of other illnesses, and with an overwhelming majority of blacks being obese (at least black women) then this is the explanation to the problem in which you're just simply blaming racism.
Ok, I have an explanation for you other than racism. IF you're open minded enough to hear it.

So I saw a study that showed that 32 out of 1000 women died from child birth when they were obese. Only 9 out of 1000 died otherwise. With that in mind, 54.8% of black women are obese as opposed to 38% of white women.

So obesity is the clear thread here that is causing an elevated rate of death in birthing mothers. Nothing to do with race. It would only make sense that more blacks are dying because there are a higher rate of obesity within them.

With that in mind, obesity is a precursor to tons of other illnesses, and with an overwhelming majority of blacks being obese (at least black women) then this is the explanation to the problem in which you're just simply blaming racism.
Man, again you just like to argue just to argue. WHERE IN MY POST DID I SAY THAT ELEVATED DEATH RATE OF BIRTHING MOTHERS HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH RACE? All I did was lay out the fact that blacks have a higher rate in succumbing to a lot of health issues compared to whites. Overall, that has nothing to do with racism. Yes, obesity is a factor, a lot of white women are obese as well, but diet and genetics among others factors play into blacks leading their white counter parts in health issues.
Man, again you just like to argue just to argue. WHERE IN MY POST DID I SAY THAT ELEVATED DEATH RATE OF BIRTHING MOTHERS HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH RACE? All I did was lay out the fact that blacks have a higher rate in succumbing to a lot of health issues compared to whites. Overall, that has nothing to do with racism. Yes, obesity is a factor, a lot of white women are obese as well, but diet and genetics among others factors play into blacks leading their white counter parts in health issues.
You made the claim in another thread some time back that the elevated death rate due to health issues were due to racism (no, I'm not going to try and find it because it was quite a while ago and not in a thread about that subject matter, so I'm not going to go on a wild goose chase). I'm just giving you an alternative explanation. If you want to feign that you don't remember making that statement, that's fine, but I recall you doing so. I didn't have an answer for it at the time until I saw this study.

What I'm trying to show you is that if you'd take a step back from the everything is racist position and see that there are actual tangible explanations beyond race, that your views might change quite a bit.
You made the claim in another thread some time back that the elevated death rate due to health issues were due to racism (no, I'm not going to try and find it because it was quite a while ago and not in a thread about that subject matter, so I'm not going to go on a wild goose chase). I'm just giving you an alternative explanation. If you want to feign that you don't remember making that statement, that's fine, but I recall you doing so. I didn't have an answer for it at the time until I saw this study.

What I'm trying to show you is that if you'd take a step back from the everything is racist position and see that there are actual tangible explanations beyond race, that your views might change quite a bit.
I responded to the information Boilermaker03 started this thread with that a black women dying more while giving birth. And I responded that blacks have higher rates than whites when it comes to health issues. That's it.

If I did respond to an earlier thread about the healthcare and racism it was probably more to it.

I do know there are myths in the medical industry that says that blacks tolerate more pain than whites and subsequently are prescribed wrong doses of pain killers.
I responded to the information Boilermaker03 started this thread with that a black women dying more while giving birth. And I responded that blacks have higher rates than whites when it comes to health issues. That's it.

If I did respond to an earlier thread about the healthcare and racism it was probably more to it.

I do know there are myths in the medical industry that says that blacks tolerate more pain than whites and subsequently are prescribed wrong doses of pain killers.
I'm sure there is a more nuanced explanation to these issues other than just race. I don't imagine you've ever tried to find any other answer outside of racism though.
I'm sure there is a more nuanced explanation to these issues other than just race. I don't imagine you've ever tried to find any other answer outside of racism though.
There you go again.

Let me ask you. Was the Tuskegee Experient a racist experiment? It will be interesting how you are going to explain that.

Was the Tulsa massacre a racial event?
There you go again.

Let me ask you. Was the Tuskegee Experient a racist experiment? It will be interesting how you are going to explain that.

Was the Tulsa massacre a racial event?
I never said there were never racist experiments. HOWEVER, you need to exhaust all other alternative options before concluding racism. Instead, you and people on the left start with racism and never leave it despite perfectly good alternative explanations.
I never said there were never racist experiments. HOWEVER, you need to exhaust all other alternative options before concluding racism. Instead, you and people on the left start with racism and never leave it despite perfectly good alternative explanations.
Why do you need to exhaust all other alternatives first? Sometimes, the correct answer is that racism is involved. There is significant evidence that medical providers tended to downplay the symptoms of black women. There is evidence that black women often have less access to care due to a lack of medical insurance. Most of these studies are done with all kinds of controls that try to identify hidden variables.

That's.a vast generalization that people on the left always start with race or racism.
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Uncle Bni, you have said the social pathology of inner city blacks can only be solved by blacks taking responsibility for themselves, right? (correct me if not).

If so, is it the same for the obesity prevalence for black women, in your view? Or is it because of poor access to health care and insurance that ex-RDU speaks of?
Uncle Bni, you have said the social pathology of inner city blacks can only be solved by blacks taking responsibility for themselves, right? (correct me if not).

If so, is it the same for the obesity prevalence for black women, in your view? Or is it because of poor access to health care and insurance that ex-RDU speaks of?
First of all obesity is not just a black women problem. It’s a problem across the racial and ethnicities.

Prior to inception of Obamacare blacks and other poor people did not have access to health care. Nowadays not so much.
First of all obesity is not just a black women problem. It’s a problem across the racial and ethnicities.

Prior to inception of Obamacare blacks and other poor people did not have access to health care. Nowadays not so much.
It is not just a black women problem, but it is a black women problem was many negative consequences. Do you think it is something black women have to solve for themselves, like the other black pathologies you mentioned previously - such as out-of-wedlock births?
It is not just a black women problem, but it is a black women problem was many negative consequences. Do you think it is something black women have to solve for themselves, like the other black pathologies you mentioned previously - such as out-of-wedlock births?
Sure, lose the weight before it turns into diabetes. If you are an alcoholic or drug user get help. That goes for anybody.
Why do you need to exhaust all other alternatives first? Sometimes, the correct answer is that racism is involved. There is significant evidence that medical providers tended to downplay the symptoms of black women. There is evidence that black women often have less access to care due to a lack of medical insurance. Most of these studies are done with all kinds of controls that try to identify hidden variables.
First of all, just concluding that something is racist is divisive. So that reason alone is a good enough point to not just jump to racism as the answer until there is no other explanation. However, the vast majority of the time, the real answer is something other than racism. Those two reasons alone are why you look for alternatives first. So you find the CORRECT answer. Not the politically expedient one.
That's.a vast generalization that people on the left always start with race or racism.
Do you ever watch the news? ANYTHING Republicans do, is because of racism. Anything that is detrimental to minorities, is due to racism.

-minorities shooting each other
-police shootings
-policing in general
-voter I.D.
-cutting social programs
-tax cuts
-not voting for Obama
-voting for Trump
-simply wearing something MAGA
-I've even heard some call people racist for waving the American flag. THE FLAG OF OUR COUNTRY IS RACIST TO SOME LEFTISTS!!!
-wanting to exclude books from schools containing elements of CRT

So on and so fourth. Hell if a Republican farts, I'm sure someone on the left media will find a way to blame it as a racist act because it wafted in the wrong direction.

The left uses racism to such a degree to where it's damn near meaningless anymore.
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First of all obesity is not just a black women problem. It’s a problem across the racial and ethnicities.

Prior to inception of Obamacare blacks and other poor people did not have access to health care. Nowadays not so much.
Unfortunately many POC in urban areas are losing their access to public healthcare due to the influx of illegal migrants. The public healthcare systems are flooded with non-citizens Some might say that their Democrat overlords are “pushing them to the back of the bus.”

Why is it if D pols prioritize non-citizens over their black constituents it’s not racist? But if a R points it out they are, well racists?
In the thrones of the 2000s recording artist named Shaggy, "It wasn't me". Or, at least I don't remember discussing this. However, just any other health related issues comparing blacks to whites, black women dying during childbirth is higher than white women. There is an old saying in the black community. I've heard this ever since was a kid. Metaphorically, when white people catch a cold, black people get pneumonia. Black have higher rates for cancer, heart issues, strokes, diabetes, you name it.
The poorest health care is in segregated communities under complete control by Dems. Where these people live, everything is under the control of Dems. At some point you should look for root causes. You may eventually find them in a mirror.
The poorest health care is in segregated communities under complete control by Dems. Where these people live, everything is under the control of Dems. At some point you should look for root causes. You may eventually find them in a mirror.
You conveniently left out the poor folks in the poor red states like MS and AL. Not to mention Appalachia.
You conveniently left out the poor folks in the poor red states like MS and AL. Not to mention Appalachia.
As somebody who was on a pandemic response team I can tell you that WV was looked at as the leader in local health care response for Covid. Florida had one of the best and free testing system (important because of tourism). I actually participated and couldn’t believe how smooth it went. You can do a lot of things great if you are boot worried about who gets what cut like in big Democrat cities and States. Time to blow your mind.
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You conveniently left out the poor folks in the poor red states like MS and AL. Not to mention Appalachia.
Thanks to the onset of Obamacare that the repubs voted against it and wanted to repeal it that poor health care is not much of an issue anymore. Millions of Americans at least have access to healthcare now.
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Thanks to the onset of Obamacare that the repubs voted against it and wanted to repeal it that poor health care is not much of an issue anymore. Millions of Americans at least have access to healthcare now.
Having access to “health insurance” and having access to “health care” are 2 different things. And you conveniently forget how many millions LOST their health care because of the ACA. What was that , “if you like you doctor….” Remember when that Obamacare architect got caught on the hot mic? And remember how the pols exempted themselves and staffs? Kinda authoritarian wouldn’t you say?
Having access to “health insurance” and having access to “health care” are 2 different things. And you conveniently forget how many millions LOST their health care because of the ACA. What was that , “if you like you doctor….” Remember when that Obamacare architect got caught on the hot mic? And remember how the pols exempted themselves and staffs? Kinda authoritarian wouldn’t you say?
I remember it well. Got killed financially over this paying for everyone else. Paid $1200 a month for a plan with a $17000 deductible. Special thanks Obummer!
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Thanks to the onset of Obamacare that the repubs voted against it and wanted to repeal it that poor health care is not much of an issue anymore. Millions of Americans at least have access to healthcare now.
And millions of non-citizens. Have you looked at its financial well-being?

So the rates of "cancer, heart issues, strokes, diabetes" (your words) have dropped dramatically with Obamacare?
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