

Dec 19, 2015
Here are some newpaper stories/angles we can expect to come out of 8 year storage once MAGA becomes fully operational in January.

1. Bad economic news will no longer be described as "unexpected"
2. The replacement of full time jobs with part time jobs will be reported
3. The growing gap between rich and poor will suddenly become a major problem
4. High gas prices
5. The homeless...yea, remember them?
6. "Grim milestones" in our overseas adventures
7. Terrorist attacks will be described as terrorist attacks, as opposed to random attacks of violence without motive
8. The flaws of the first family
9. Government ineptitude will be reported on again, and trump will be blamed
10. Criticism of the president by foreign leaders will become front page news
11. violence in the middle east will exist again, protests in "the arab street" will matter again .
12. deficit spending will become a bad thing again
13. The national debt will become a bad thing again
14. All presidential fluff pieces on espn will be replaced with critical pieces. His sporting interests will be a mystery.
15. The word "scandal" will suddenly again be used with respect to things the president does poorly
16. The first family will cease to be shown on glowing magazine covers, particularly womens magazines
17. Executive orders will now become evil abuses of power
18. Anytime a gay person has a bad day, it will be trumps fault
19. Any problem in the black community will be front page news, and it will be trumps fault.
20. Likewise latinos. Anytime a latino is deported , front page news
21. if a barrel of oil ends up in the water, trumps fault
22. The president playing golf will suddenly become a bad thing
23. The word "lie" will be used in association with the potus again
24. We will hear much more about "freedom of information act requests" all the sudden, there will highlighted documents shown on the screen, with the reporter speaking in grave tones, with negative implications for the president, all resulting from investigative journalism
25. obstructionism will now become glorious resistance
26. Dissent will again become the highest form of patriotism
27. the fillibuster will suddenly become the most sacred tradition of us government
28. the biggest question will be "will trump overreach?"
29. trump will "have no mandate"
30. Once in office, trump will "lack political capital"

and I could go on....


31. How could i forget the classic: " what did the president know, and when did he know it!?" Investigative journalism in the NYT.
32. Impeachment will now be a solemn duty of confressional oversight
33. whistleblowers and leaks will again become the journalistic equivalent of saints and the holy gospel

34. Media bias will continue to not exist according to the media, with exception of fox news, the left will point out
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