GMM is right


But expected.

Every time there's yet another Islamic terrorist attack people like you feel its your sacred duty to defend the good name of Islam. Often, that takes the form of attacking people like me. Yeah, its obvious who you think the real threat is.

So, helping others during an Islamic terrorist attack is unique to Muslims? Wouldn't have been done by non-Muslims? Apparently that's what you think. Looks like the solution to Muslims waging jihad against the West is to import more Muslims!
Originally posted by qazplm:
I mean France imported this Muslim guy, and look what he ended up doing!
You're pathetic.

People commit terror the name of Allah, and you're cool with it. You excuse it. You make excuses FOR it.

Someone (who is Muslim) acts like a decent human being, and you pathetically use it as a club to beat over the head of a fellow poster, a fellow Purdue alum, someone you radically oppose.

I don't give a rip what you think of GMM, your hatred is to be pitied.
Ya got me

Totally cool with Islamic terrorism.

GMM a Purdue alum? Lol good grief I hope not.
Of course you might be so apparently idiots slip through sometimes
Poor GMM

So unfairly attacked...tears...shedding

Originally posted by qazplm:
Totally cool with Islamic terrorism.

GMM a Purdue alum? Lol good grief I hope not.
Of course you might be so apparently idiots slip through sometimes
So much for the mantra that liberals are the tolerant bunch. You pretty much shot that one in the @ss.
yes I'm not tolerant of idiots

particularly when they are racists and bigots...or when they tell someone they are "ok with terrorism."

So yeah, I shot that one in the rear...if it had been a horse's rear, you'd have to go to the hospital.
Re: yes I'm not tolerant of idiots

Originally posted by qazplm:
particularly when they are racists and bigots...or when they tell someone they are "ok with terrorism."

So yeah, I shot that one in the rear...if it had been a horse's rear, you'd have to go to the hospital.
You're an ass. You've made that abundantly clear. And you're only tolerant of the positions with which you agree... which is most INTOLERANT, which is what defines radical leftists like yourself.

You don't get to define racism and bigotry, and thank God for that.

And, no... if you had shot a horse's rear, it would have been self-inflicted.
Re: yes I'm not tolerant of idiots

ah the old, "nuh-uh, you are" comeback. How can I compete with that? Your rapier wit has cut me through again.
Re: yes I'm not tolerant of idiots

Originally posted by qazplm:
ah the old, "nuh-uh, you are" comeback. How can I compete with that? Your rapier wit has cut me through again.
That's all you can comprehend from that? I'm not surprised.

What, no more tolerance, love and acceptance to share?
keep up

we've established that I don't tolerate, love or accept idiots, racists and bigots.
No, I'm there.

Originally posted by qazplm:
we've established that I don't tolerate, love or accept idiots, racists and bigots.
You've already established your liberal hypocrisy. You're tolerant only of those with which you agree.

(Hint: We all got it long ago.)

All others are labeled racists, bigots, and "idiots". Those are the little people who don't share your wisdom and superiority.

I'm tolerant of a whole wide swath of folks I don't agree with, just not idiots, racists and bigots.

Gr8s not of those things. Noodle is none of those things. Both conservatives. Both people I disagree with on a ton of things, and they I. I "tolerate" them just fine. They "tolerate" me just fine.

"We" is really you, GMM, and the other actual idiots, racists and bigots on here. I'm mighty fine not being respected by you "little people." I prefer it.
No... no, we got it.

Originally posted by qazplm:
I'm tolerant of a whole wide swath of folks I don't agree with, just not idiots, racists and bigots.

Gr8s not of those things. Noodle is none of those things. Both conservatives. Both people I disagree with on a ton of things, and they I. I "tolerate" them just fine. They "tolerate" me just fine.

"We" is really you, GMM, and the other actual idiots, racists and bigots on here. I'm mighty fine not being respected by you "little people." I prefer it.
You're tolerant of those with which you agree. And, you have your "club" of people you've vetted who haven't offended you.

Anyone who offends you is a "racist, bigot, or idiot"... and among the "little people".

You're a typical liberal!
there really aren't that many "little people"

thankfully, you are part of a "small" group.
Re: nope

The irony of your statements is palpable since they make you look like one of the biggest racists and bigots on this board.

at "everyone"

I think "everyone" doesn't mean what you think it means, but I certainly understand your need to be part of "everyone."
Re: nope

lmao...for a laugh, who am I racist against again? Point me to the racist statements I've made on here.

I just want to be sure I understand your particular flavor of crazy.

I'm sure the answer is going to be "white people" but I can't wait to see how exactly.
Re: nope

The people who often allege racism and bigotry in this day and age are more likely to be racists and bigots themselves. Perhaps they are projecting their own shortcomings onto others. It's an easy crutch when they don't have a strong argument to make, or they are saying these things for their own self-interests.

Do racism and bigotry exist in the USA? Sure they do - they exist in most every nation and ethnicity. They are part of man's sinful nature. I'm not excusing them - just stating a fact. They are nowhere as prevalent as they were in the past here in the USA. A prime example is President Obama being elected twice. Can you imagine Obama being elected fifty years ago, let alone being put on the ticket?

One last thing. I take you calling me crazy as a compliment.
Re: lol

No, it's not surprising that the English language gives you issues.

Keep plugging away Sparky.

You'll get there someday.

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