GDP at 4% growth last quarter


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
Jobs over 200K+ again for fourth straight month.
Must be the reason Twitter's stock went up.
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I think this stuff is all reported year-over-year, meaning Q1 2014 has little bearing on Q2 2014.

That said, you can look back 12 months and there should be a (muted) inverse correlation. If Q1 2013 was particularly good, then Q1 2014 might tend to be bad. Sure enough, you can find that in the numbers.
Originally posted by qazplm:
Jobs over 200K+ again for fourth straight month.
Thanks obstructionists in the HOR! Without them blocking everything the POS and Senate attempted to pass the past 4 years, these figures would have never been achieved.

yeah no...they would have been achieved sooner if we had a functioning Congress.
Good point

We keep hearing the Democrats complain about how GOP obstructionism is harming the economy. Well, which is it? If they're going to brag about how good the economy is they can't complain that the GOP is blocking measures they claim will help the economy.
So, based on your post and Ibodel's post....

.....from a few weeks ago regarding Obamacare we can expect the Democrats to campaign this fall on the good economy and how well Obamacare is working.


plenty of Dems ARE running on the positives of Obamacare, and yep they'd be fools to not extoll the uptick in the economy as well.
so then

you'll stop complaining about the ACA killing the economy and jobs then, right?

Oh wait, no you won't.
Re: so then

Of course I won't because I know those ideas are bogus. So do the Democrats. Unless they start campaigning on them. Especially in swing districts. We'll see if that ever happens.
Re: so then

Originally posted by qazplm:
you'll stop complaining about the ACA killing the economy and jobs then, right?

Oh wait, no you won't.
Considering that the employer mandate still isn't effective, it's tough to make any judgment. I've never claimed the individual lines of the ACA would hurt the economy, but I still believe the employer mandate will affect hiring practices. In fact, I know that it already is in at least two instances locally of which I have personal knowledge. I doubt those are the only two...
Re: lol

Originally posted by qazplm:
yeah no...they would have been achieved sooner if we had a functioning Congress.
Maybe the economy and would've grown faster (and unemployment decreased faster) without the threat of the ACA employer mandate. I won't let you have it both ways, because you can't prove either statement as fact.

This post was edited on 7/31 4:05 PM by gr8indoorsman
what does

a functioning Congress have to do with the ACA employer mandate??

A functioning Congress can do a whole lot of things I'm pretty sure, not just dealing with the ACA.
I'm pointing out

the dichotomy of saying, well the economy is better so you can't complain about X, when folks sure as heck will complain about Y even though the economy is better.
Re: what does

You can't have "it" both ways. You can't claim "the economy would be better if the House GOP got out of the way" on one hand, but not allow "the economy and unemployment would be better without the ACA employer mandate looming over our heads" on the other. Both are equally unprovable statements.
Re: I'm pointing out

Originally posted by qazplm:
the dichotomy of saying, well the economy is better so you can't complain about X, when folks sure as heck will complain about Y even though the economy is better.
... yet you're doing the exact same thing in this thread yourself!

"The economy would be better if congress would get its act together" is equally unprovable to "the economy would be better without the ACA employer mandate." Personally, I think the economy isn't all that impacted by either one, but I do think the GOP keeping some government spending in line (even if I despise their idiotic tactics) is a good thing and I think the ACA employer mandate is/will affect(ing) hiring practices (thus the economy in a small way).

I'd say the long-term effects of the government shutdown are likely less than changing the hiring calculus for some number of companies, but that's just me and I can't prove that statement... yet.
not remotely "unprovable"

A functioning Congress absolutely would have helped. There are almost an innumerable number of ways that a functioning Congress can tweak and assist in making things better.

You are operating from the "government ruins everything it touches" bias.
I didn't say

"the economy would be better if the House GOP got out of the way"

I said "functioning Congress" i.e. a Congress that does what it's supposed to do, identify issues, find solutions, and compromise to get there.
No, I was operating under the assumption you were bagging on the GOP House. If not, then disregard.
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Re: not remotely "unprovable"

Originally posted by qazplm:
A functioning Congress absolutely would have helped. There are almost an innumerable number of ways that a functioning Congress can tweak and assist in making things better.

You are operating from the "government ruins everything it touches" bias.
I am operating from a "Democratically-led" government ruins most everything it touches bias. You do the same in reverse.