We got itHow bout another stop Boilers?
We got itHow bout another stop Boilers?
Do we own a draw play?OSU is going to continue bringing 5 or 6 and force Blough to find his receivers quickly.
At some point, they will show blitz and drop in to coverage to try to get an int. Need to get some slants and curls to slow the rush
Get a quick handoff or pop pass and get the OSU defense moving laterallyWe need to get the ball in Moore's hands during this drive
Agreed. If he just catches and goes? He has the 1st. Instead, he was waiting to get hitHopkins shouldn't have tried to sidestep. Slowed his momentum. Probably would have had a first down.
Yeah that was some acting on the DB. .Wow Zico grazed the dB with his fingertips
NopeTHAT was offensive pass interference?
The O$U DB took a dive on the offensive pass interference call on Zico. He barely touched him!